Showing posts with label Vehicles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vehicles. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Rogue Trader Walker

Right! Back to Rogue Trader! The last thing I needed for my Rogue Trader scenario was some kind of support vehicle for my Jokaero. I wanted something old school and something different from the typical kit, so I had another leaf through the Rogue Trader rule book and spotted this...

Brilliant! Now, I didn't want anything quite that large and I didn't have the bits on hand to make something like that anyway, but I did have an Imperial Guard Sentinel so I set out to make a smaller version of the vehicle.

The lower half and smoke stack bits are obviously from the Imperial Guard Sentinel. The main hull is the rear bit of a Gorka Morka era Ork Trukk kit, as is the Harpoon Launcher!

Why a harpoon launcher? I wanted a relatively low power weapon (rather than a Las Cannon, etc) and it just seemed to fit. When I found the extra spear mount for the side of the hull, I was sold! I'm not exactly sure on the stats I'm going to use, but I may just pull from Gorka Morka. It is easy enough to switch out for another weapon if I want to change it out in the future.

The vehicle weighs in around 135 points and carries a crew of two...

Full stats and the fluff on the vehicle is forthcoming when I present the final scenario (hopefully next week).