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Showing posts with label Suka dUka hiDuP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suka dUka hiDuP. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2014

WorDleSs ~suNdaY~

waaaaa semamang nya sangat lah lama tak online... malas, x de mood, bz.. (bz ke..) di pendek kan kesah dah x keje kat KL.. balik keje kat pacific balik.. konon la leave for sure hari tu kan...ekeke life is full of bitterness and sweetness.. whatever it is life must go on.. ~chill..~

Sunday, January 12, 2014

l0ng time...

It's been a long time I haven't logged on into dis page... Macam lah bz sangat kn... X de la bz pn sebenar Nye.. X bz pn... Biase2 je...
Too much things happened...

It's been about 3 months sinve I started my new job... Fun??? Enjoyable??? No comment... Too many things happened at my working place and its not something too good I guess... But its ok.. I'll just bare with it.... And take it as my life and job experience.... I'm trying my best to look at whatever happens in a positive way... Just bare with it as long as I can.. And I really do hope I'll be able to stay long with the branch... Or at least with the company itself..
Well...that's about my working life... Too stressfull to write it all down here...

And I've been hospitalized for second time... Yeay...hihi (my 1st time was about 6-7 years ago... Laen kes... Almost 2 weeks in the ward... Tp best jugak.. Sebab boleh manja2 lebih with my mum... Hehe)
Macam la happy sangat kena masuk wad kan...
Macam musim denggi je skrg ni kn... Macam banyak je kes denggi... The day I was hospitalized, the doctor said there's 10 dengue cases under herself for Assunta only..(since I was admitted there..) but Alhamdulillah... 2 hr je... Actually best kt Assunta.. Honestly...kalau bukan company cover memang x de makna Nye nak nasuk c2... Totally unaffordable to pay the bills... Huhu

So take care of yourself... N look around your surroundings... Klo agak2 demam n then feels dizzy...gatal2 kluar rashes n gatal 2 sampai x leh tido... Cautions la yer... That's my experiencxe la kn.. Actually that 2 I thought medications allergic...but then its not.. Huhu
I went to the clinic 3 Times before they asked me to go to the hospital n take the blood test... N the result is positive...
N bak kata status yati (a friend of mind..) not all positive is good...=))

Saturday, October 19, 2013

wordless~ sUndAy~

ada hikmah nya tu...
sabar lah wahai hati...

ada betul nya jugak..
maybe I'm not patience enough with myself...

dihah: SABAR...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

~leave 4 sure~

kalau sebelum ni, tinggal kan tempet keje dulu tapi datang balik keje kat tempat sama...
reason???tempat keje yang baru tu x de consideration...
tapi this time???
i'll leave the company for sure...
won't come back for the previous company anymore...

these are among my ex-colleagues....

of course happy got a new job...
pay pun nice...I mean just nice untuk sara diri n other expenses...
ad mixed feeling di situ...
happy dapat keje baru... yet sedih nak tinggal kan kawan2 kat tempat keje lama...
this is just a normal feeling...

ad lagi satu feeling yang semacam agak x seronok...
got a new job means I have to leave my parents at my hometown...
means i've disappointed my 1st brother n sist in law which they really hope that I would settle down in Kelantan n look after my parents...
ingin di perjelas kan di sini...
its not that i don't want to settle down in Kelantan...
I'd love to...
in fact I feel worry about them...
who would bring them to hospital...
to go to anywhere they wanted to go...
who would look after them if they were not feeling well...

sangat serabut...
x masuk keje pun lagi...
dah sibuk tanya bila nak balik....
pastu soalan yang memang x tau n malas nak jawab...
company 2 x de kat Kelantan ke???
kalau ad mintak la balik Kelantan...
bila boleh balik keje Kelantan???
n bla bla bla...
oh ma ma....
bagi la den masuk keje dulu...
x kan la belum ap2 dah nak tanya soalan bukan2...
sabar...ingat orang x nak balik Kelantan ke???

lagi satu soalan yang memang x leh blah...
sape nak g ambik ubat ayah lepas ni???
serious x tau nak jawab ap....
at the end... my answer is...
"kalau mcm tu orang x yah g keje lah...biar ma n ayah sara orang sampai bila2..."
camana tu???
keje pun salah...x keje pun salah...

lagi satu yang x seronok...
my 1st brother n sist in law semacam lain ever since I told them about the new job I got...
x tau camana nak explain kat diorang so that they would understand me...

dihah: stress tengok air muka ma yang semacam x ikhlas melepas kan diri ku keje jauh dari dia...
               kalau sebab dapat keje tapi relationship dengan adik beradik jadi renggang baik x yah keje camni...
          den tension la macam ni...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

al-fatihah ~Iriniah Bt Shamsay~


tergamam sebentar...
kawan masa belajar dekat kolej dulu pergi meninggal sahabat handai...
x mampu nak tahan air mata bila baca berita pemergian nya...
arwah seorang yang ceria..
terselit rasa kesal di hati...
sepanjang dia sakit baru sekali diri berpeluang melawat dia...
x di sangka itu adalah pertemuan terakhir...
pertemuan yang menitis kan air mata...
gembira dapat jumpa kawan lama dan sayu melihat diri nya yang tidak sihat...
namun sentiasa menyata kan cita2 nya bila dah sihat...
masih terbayang riak ceria di wajah nya bila di berita kan ada peluang untuk sihat dan kembali berjumpa teman2..
 arwah seorang yang kuat...
tamat lah penderitaan diri nye...

semoga roh nye di cucuri rahmat Ilahi...
semoga tenang roh nye di sana...Amin...

dihah: baru ingat nak g lawat arwah bile kat KL nanti...hari tu x sempat g mana2 pun...
           Insyaa-Allah akan ziarah kubur arwah...