Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts

Sep 4, 2007

i have been tagged by pepe.

rules: Each players of this game starts with six (6) weird things about themselves.... People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own six (6) weird things as well as state the rule clearly.... Tag another six (6) people and inform them about it....

here it goes.

1. i sleep even for just a few minutes every time i watch a movie.

2. i can eat fried chicken everyday.

3. i eat grapes dipped in fish sauce AND salt.

4. i hold my breath when going through a tunnel and make a wish at the end.

5. i don't eat siopao not unless i know who prepared it. siopao=cat's meat

6. i can skip a meal as long as i could eat junk food (cheetos puff!) and coke light.

i tag: nikki,len,karen,julai,elvie, annabs

Jul 26, 2007

meme on three things

i've been tagged by tami

Three Things That Scare Me
1. dogs.dogs.dogs.
2. snakes
3. not passing the nursing board

Three People Who Make Me Laugh
1. my cousins
2. jose of eat bulaga
3. mommy elvie of ariel

Three Things I Love
1. eating (who does not!)
2. kids (brian!brian!brian!)
3. shoppong (if i have money)

Three Things I Hate
1. undisciplined filipinos
2. being late and people i need to meet who are late
3. MRT during rush hour-->Me too, tami! hate it but i don't have a choice :(

Three Things I Don't Understand
1. why filipinos are disciplined when they are in another country.
2. why people still use the excuse "traffic" when they come in late.
3. why wendy is staring on her own show (is she GL's new lady love?)

Three Things On My Desk
1. laptop
2. pens...lotsa pens.
3. notepad

Three Things I Am Doing Right Now
1. Blogging
2. doing ops
3. watching tv

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die
2. jump off a plane
3. get married and have kids

Three Things I Can Do
1. make other people smile
2. type without looking on the keyboard
3. Stay awake for two days straight

Three Things I Can't Do
1. drive :(
2. cuddle a dog.
3. stop drinking soda.

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To
1. your parents
2. people whom you know loves you and are concerned with you.
3. God (He can talk to you in so many ways!)

Three Things You Should Never Listen To
1. other people's conversations
2. jinggoy estrada
3. jobert sucaldito (im not sure with the last name--the gay with long hair on the buzz)

Three Things I Would Like To Learn
1. drive
2. be a good nurse
3. cook

Three Favorite Foods
1. fried chicken
2. filipino style spaghetti (with lotsa hotdogs)
3. junk food

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid
1. ghostbusters on channel 9 on saturday morning
2. eat bulaga (before, now and forever)
3. uncle bob lucky 7 club

i tag: you!

Jun 30, 2007

Macy in the Spotlight

been tagged by Mackoy.

When did you start blogging? January 2004

Is this your first meme? Nope. i have done a few in the past.

What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? to have a journal of the things going on around me and in my life.

What are your feelings on the "blog popularity" issue? it's not really important to me (well, apart from it will help me earn more if a lot of people visit my blog) because i mainly keep a blog for myself. it's just a bonus that people read your entires,visit your site, get entertained with what you write and that family abroad are updated with what's new.

What's your favorite childhood memory? vacations to victorias and spending time with grandparents.

If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you want to have with you? 1) toiletries 2) coke light (i don't drink water!) and 3) matches

Are you a spiritual person? i go to church. i read my bible. i sometimes attend bible studies. i pray and make sure i have a few minutes a day that i talk to God. if that makes me a spiritual person, then i am. =)

What is the weirdest thing that ever happened to you? Nothing weird so far.

What is your best quality? patient

What is your worst quality? being too nice

now im tagging: you!

Jun 22, 2007

friday feast

Name a funny habit you have.
-when passing through a railraod track, i touch on anything blue and then make a wish.
-when passing through a tunnel, i make a wish and hold my breath. if i get to the other end without breathing, my wish comes true.

If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?

How long is your hair?
-boring loooongggg!

Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?
the girl at the mrt station who accidentally stepped on my foot.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
-microwave oven

Jun 8, 2007

friday's feast

What do you consider to be the ultimate snack food?
-chips.chips.chips. im a junk food lover.

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), about how popular is your last name?
-pretty popular. i have the same last name as cameron.

Who is your all-time favorite sitcom character, and why?
joey of friends because he is super funny.

Main Course
Do you shop online? If so, name some sites you like to browse for goodies.
i do! lately i have lately been frequenting multiply sites. lotsa goodies at very reasonable prices.

Fill in the blank: I think hillary clinton should be the next us president (this is in my opinion).