Thursday, February 25, 2010

So Different

Adalie and Cason were determined to be their own in this family from the start it seems! Everything has been so different from the start of the pregnancy, to labor, and even at home habits with these two. My pregnancy was rough with Adalie only because I was throwing up all the time and I didn't gain a lot of weight either...I think I tapped out at 20 lbs gained. With Cason, I was throwing up a lot, but I was also just sick all the time with the swine flu, strep throat, and I always seemed to have a cold and cough that never went away until a week or so before delivery. When I had Adalie, I didn't feel a thing! She was a day early and I was having what I "thought" were contractions, but I was dilating so they took me right in and gave me drugs rights away and the day was wonderful. I laughed her out....literally. We all know the grand story of Cason's arrival - ouch again. Adalie couldn't breast feed because I didn't get any milk the first time and Adalie never took a binky. Wouldn't have anything to do with it. Cason is a breast magnet at the moment and loves to suck on something a lot of the it is his paci or if we take too long, his fingers. It was easier to change a little girls diaper too. I am having trouble with a little boy and he pees on me just about every time....and he is a pooping machine. I always worried because Adalie wasn't pooping.

Baby Adalie

Baby Cason

But, they look alike to me, like their daddy....except the hair color. Well, actually I see more of me in this one but still mostly Brett. Both of them are very quiet and mellow babies. Adalie never really complained much as a baby and so far, Cason is the same. And when they do make a sound, it isn't even crying really...just little cute grunt to let you know something is up. And I usually have to listen because even then it is so soft. We hope it stays that way. Although, Adalie has grown into an expressive screamer in her toddler-hood when it comes to throwing tantrums. We mostly go on facial expressions here. They both make the funniest ones!!

One thing is definitely the same though. Brett and I are in love with both of them all over again, everyday. We have our beautiful little Princess and our Handsome little buddy. Our family seems so full....for now. Sure, more kids to come, but not for a long while and we enjoy what we have now - together.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Coming Home

We came home on Sunday morning. The days in the hospital were long and I tried to just relax and get as much rest as I can, but I have to admit I got bored. I always felt bad when Brett would come up and there wasn't anything really to do, but I always wanted him there and was glad he was there most of the time. Brett had cleaned the house top to bottom and it was so nice to come home to no work!! Adalie was excited when we all came through the door. She hasn't quite wanted to hold him yet...she says he is too heavy.

But, she loves far. Maybe it will get old but it is cute for now. She call his "Baby Cason". She always covers him up with her blanket and puts her lamb beside him so he won't get lonely. And she seems very protective and loves to show him off. A few times she has asked me to "put him in his bouncer" so I can go and play. I don't mind at all. I don't want her to feel the least bit neglected or overlooked so I try and include her in almost everything from feeding to naps to diaper changes, etc. Plus she has gotten pretty much anything she wanted for the past few days. 1. because her watching cartoons all day lets me rest up and try and get better faster and 2. Grandma got her yesterday and has been spoiling her non stop with lots of chocolates and treats! She is loving it! Being home is great though with everyone here. I feel so incomplete without Brett and Adalie, and now Cason so it is nice to all be together again. Safe and sound at home.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Labor and Delivery

Sorry so long but I need to write it all down!!

Thursday after Brett got off work we headed down to Roy to drop Adalie off at Jennifer's house around 3:30. We left her house around 5 and headed out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse to start out our last little date together for a while and a good dinner before the induction that was supposed to happen at 7 a.m. During dinner, I started to feel some pains, but nothing to serious that I hadn't been feeling before....but they were coming every ten mins but still....didn't think much about it. After dinner, we headed back to Provo and got home about 8. We were going to go to a movie, but the pains were starting at 8 mins apart and a little stronger so we just went home because I thought I just needed to lay down and rest before the big day. Around 9 the pains were very low and every five mins and hurting worse. I still hadn't convinced myself it was the actual thing though but Brett did and decided to hop in the shower. We got in the car and headed to the hospital, around 10 and it takes about 20 mins to get there. We got into the first little room around 10:30 where they monitored and checked me. I was at a 4 and completely softened and bleeding but they still kept me in the room for an hour to see if anything would happen. The pains had moved completely into my lower back and every 3 mins. I couldn't stand it and had Brett go get them after 40 mins. I wanted and should have got them in there sooner. She came in, I was at a five. She said let me go and call the Dr and get the labor and delivery room set up for you and your epidural ready. Longest fifteen mins of my life later, she comes back to get me and I move into the room and sit right on the edge of the bed so he can start the epi. My contractions were coming so strong and so often, it took him about 25 mins to get it in. Just the catheter though with no medicine in it yet. Next thing I know, my water broke on the side of the bed, all over my nurses shoes - intense pain in my back, butt, and special place. The nurse tried to tell me I was in the middle of a really bad contraction but I told her something was coming OUT. I didn't even want to lay back onto the bed, Brett and the nurse had to practically push me back down onto the bed. The labor and delivery team was already in there, my knees were being pushed into my face and everyone was just telling me to breath and push. The anesthesiologist was putting something into the IV and telling me it takes 5 to 10 mins to actually even work. I didn't have 5 or 10 mins though. I had about 2, literally. The Dr. said the only way to get through the pain was to push. I remember screaming "I Can't!!" but was already feeling my body ripping in half and baby dropping out. Like I said before, THE absolute worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I have nothing to even compare it to. For those of you out there who have ever done it or even tried, or opt to do it naturally - I solute you!! I, however, am the biggest baby in the world. Everything hurts me, and this was definitely no exception. My epidural did start working though...after everything was over. So I did get to enjoy the hour with Cason and Brett in the delivery room before they moved me.

I can't believe he decided to come 7 hours before I might have enjoyed the experience and I am so glad my water didn't break at home or in the car!! Next time, I am asking for drugs as soon as I walk in the door or scheduling my induction at 38 wks.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ouch doesn't even cover the half ot it

Been there. Done that. Never want to do it again!! What am I talking about you ask?!?! Natural childbirth. haha. Absolute worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I felt like I was being ripped in half head to toe. As I was sitting on the edge of the bed while he was trying to put in an epidural in between my one min apart contractions, my water broke and 2 seconds later a baby was pushed out natural and free of drugs. I am serious....ouch. I do not do well with pain at all and underestimated natural childbirth. All I can say about it in the positive? At least it was fast. Anywho, I only have the minute to post. Meds are kicking in, baby just went to nursery until next feeding, and I am trying to convince my body to go to sleep. Stay tuned for a wonderful's a doozie....

Cason Brett Sorensen

Arrived 12:30 am February 19. He was six pounds nine ounces, and nineteen inches long. Little stinker couldn't wait till morning when I was supposed to be induced at seven am, instead he decided to come with a frantic dash to the hospital at 10 pm.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tomorrow Is The Day!

Well, tomorrow 7 AM we are going into the hospital for an induction. Adalie is at my sister's house.....and we already miss her so much. I am getting nervous and excited and anxious and everything all over rolled into one big ball of emotion. It doesn't really seem like we are having him tomorrow...but we really are. Wow another baby! Eeekk! Mother of two?!!? A little Boy?!?! Adalie a big sister?!!? Brett having a son?!!? It's going to be an exciting weekend everyone!! I am sure I will be bored a lot of the time in the hospital and will be able to post pictures soon!!