So what to paint? I have unpainted armies of Dwarves and Slann. In the end the choice was really easy...
So, yeah, that settles that! I have quite a collection of Slann with many in their original blisters. At the moment my pile of lead includes...
Hero (the only Alligator Warrior I managed to get so he is unique in the army and works perfectly)
Wizard (on a litter)
Bull Slann Riders x8
Eagle Warriors x18
Jaguar Warriors x8
Venom Tribe Warriors x11
Spawn Band Warriros x30
Slann Animal Handler w/6 War Hounds
I also have ten Human Slave Warriors, though not the oldschool sculpts. These are Wargames Foundry models from one of the ancient ranges (I forget which) that really look the part and will make a better looking unit than ten monopose minis.
So far I've managed to paint exactly ONE since I've started buying them a year ago...
Now I'll need to hold off until the challenge starts, but it will give me time to sit down and figure out some point values and make a plan. Up until now, collecting the army has been purely purchases of opportunity. I've never bothered to price out the minis points-wise or figure out magic items, etc. but I think I'm around 1300 points without standards, instruments, any 5th level unit champions (I would include these in elite units), or magic items of any kind. The range never had many models so I'll have to convert all of my standard bearers and any other characters I decide to field. Again the pace of the challenge will make this easy. Six Bull Slann Riders with Shields and a standard is 231 points (and light armor which is probably a must for such pricy troops adds another 24 points). Boom! One month done. While I'm at it, I'd paint the other two which is close to 300 points. The hero and wizard are easily another 200 points, even with modest 10th-level characters.
Off to plan the subjugation of the dry skins!