Showing posts with label DCWV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DCWV. Show all posts

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Another New Favorite Store

Yesterday I went to Austin to JoAnn's. This was my first time to visit a JoAnn's in many years and this is one of the big ones. I love, love, love that store. So much for the paper crafter. And of course, being the paper addict/hoarder that I am I bought some paper. A few single sheets and also a DCWV Ultimate Christmas Stack. After choosing those, I thought to my guilty self---"you can not leave this store with just paper LOL". Which of course I had no intention of doing. I found a few embellishments for $1.00 each and a neat item, a Button Bank, it is a cannister with sections that holds about 6 different buttons with a top that has an opening to get the buttons out. I love buttons for embellishing. The real find for me however was the Storage Solutions Craft Carts. Using my 50% off coupons, I came home with 2 of the ones that hold the iris storage boxes (included) and one that has pull out drawers in small and large. Some of these are divided to hold embellishments and the others hold paper. I have already started putting items in there. I have been using the clear 12x12 iris boxes for some time now and was in need of some more.

After we left JoAnn's, we went to Cedar Park to Archivers. This is an awesome store and anyone who is fortunate enough to have one nearby knows that. This is where the paper lover in me is in heaven. I bought several sheets, mostly Christmas themed as that is my favorite to work with. I also bought a ribbon iron and have already used it. I made sure I bought enough to get the tote bag they offered for $5.00 with a $50.00 purchase. No not really, but my bill did happen to come to over $50 so why not?

Today I am hoping to get a day in just scrapping. I am working on a project for Christmas and that day is getting here quick.