Showing posts with label stupid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stupid. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2011

From an Email

I have a friend who related personally witnessing a negligent discharge at his church just this past Sunday. He said he was sitting in the church (either just before or during services...I forget), when he heard a very loud "bang." He said a man got up and walked out, and then he heard someone yell "call 911." He said some initially thought it was a drive-by, but it turns out that the man in question had a pistol in his waistband, which had apparently fired when he bent over. My friend said he went to where the man had been sitting, and there was a hole in the seat and in the floor. Police responded and took a report while the man was taken for medical attention.

My friend said he didn't think it was in a holster, which was my first guess as to the cause (the "Plaxico Burress carry"). The man was injured, in a life-changing if not life threatening way...he was apparently using a half-assed appendix carry (sans holster)...and shot off the end of his "equipment."
I have not been able to find any news coverage

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hmm Not!

'Lucky' hunter shot through both arms

And they were not hunting, but target shooting

I guess he was a bit lucky that his friend didn't kill him, but I'd only call it lucky if his friend had missed completely.

Also his friend needs a gun safety class, as his "Booger hook was on the bang switch" when he slipped, and he does not seem to have a clear understanding of "Safe Direction".

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Boom! Trouble ensued, with Patrick's mom getting a phone call from Public School 52 Principal Evelyn Mastroianni saying her son had somehow gone from straight A's to the NRA. A lot of very educated people belong to the NRA Evelyn. Principal is an idiot and should be put in corner.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Car with shotgun is stolen

"This is the embarrassing part - he goes into a coffee shop and leaves the vehicle running," a police source said.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ohio Officer shoots self

"Officer Dorsey was removing his firearm and holster from his belt and the gun fired and struck Officer Dorsey in his right thigh, right calf and the top of his right foot. "

Bet that smarted

His service revolver was re-issued to him Oct. 26, when he returned to work after a 40-day suspension.


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ok...That is Beyond Weird

A gun collector who introduced several weapons into sexual play with two other men contended the weapons were intended to fulfill a sexual fantasy. Instead, a lethal combination of drugs, extreme sex and Russian roulette put him on trial
Gun Trading

Sheriff's investigators said they talked to a family friend who had the child and confirmed she made the trade.

Friday, July 11, 2008

That could get you killed

Repo Man Allegedly Uses Cap Gun In Recovery
He didn't sue Ford?

"when he was shot on July 11, 2006, while driving his Ford Ranger"

He is suing Glock, Uncle Mikes, & the store that sold it to him. He should sue himself, but stupidity is not a crime. He was supposedly trained with the firearm & should have known proper firearm safety, so why was the gun left where a child had access to it? Why was the child not properly restrained in the vehicle? Why wasn't the child taught proper gun safety, (Ya know look but don't touch) This idiot is an adult that could have made a whole lot of better choices. But he made a lot of bad decisions, & now wants everyone else to pay for it. He should have added Ford Motor Company to the list for not installing bullet proof seats. It is going to be a long day
Hat tip to: David Codrea

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

You have gotta to be kidding!!

No I guess they aren't kidding, this stuff gives me a headache!
We have become the United States of Stupid!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You don't think, you know!!

"We had one of our officers accidentally shoot another one of our officers," said Interim Shelby Police Chief Jeff Ledford.
A 13-year veteran of the Shelby Police Department, Detective Todd Vickery, was struck in the thigh after Officer Randy Conner pulled the trigger of what he thought was an "air soft" training gun.
"And it turned out to be the real thing," Ledford said.

People firing guns they "thought" were unloaded, now this guy shoots another officer because he "thought" he had an air soft pistol. You weren't thinking! there buddy, because if you were thinking you would have checked & known it was an a air soft before starting the training session, we can never get beyond being anal, when it comes to firearms safety!! We never assume, we never think, & we check & we check & we double check!!
Glad it was only a thigh wound & not COM

Friday, April 18, 2008

Take a class!!

N.J. officer accidentally shoots 6-year-old son
By Troy Graham and Suzette ParmleyThe Philadelphia Inquirer
DEPTFORD, N.J. — A 6-year-old Deptford boy was shot in the face yesterday after a firearm that his police officer father was cleaning accidently discharged.

Ok let's try this Officer dumjerk:
When cleaning make sure the firearm is unloaded
Have the action locked open So you can double check that gun is unloaded
Do not have any ammunition in the cleaning area

*A 6 year olds face is not a safe direction

Friday, April 04, 2008

#1 Rule is Safe Direction, you Idiot!

Teenage Girl In SUV Hit By Stray Bullet

1. Always point it in a safe direction
2. Always keep your bogger hook off the trigger till you are ready to fire
3. Always keep the gun unloaded till ready to use
All Guns are loaded until you know they are unloaded, even then the above rules apply!

OK Cam, you were showing the gun to someone in a business, even empty you maintain safe direction, but you were what to cool? The safety rules don't apply to you Cam, you are above all that?
If you were not at the range why the hell was it loaded?
I'll tell you Cam, while I believe in the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, I really do not think it should apply to you, you are simply to stupid, to have that right anymore, you proved it yesterday.