I am well pleased with the results. I have painted several hundred Space Marines over the years, but I don't remember enjoying the process more than with these. It was fun to get creative with the color schemes without feeling the need to paint nine more models just like 'em. I really wanted to paint 'THE ONE BIG ONE' on the green guy's shoulder pad, but in the end the first two words were just too small to read and the effect just ruined the chevrons so I had to paint it again - maybe I'll see about getting some decal paper and adding it later. The 'KILL' slogan wound up on the other renegade's leg because I didn't end up with a power fist on either model.
The the Rogue Trader era, lots of Imperial characters had the chance to wind up with powered armour, not just Space Marines. I imagine it wouldn't be beyond the grasp of a couple of successful mercenaries.
No idea where this is going. I just wanted to paint something different. I have lots of adventurers and pirates and these models might end up leading their own warbands of renegades, lending their armoured might to a local Arbites squad, or joining the retinue of a Rogue Trader. I will probably just paint up some models and figure out a scenario afterwards.
Right! Back to Chaos stuff...
Right! Back to Chaos stuff...