Adalie and Cason were determined to be their own in this family from the start it seems! Everything has been so different from the start of the pregnancy, to labor, and even at home habits with these two. My pregnancy was rough with Adalie only because I was throwing up all the time and I didn't gain a lot of weight either...I think I tapped out at 20 lbs gained. With Cason, I was throwing up a lot, but I was also just sick all the time with the swine flu, strep throat, and I always seemed to have a cold and cough that never went away until a week or so before delivery. When I had Adalie, I didn't feel a thing! She was a day early and I was having what I "thought" were contractions, but I was dilating so they took me right in and gave me drugs rights away and the day was wonderful. I laughed her out....literally. We all know the grand story of Cason's arrival - ouch again. Adalie couldn't breast feed because I didn't get any milk the first time and Adalie never took a binky. Wouldn't have anything to do with it. Cason is a breast magnet at the moment and loves to suck on something a lot of the it is his paci or if we take too long, his fingers. It was easier to change a little girls diaper too. I am having trouble with a little boy and he pees on me just about every time....and he is a pooping machine. I always worried because Adalie wasn't pooping.
But, they look alike to me, like their daddy....except the hair color. Well, actually I see more of me in this one but still mostly Brett. Both of them are very quiet and mellow babies. Adalie never really complained much as a baby and so far, Cason is the same. And when they do make a sound, it isn't even crying really...just little cute grunt to let you know something is up. And I usually have to listen because even then it is so soft. We hope it stays that way. Although, Adalie has grown into an expressive screamer in her toddler-hood when it comes to throwing tantrums. We mostly go on facial expressions here. They both make the funniest ones!!
One thing is definitely the same though. Brett and I are in love with both of them all over again, everyday. We have our beautiful little Princess and our Handsome little buddy. Our family seems so full....for now. Sure, more kids to come, but not for a long while and we enjoy what we have now - together.