Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

05 August 2014

Mark Sebba Gets an Epic Send Off

Mark Sebba the CEO of Net a Porter was given an epic send off after 11 years for retirement. The London staff enlisted choirs, artwork, samba dancers, drummers and more to wish him well. The celebrations were also simultaneously joined by the international offices in America and Asia. He must have been a very good boss that kept all staff happy enough to give him such an amazing send off. It pays to be the boss but it pays even more to be nice to others

20 August 2009

You’re Beautiful Woman

I had the pleasure of attending the You're Beautiful Woman event in London on Saturday 15th August 2009. I was invited to attend by the wonderful Ondo Lady. It was such a pleasure to meet one of my blogging buddies in the flesh. She is such a lovely lady.

The event was held at the Highgate Newton Community Centre. I travelled from the East Midlands to London just for the day. Got lost with my friend, though thankfully a nice lady offered to give us a lift and we reached safely. Even better it turned out a handful of my friends were in attendance.

We listened to some inspiring seminars and delighted in the many black business women and men in attendance. Fine hand crafted jewellery, bags, hats and handmade beauty products. Business opportunities and more. The food smelt delicious.

One of the seminars I attended was by Noreen Mak’Osewe called Bag Lady put your S down. She used a bag as a way to describe emotional, mental, financial and spiritual baggage. Key point for me was when she said that a bag only fulfils its purpose when it is in use. If your bag is weighing you down you must think about what it is you have put inside of it.

I will be doing some more posts of some of the stalls and entrepreneurs I had the pleasure to meet. So do look out for those. Also if you did not attend please try and attend next year. You will not be disappointed!!!

04 May 2009

A few things I want or would like

People will always tell you you need to get your priorities in life right. They will always tell you that treating yourself is not the way to go. I disagree. I believe you should enjoy life with your priorities in the right place but also to treat yourself to the things you want. Especially if it is not doing any harm to anyone else.

So anyway here a few things I would like to treat myself too.

  • My very own 4 bedroom detached house with a nice size garden. So my boys can run free when the weather is good. Getting on the ladder is beyond ridiculous. Must keep dreaming and trying.
  • A Mac book basic or pro (the silver one). I have decided that a standard laptop is not the way to go. Time to try something different.
  • Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit family entertainment that keeps you moving.
  • Disney World Florida, for my boys though as the youngest is 1yrs old this may be delayed.
  • A hard disk camcorder with 40 – 60gb internal ram
  • An external hard drive size 1TB
  • A big car SUV, 4X4, Jeep whatever they are called I want one. There are some hybrids out there so the environment should still be my friend. I think Lala Vasquez’s pink Range Rover is soooo cute.
  • My own business or two. Need more than one source of income.
  • Debt free.

Right now I am so itching to just get up and put a Wii on my plastic but is resisting. If only I could get on the property ladder. Imagine waking up one day and being told here you go. Your own house no mortgage no rent. Imagine.

There are many more stuff that I want, but these were the ones I could think of right now.

20 March 2009

Tidjane Thiam is the 1st Black FTSE 100 Boss

Whilst I was at work I had a quick browse on the BBC website. Their news is slacking a bit as I was looking for a headline event I saw on Sky News. Anyway I came across this article, which states that Tidjane Thiam is now the 1st Black person to be a boss on the FTSE 100 indexed companies.

His new position will commence in October as Prudential’s Chief Executive. He previously was employed by Aviva and was also Minister of Planning and Development.

The BBC has put together a small bio of him which can be read here. However if you want a more in depth read check out this article by The Independent Newspaper.

30 December 2008

Good bye 2008, Hello 2009


Not sure what to make of 2008 really. I began the year with a new born son. Well he was born end of 2007 but was due 2008. He has grown to be such a blessed addition to my family and I can see him and his older brother being so close as they grow.

I have seen certain friendships blossom. You guys know who you are. I just wanted to say that I am thankful and appreciate everything you have done for me. I truly believe God introduces people to each other for a reason.

As for other friendships. What can I say. I am glad to see the back of you and you to see the back of me. I had one friend accuse me of chatting her and wouldn't give me any info. No information as to who said what or what was said. Obviously the years we had known each other did not mean enough to her to discuss and resolve if need be. There are other friends too. I can only try to call you for so long. I have taken the hint. You do not wish to know me anymore. That's fine. If you do wish to keep in touch text me, call or send an email. I will not hold my breath.

Haters. Yes I have those. Not going to indulge their ego here. Just carry on hating. You have the time on your hands to do so. Keep watching me. Anything you feel you need to or would like to say to me. Come talk to me when you see me in the flesh or are you too scared to do that.

I wrote and read a poem at church for the Christmas carol service. I talk about it in my other blog. After the event I was asked a lot about my poems and why I no longer write. Which got me thinking I do really need to get back into my groove.

Part of the problem is that I have not concentrated on my happiness and interests as much as I should. I do believe my marriage plays a part too. But change is on the horizon in all aspects of my life.

I am thankful for what I have and that 2008 is ending with me re-igniting my ambitions. God has been trying to tell me something. I am starting to hear you Lord.

2009 begins with my birthday. Then it is all about trying to set up my own business. Yes for that financial freedom, but also that my sons will grow up seeing me achieve great things. It will fill them with ambition seeing. I might even write a book. Just know that I intend to live the life I want and ensure my children are happy.

I am not setting any new years resolutions. The only thing I will be sure to concentrate on besides the above is my health. Need to take this eating and living healthy to whole new level. It is not about various levels of commitment. Got to do a complete overhaul. Mind Body and Soul!!!!

Blessings to you all for 2009.

20 November 2008

Focus on me and what I want

You know my life has been full of people telling me what they feel is right for me. Yet my opinion is not right for them. I give up sometimes. It just goes in one ear and out of the other. Especially if you are nagging me. You have your opinions and so do I.

Some friends have turned their back on brothers and are telling me the materialistic reasons why doing so is so good. Me being me, I am like "there are good decent brothers out there". So you know just because you have gone for the rough please do not swipe all of them with the same brush. I have two sons to bring up and backside I am not going to allow anyone to pre-determine who they are by the colour of their skin. You love who you love and that all there is to it.

Rant over. I might write a thought provoking piece on that but will see. Anyway I have been thinking about what I like to do and need to do. So firstly I need to do a course and complete it. I need to get healthy and start listing what I eat. I am kind of addicted to the dummies series of books. I have 'Nutrition for Dummies'. I believe if I start reading it again I can educate my mind into making healthier choices. My friend loss loads of weight and she agreed with me. I may not eat loads I just choose quick fixes.

Also I have now decided to seriously setting up my own business. I doing my research at the moment. To fit in with my life it would be an online business venture. I am also going to try and add pictures of my makeup looks on this blog. I buy so much I might as well share. Oh by the way. I went to christening and bought 3 Barry M dazzle eye shadow dust. It was on offer in Superdrugs 3 for £9.99. The colours just matched my dresses accent so much. I just love eye shadow. Purple is now my second favourite eye shadow colour after green. Gold is third.

I am done with negative people. I already know what is wrong in my life, what situations are not good for me. People just need to understand I am the only one living my life and only I can do me. I am working on the inner me, the spiritual me. I am just going to make sure that I take care of me really.

PS - My addictions seem to be eye shadow and books. Trying to cut down on those. Lip glosses are soon to be added to that list but I have more restraint. I was so tempted today to buy L'oreal lip gloss that was just so pink and sparkly it was calling my name. I put it back on the shelf and went and got the Pampers I went in the shop for in the first place.

15 July 2008

Reggae Reggae sauce oh yeah

I often watch reality TV and Dragon's Den is no exception. Of course not all reality TV programming is worth viewing. Anyway so I was watching Dragon's Den and up the stairs comes Levi Roots dressed in a suit playing a guitar and singing the theme tune to his sauce. I was in awe. A black business man staying true to his self. Of course there are many Jerk sauces on the market from Grace, Enco, Walkers Wood etc but Reggae Reggae sauce is different.

Levi presented the Den with samplings of his sauce and how it can be eaten which they all enjoyed. He was looking for £50,000 in exchange for 20% of his business. Bwoy did he sweat some when the Dragons dismantled his figures with question after question. He held his own and in the end he got what he want however gave away 40% of the business to two Dragons.

Sainsbury's had the initial exclusive rights to the sauce and began selling in March 2007. Sales were predicted to be around 50,000 for the 1st year. Triple that amount was sold in the first day alone. I am on my 3rd bottle. The sauce has a kick that settles itself after the second or third bite. My husband has called me many times to but the sauce for his friends. He remixed it with a bit of honey to make chicken wings. Yummy!

There is now a recipe cook book and 3 different sauces available to buy in most of the major supermarket chains in the UK. The original Reggae Reggae sauce, Love Apple Ketchup and Fiery Guava Dipping sauce. I have yet to try the new sauces as yet so cannot compare. If you have tried them I would love to know what they are like.

Subway currently are doing a limited edition Reggae Reggae sauce subway. If I am out and about tomorrow, I will see if any of the many subways near me are selling it. I wonder what it will taste like alongside south west sauce...mmm maybe not a good idea to mix. I guess they are doing it as its Carnival Season and London's Notting Hill Carnival is not far away.

Read more about Levi Roots' music and sauces on the Reggae Reggae website. Have you tried some, how was it for you. If not the price will not hurt your pockets as it sells in most supermarkets for about £1.50 to £1.99.