Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cornbelly's & Aaron's 4th birthday

This girl truly is FaBOOlous! Her big personality is coming out more and more each day. She is not timid or quiet but a feisty little one. Who we love to dress up!

Yes this picture is a little blurry but they are running so fast! It also resembles a good portion of our days around here. Ava taking something she shouldn't have or that the boys had -in this case she managed to get a hold of both the boys toothbrushes. You think she would quietly hid in the bathroom or somewhere and chew away but no. She waddles out shows the boys what she has and then runs away giggling. Don't worry no one was harmed when taking this picture.

We love dressing her up! Special thanks to Aunt Pam for the dalmatian outfit!

She also loves the water and has recently discovered the dogs bowl. Needless to say the dog bowl has been moved behind closed doors!

She definitely keeps us on our toes.

October also means Cornbelly's! One of our favorite events where one day just is never enough.

The kids mining for gemstones -our favorite attraction there!

It is also where this boy loves to celebrate his birthday! After a good kick off from school to prepare him for his birthday weekend he was set to party!

Mining, Slides, Wagon rides, rock climbing, pumpkin picking, corn mazes, corn box, the options are endless.

After a fun filled day at Cornbelly's we headed home to enjoy chicken crepes for dinner. Aaron decided he didn't want a cake that year (although I did make halloween spider cupcakes for school) he wanted ice cream! So I let him get a small instead of a mini ;)

Even I got to escape this week for a witches night out at Gardner Village! 
What else could we do Sunday but continue to celebrate this boy turning 4!

It was a beautiful day and these boys came over to celebrate! I looked out the window to check on them in the backyard and they were all laying down staring at the clouds. So sweet :)

While we could probably go to Cornbelly's everyday...occasionally we take a break and hit the zoo with friends :)