Friday, February 29, 2008

trying to figure things out...

So it looks like i've got a lot to learn about this blogging stuff. How do i tag other peoples blogs onto my page? any advice? i do have to admit though this seems like a lot of fun, if i can get the hang of it....I think i need to get a little familiar with it so my blogs probably won't be that interesting for a bit haha but i do have pictures....guess i can't mess that up!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My life

So, this is my life...My husband Brett and my daughter Adalie Marie

Just getting started

So, i think i have given into peer pressure....
it seems like everyone is creating their own "online journals" so to say and they're actually pretty interesting. I love reading about peoples lives and its funny how interested i am in things going on with other people besides my boring selfs so we are going to see if i am any better at this online writing then my journal writing.....(although i know i should do better at that step at a time right?) Anywho, lets get this party started shall we!!