Showing posts with label Lushlobes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lushlobes. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 July 2010


Back in the day - before designs were Lush, we used to make "jewellery".

We were called Lushlobes, but this one's for your Lush lapel.
See the fish, the cross, both holy symbols of Jesu.
On the other hand it could equally be worn by piscean heathens who devote themselves to the much maligned science of astrology. Obviously they'd have to have a bloody big velvet cloak though because if I remember rightly it was about five inches across.

Sunday, 23 May 2010


What in God's name is this selection of outlandish objects????!!!!

You may be interested to know that we Lush Designers have had many incarnations. Why, for a great many years in the 1980s we made costume jewellery. In them far off days we were called LUSHLOBES. When we stopped making earrings we changed it to Lush Designs.

Some of you may note with interest that a certain soapy bath-bomb company chose a rather similar name. Not many people get us mixed up though.

Anyway; thanks to lovely Jackie Elliman who has been a customer for all these years and sent us this photo of her ancient Lushlobe artifacts.