Sorry & Happy Birthday

hi my lovely baby,
Happy Birthday to U.. smoga awak makin kurus & dipermudahkan segala urusan dunia & akhirat.. lagi snang a awak nk kaya nt.. hee sorry for last nite.. i totally ruined one year of waiting time in one nite. my deepest regret to let u alone on birthday nite.. i dunno how can i forgot the nite.. i always think that nite will be tomorrow. my silly mistake. maybe ade hikmah disebalik kejadian..
sy marahkat diri sy sendiri..sdih & rasa btul2 truk.. how stupid i am..
sy pon sdey sgt.. rs mcm i lost u for a long time..and very regretful...
if only i can turn back time just one hour for u.. sorry syg.. sy janji this wont happen again..sorry

lot of things i miss out in my life.. the only thing that caused this mess is myself
i share less thing with u.. im sorry because im very secretive..i want to learn to share with u every part of my life..

i never forget about you syg.. how can i live without u.. i never forget your birthday.. awal2 lg sy bli hadiah utk awak..

im very sorry.. i owe u 3 years of wonderful birthday nights.. how can i make u feel happiest girl ever in a nite.. please Allah show me the way..

 much love for u, luv u n always luv u


saya tahu mmg susah bila da slalu jumpa
slalu dok mkn ngn saya
slalu jln2 ngn sy
dlu time saya RA n awak dok kt umah pn sy rs cm2
mmg rs everything missing
everything is U
n i keep missing U

tp bila ada byk aktiviti kt lab
aktivit ngn mbe2 sy
tgk cita sama2 ngn mbe
klua mkn sama2
i keep myself bz
baru la rs ok sket

stiap kali tmenung sy pk psal awak
tiap kali sy tgk kt parking lot msti jd rindu btul kat awak
tp bila sy pk awak dok kt umah dok sronok mjuai
i feel happy

although i miss u much n u r not here
but when i know u r happy with family n fren
sy rs lega n happy for u too
jd terubat la sket rindu sy

be strong syg, make frens, keep urself bz working on future
one day everythin will settle down
we will claim the victory together
n stay with u forever

much love for u
luv u n always love u

hey2 baby

ni laptop nk wat hantaran x?


first date 5/10/08.. hee
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