If you kind of have been following this blog for a while, you may have noticed that I'm a huge supporter of the idea of joining creative communities. Being an active participant in the Etsy and Montreal community has helped me get to places that otherwise would have been a struggle to get to on my own or without advice and support of like-minded people I admire and respect. Plus the journey wouldn't have been half as fun as it has been!
Some of you also know that as part of my involvement with my local peers, I'm part of the Joailliers du dimanche collective. Les joailliers du dimanche is a network of local jewellers that support each other through advice, counsel, events and online promotion. Being part of the collective for a number of years now is one of the most rewarding things I've got to experience since I started working independently as a jewellery designer/maker.
As part of our support projects, I decided to give a couple of workshops regarding social media, specifically, Instagram. Is no secret that I freaking love Instagram and that is by far the social media channel I enjoy the most. Taking photos is part of my everyday life: I love to document the little things that inspire me and how I see the world around me. Thanks to this, it wasn't hard for me to pick up IG and love it from the start plus develop a certain understanding on how the thing works.
So, for the workshop I prepared a lot of info to share with Les joailliers du dimanche about my experience and advice on IG and I was so motivated by the response and feedback I got from the workshop that I don't want to stop there: I would love to share it with you, too!
If you want to read about my take on IG or need to learn a thing or two, from how to take great photos with your phone to how to reach a bigger audience and run a successful IG account, don't miss out the series of blog posts I'm preparing! I'll be posting them here and also in Les joailliers du dimanche website, weekly. First one goes live tomorrow so stay tuned!
Thanks so much to Les joaillers du dimanche for your interest and attending this workshops in great numbers! As always, I feel immensely satisfied of being part of such a great group of awesome creatives!
One of the two groups of joailliers attending the workshop, it was great fun!