sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2013
Autor do livro CASUALS dá entrevista à fanzine T.A.L.
quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011
Entrevista à banda HARD SKIN (Millwall, Oi!, Vida suburbana, etc...) pela Scanner Zine.

Coming outta 'Sarf London'!
«..I’m guessing you fellas are Millwall fans too? WHY Millwall? They’ll never win anything!! Why not go for a REAL London football team, like Chelsea or Arsenal - West Ham even, that’s who the REJECTS supported? Besides, when Millwall played at my old home town of Ipswich, most of the Millwall fans were seen drinking Gin and Tonic in the trendy bars and arriving at the ground with daffodils sticking outta the back of their jeans, just like Morrissey used to do! What gives there?
..Fat Bob) Millwall are our local team. It's 10 minutes on the train from our manor and they are a team with tradition, pride and a great football team. Chelsea are money mad cunts and their fans are upper class twats who've only supported them for 3 years, Arsenal are the French national team in disguise - no thanks and West Ham need a fucking hammer to their head. As for your lies about the Millwall supporters - that ain't the troof because Ipswich Town Centre was empty that day cause of fear of the Lions.
..Johnny Takeaway) What gives is you are an ill informed PONCE. You don't pick yer team yer team picks you. The Lions will win something, someday - mark my words. Ipswich are shit and only won the FA cup in 78 cos the ref was going out with Paul "the sailor" Mariner.
..Do you not think that Oi! is becoming a rather antiquated and stale mode of Punk Rock expression? The whole Skinhead movement, besides the SHARP Skins, has such close ties with neo-Nazis and the National Front that it can often alienate many who may appreciate what the better bands are doing and saying. What are your views on that statement?
..Fat Bob) Oi! has been stale for years but us, LYNARD SKINHEAD, THE DOWN AND OUTS and OI DIVISION are here to save the movement. It's about tunes, it's about black and white uniting, it's about beer and having a say and a laugh and it's about dressing well and it's about being political and it's about standing your ground and telling people the truth. The NF and BNP and the rest of those wankers can go and fuck themselves.
..Johnny Takeaway) Who are the better bands – HARD SKIN, that's who - we have no ties at all with those neo-nazi nobends and if people can't work that out for themselves then they are thick as dogshit. I know that a lot of skins say they're not political either. Sometimes that means lazily avoiding the issue that the far right is something that needs to be confronted and prevented from ever rising again. Fucking obvious.»
sábado, 16 de julho de 2011
sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011
Entrevista à Brigada 1874, pelos Rebel Ultras - Mtz Ripo)

Hi, please introduce yourself and your position in your group
Hello mate, I'm one of the original members of Brigada 1874 and one of the 'core' who helps out in the painting of the banner, making two sticks, flags etc.
Tell us a bit of the history of your group? And tell what is now?
The group is still very young and small, we formed the group in August 2010, after agreeing that the support at Villa Park just wasn't what it used to be, a lot of us have friends from other ultra groups and have experienced games with ultra groups before we formed the group. We wanted to make noise, bring colour back to the stadium but we didn't just want to be a supporters group we wanted to be much more then that and that is why we formed an ultra group. We know how strong the unity of a ultra group is and you seem to go from a bunch of lads going to a footie game to a union, family, brigade (brigada) going to a football game. Like I said we are still small but since we started we’ve been growing and we’ve found some great members who have a big interest in the ultra scene and share a devotion to the club. We have also found that a lot of Villa fans do want a change and having seen the likes of Rapid Vienna and Ajax group come to Villa Park want to see Villa Park return to the caldron that it once was.
Now tell me more about you city. He, like all cities of England deserves special mention.
Birmingham is a great city, it’s the second city of England and one of the most multicultural cities you’ll find in the country. If you go to the city centre it proves my point completely seeing people from all ethnicities and backgrounds. Birmingham has also given birth to many well known bands and artists in particular famous Ska/Reggae bands such as UB40, Steel pulse and The Beat. Also can't forget Rock legends, Led Zeppelin and Ozzy Osbourne! More recently we’ve seen bands such as Ocean Colour Scene, The Twang and The Streets all coming from this great city. Sadly the area has been hit hard by successive government cuts and the outsourcing of industry abroad, while Birmingham was once the manufacturing hub of the country the vast majority of the cities factories have now closed down, most notably we’ve lost the HP factory and Rover which hit the area hard.
What’s the relationship between Brigada 1874 and other Villa Fans and hooligans (like villa hardcore)?
We don’t have any connections with any hooligan groups at Villa. Because the culture in England has traditionally been geared towards the casual/hooligan scene some people think that being an ultra is the same thing. We’re beginning to change some peoples perspective of what being an ultra means and how there is differences, but this will take time.
Who is your biggest enemies, and who is your friends?
Our biggest enemies are Small Heath Alliance (Small Heath Alliance) you may have seen the scenes last season when we played them at their ground? At the final whistle the blues fans ran on the pitch and postured towards the Villa fans, they choose to stop at the line of police and instead got involved in a game of flare tennis. This went on for a while until the inbreds threw it at their own fans! It’s tradiotnal that The Sty (St Andrews) gets redecorated each time we play them,, this year even saw the club install portaloos for 3 months of the season, choosing not to replace the permanent ones until we’d played there in the league!
We have no friends, some lads have personal friendships with people from other groups but we have no official links with any other groups or teams.
The top league is very competitive and every game would be seen as a rivalry but the ones that stand out the most are Wolves, West Brom but mainly Small Heath they're are biggest rivals. We have no friendships with other fans in Britain.
What’s your group political view?
We are an Anti-Fascist, anti-racist and a non-sectarian group. We believe that people should be united in their support for Aston Villa so anyone who promotes division based upon ethnicity, religion or nationality will obviously not be tolerated in the group.
What’s your opinion about violence?
We are a non violent group, which means we won't go looking for trouble but like any group of friends if we saw a comrade getting a bit of trouble we would help.
Can you tell something about the English ultras scene?
The English ultra scene is still a small one but it’s growing. Some clubs have groups of supporters who claim to be ultras but aren't, for example a group at a lower division club in England agreed with the clubs stewards that they shuld remain seated throughout the game! While there are many phoneys who claim to be ultras there are also some inspiring groups who’ve really pushed things forward in England, Crystal palace's Holmesdale Fanatics have a good set-up and mentality and have put on quite a few cracking displays there are also smaller groups like ourselves who seem to be going the right way such as Fosse Boys at Leicester City.
What are your future plans?
We hope to grow and gain some new members who can contribute to the group, but we would rather have 30 members with the right mentality, ethos and principles etc. then 200 members with none of the above. We hope to get any doubters on board and hopefully put on a few good displays on next season. However we'll be taking things a step at a time and at the moment we look forward for a few pre season trips and a section for next season!
Fuck modern football and small heath alliance! Up the Villa! Brigada 1874.
Read more: http://brigada1874ultras.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=news&thread=11&page=5#ixzz1OAW3gUdo
sábado, 9 de abril de 2011
Komando Sanlucar entrevista Biris Kupula.

«- ¿ Cúando se forma Biris Kupula y cuantos miembros la componen ?
- Biris Kupula se forma en la temporada 2002-2003, por gente que ya llevábamos bastantes años metidos en esto, y que siempre acudíamos a gol norte como colegas, pero no como sección oficial del grupo. Estamos sobre los 20 tios, siendo mas o menos la mitad, los mas activos.
- ¿ Como veis actualmente la situacion de Biris Norte ?
- Creo que podemos afirmar que el grupo se encuentra en el mejor momento de su historia, con mucha fuerza en la calle, con una grada que nada tiene que envidiar a cualquier otra del estado, y presentes en cualquier estadio, tanto si es esperada su presencia, como si no. Lo mas importante es estar cerca del SFC, y no esconderse nunca, y en eso, el grupo está mas fuerte que nunca, siendo la clave de todo esto la camaradería y el concepto de familia que se ha instalado en gol norte, siendo colegas mas que compañeros. Es un orgullo ver como gente que puede llevar en esto mas de 20 años trata a chavales que entran nuevos como si fueran colegas de toda la vida, sin mirar por encima del hombro. El tema tifos es el que en los últimos 2-3 años estamos peor......cosa que, a pesar de ser en contra de nuestra voluntad, me consta que se trabaja para intentar revertir la situación lo antes posible.
- Desde que el Sevilla juega competición Europea ...¿ Qué grupo os ha impresionado mas tanto en calle como en grada ?
- Esto te lo contesto yo por mi impresión personal, porque seguro que alguno discrepa un poco: en mi modesta opinión, los que me han impresionado mas, son los del dortmund. Luego también otros grupos me han producido grata impresión como los rusos del Zenit o los ingleses del Tottenham. También me he llevado sorpresas en lado negativo, con decepciones como los rusos del CSKA, o los Super Dragoes del FC Porto. Pero ya te digo que es mi impresión personal por lo vivido aquí en Sevilla.
- ¿ Cómo veís el panorama ultra nacional , tanto en primera como en segunda división?
- Ufffffff.... difícil pregunta para contestar sin caer el los tópicos. La mas que manida palabra represión es cierto que ha hecho mucho daño, y que sigue haciéndolo, al igual que el tema de los horarios, el precio de las entradas, etc...pero en mi opinión, creo que somos nosotros, los ultras, los que nos estamos cargando esto, y los que en muchísimas ocasiones le damos "razones" para que nos machaquen como nos machacan. el agredir a peñistas, el uso de cuchillos, el excesivo uso de armas, etc.....no nos hacen ningún favor, no ganamos nada, y lo único que sirve es para que el policia o el ministro de turno salga en la tele justificando las agresiones y las multas que sufrimos a diario. Hasta que no seamos conscientes de todo esto, lo tenemos bien jodido. Aún así, hay grupos que resisten a todo esto, y otros que últimamente están creciendo mucho. Y como no, también los hay que se escudan en eso para justificar que su grupo es una puta mierda, y que por eso no tifan, ni viajan, ni animan...... De esos, los hay a porrones....
-¿ Cuál es la opinión de vuestra seccion de la política en las gradas?
Somos políticos. Nuestra sección tiene un marcado carácter antifascista, antirracista y andalucista, y no nos cortamos en ese sentido. Eso sí, respetamos las amistades/enemistades históricas del grupo y del club, y no las traicionamos por temas políticos. En ese sentido, no nos marca con quien nos tenemos que llevar bien, y con quien nos tenemos que llevar mal. Evidentemente, si nos visita un grupo fascista, la decisión está clara, pero en el caso que la visita sea de un grupo antifa, no los vamos a invitar a birras solo por el hecho de compartir pensamiento, sino que en principio, los trataremos con la indiferencia propia que se merece alguien al que no conoces.
- Aparte de animación y de estar presente en la calle .. ¿ Realizais alguna otra función en el grupo ?.
Somos los encargados de llevar la animación en gol norte, en sintonía con el speaker y los bombos, los cuales, también son responsabilidad nuestra, aparte de colaboraciones en cualquier aspecto del grupo en el que se nos requiera.
-¿ Cuál es el mejor momento que recordaís tanto de Sevillistas como de miembros de Biris ?
Pues esa es un pregunta un poco personal, puesto que cada uno tendrá en su memoria un momento distinto. evidentemente, las semifinales y finales disputadas, los titulos ganados, las celebraciones, etc...lo tenemos todos presentes, y son momentos inolvidables. ya, cada cual, tendrá momentos que para él se quedan.
-Bueno desde el Komando Sanlúcar os deseamos que sigaís así y que aparezcais ya por Sanlúcar que esta es vuestra casa .
- Muchas gracias por darnos este pequeño espacio en vuestro blog, y sobre todo, por portaros como se portais con nosotros cada vez que os visitamos. Y por supuesto, que vosotros también sigais así, y que aquí también teneis vuestra casa para cuando querais. SALUD HERMANOS!! LARGA VIDA AL KOMANDO SANLUKAR!! »
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011
Retrospectiva: Entrevista do blog Blue Brothers a um membro dos Biris.

«O que conhecemos hoje como Biris Norte teve origem na Peña Biri-Biri, que foi fundada oficialmente em 1975 (embora a 13 outubro 1974 num jogo em Cádiz, e vimos uma bandeira com o nome biris), em honra de um jogador de nacionalidade gambiana do Sevilla Fc, Alhaji Momodo Njile alias Biri Biri.»
Entrevista do blog Blue Brothers a um Casual dos Biris Norte:
PODEM LÊ-LA AQUI http://bluebrothers1984.blogspot.com/2009/01/entrevista-com-um-casual-dos-biris.html
quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010
Entrevista a Paul Heaton (The Housemartins + The Beautiful South) pela TALfanzine.

Excelente entrevista a Paul Heaton (ex-The Housemartins + The Beautiful South e ex-membro da Blades Business Crew) pela TALfanzine, onde aborda temas como Política, Cultura, e o seu Clube: o Sheffield United..
«TAL: As a Marxist and anti-fascist, what do you
think is the best way to tackle the rise of
fascism and the BNP in Britland?
PAUL: Firstly argument, secondly the
bombing of the press and other medias,
thirdly direct physical action.
TAL: Following on from what you were saying
about tackling anti-fascism… What are
your opinions on the UAF and how they
are tackling the situation with the 'EDL' -
right approach, or wrong approach?
PAUL: I would only repeat firstly the
argument to them how many Muslims
do you actually know? The answer is
always none. How many radical Muslims do you know? The answer is always none. Does your suspicion of the
community of Islam arise from any first
hand experience? The answer is always No. Finally, does your impression
of Islam come from anything other
than the paper you read and the television station you watch? These people
in the EDL are not the people who
speak to Muslims they are not the people who socialise with Muslims they
are the people who know the least, so
why are these people the know alls of
the Muslim community? Because
they’re fed on the same swill that fed
the English masses in the 70's and 80's
about the Irish. (...)»
sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010
Entrevista com os editores da Red Attitude do Man.Utd feita pela Fighting Talk (em inglês).

Entrevista já antiga feita pela zine Fighting Talk, da AFA.
Fighting Talk interviews Red Attitude, from FT 16
Q: What was the original idea behind Red Attitude?
A: The original idea to start an overtly anti-fascist fanzine was based on the sound history of anti fascism in Manchester and the success in keeping United fascist free over the years. Initiatives such as Reds against the Nazis in the early eighties broke new ground in opposing fascism at football. The actual decislon to go down the fanzine road was influenced by the success of Celtic Fans Against Fascism and the launch of TAL.
Q. How successful do you think it was in achieving its original objectives?
A. The original objective in any project like this is to secure first base or occupy the territory in which you want to operate. In this respect the fanzine was a major success, however for some people involved at the time, this was their only objective and once achieved there was no ambition to develop the project.
Q. The national press coverage gained from Red Attitude's support for Cantona over the Matthew Simmons attack at Palace gave AFA a high profile. When the Palace fan died at Walsall, Red Attitude remained very quiet. Was this a mistake?
A. In a nutshell yes. The editorial board ducked the issue after the Walsall incident. This caused a great deal of concern, especially in light of the position taken over the Cantona incident. During exchanges of letters on the matter between the editor at the time and United anti-fascists who challenged the editorial board, the editor played down the Walsall Incident, claiming it was non-political and unconnected to the Cantona incident. Basically the people who were running Red Attitude felt they had established themselves off the back of the Cantona issue and they weren't prepared to risk their own credibility or perceived status on defending United fans who were facing serious charges. Needless to say these people have been taken to task and not been reelected.
Q. Since issue 10, Red Attitude has been produced by a new editorial team. Apart from the spectacular new design and layout, what other changes are we likely to see?
A. Whilst there have been changes on the editorial team, much progress has been made by involving and bringing together all the peripheral elements that were involved in the fanzine, along with a number of people who wanted to get involved. This has allowed Red Attitude to develop in a number of areas simultaneously. Red Attitude operates an open door policy for involving United fans and anti-fascists in the work of the fanzine.
Q. Previously Red Attitude was guilty of indulging in slagging off other supporters in a negative way. Now the targets for abuse seem to have been more carefully chosen, like Gasgoine's wife beating. Is this a policy change, and how important do you think the question of slagging other teams is?
A. Slagging off other teams and their fans is part and parcel of the fanzine scene. Many fanzines overcome a lack of informed comment and objective analysis with a vitriolic attack on their nearest and dearest rivals! However if your initial brief is to set up with a distinct political edge to your work, then merely replicating the material available elsewhere is at best unimaginative and at worst could be described as pandering to the prejudices of supporters. There are real issues for fanzines to be tackling on behalf of their own supporters and sometimes it is easier to defer to historical rivalries and antagonisms rather than confront these issues. This is especially relevant to Red Attitude as we have political issues to address as well as football issues.
Q. What do you think of the other United fanzine's and how much competition is there?
A. United fans have Red Issue, United We Stand,and Red News to choose from apart from Red Attitude. Again you pays your money and you takes your choice. People know what we're about and we have a steady uptake in sales.
Q. Do the other fanzines ever carry articles about fascism, and what are they like?
Certainly not in the way that Red Attitude would raise these issues. I believe that United's fanzines are pointed in the right direction although politics can prove to be a bit of a minefield for people who in the main are involved in fanzines for football related reasons.
Q. Given the references to Man Utd's "left wing rabble" in C18 magazines, presumably they take the threat of AFA seriously?
A. I should say so! C18 and the BNP have struggled to get a foothold in Manchester. A few years ago the BNP set up a Manchester branch, and within weeks of going public the branch was put out of commission. Their organiser met AFA on a number of occasions to help with arrangements for his retirement from active right wing politics. It's fair to say that the advent of a BNP branch in Manchester prompted much behind the scenes activity from AFA, not just in combatting the activities of the BNP, but also the disreputable activities of Searchlight and its assets, whose role in the affair was at best 'unhelpful'.
Q. Red Attitude is produced by and promotes Man Utd. anti fascists. Can you explain how this group was formed, what it has achieved, and where you see it going in the future?
A. Man United anti-fascists is an umbrella grouping for United fans and anti-fascists whose main activity is to produce, sell and promote the fanzlne. Given the wide geographical base from which United draw their support. this too is reflected in the support for the fanzine, with regular contributors from all over Britain, Europe and also from a current member of the editorial board who is living it up at Her Majesty's expense! (Only joking Eric). It is hoped to build on this by setting up regional support groups in Manchester, London, and possibly Dublin for next season.
Q. In its first two seasons, RedAttitude made a number of international links, how do you see this developing?
A. Red Attitude has continued to consolidate its links with supporters groups throughout Europe.This year we aim to launch a European wide initiative during the 1997 European anti-racism year.
Q. Should there be an organised international network of antifascist football supporters
A. It can certainly do no harm, and given that progressive elements at many clubs are already in touch with each other, then a 'European super league' shouldn't be too far away. Sooner rather than later if Red Attitude has anything to do with it.
Q. What is Red Attitude's analysis of the lan Wright and Peter Schmeichel 'race row' and why has there been no pubic comment from RedAttitude in the media?
A. Red Attitude did an article in issue 11 entitled 'Great Dane of a Row' after the first altercation back in November 1996. In it we highlighted that Peter Schmeichel denied the allegations and stated that he is not a racist. Ian Wright has consistently refused to make any allegations as he did not hear any racist abuse. The FA and the Press were cauoht investigating a complaint that hadn't been made. The FA were looking for a high profile trial by TV case where they could come aiong and go through the motions on the politically correct anti-racist angle.and come out of it smelling of roses in the European anti-racist year. That they had no track record on positive anti-racist and anti-fascist work and their subsequent handling of this case bears out their lack of principle and integrity in this area. Prior to the second incident, the FA refused to allow the P.F.A (the players union) to mediate between two of its own members. Following the second Incident, the FA has threatened the players with more charges and subsequently offered to drop the charges if they end their dispute. Peter Schmeichel has responded by telling the FA that he is considering legal action to clear his name. The dispute between Wright and Schmeichel is a personal one emanating from events during a football match. This dispute can be ended with a handshake between the players in their own good time. The FA, having introduced and promoted the race row element for their own ends are looking for a sharp exit for themselves. Because lan Wright has refused to play the accusing victim and Peter Schmeichel denies being the racist, the FA have been found out. It is they and not the players who should be facing charges of bringing the game into disrepute.
The lack of public comment from Red Attitude on this issue is not for the want of trying. After the second incident in February at Highbury, Red Attitude put out a press statement and faxed it to the Press, TV and radio stations. Perhaps the contents were too near the truth tor comtort. Judge for yourself, here's the last two paragraphs.
Recently the debate on racism in this country was focussed on the events surrounding the murder of Stephen Lawrence. People were having to confront and digest the appalling reality of racist violence and murder, coupled with the inherently racist response of the police to a young black man Iying in the street, dying from stab wounds, and compounded by the institutionalised racism and antagonism of the judiciary, which allowed the killers to walk away scott free. It is at the expense of the issues raised in the Stephen Lawrence murder, including the exclusion of identification and eye witness evidence), that we now suffer the pantomime of the FA paying lip service to anti-racism by inviting the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service to investigate Peter Schmeichel over an incident for which there is no victim, no witnesses nor any complaint yet been made.
There will be many who will be pleased at this apparent shift in emphasis in the debate over racism in Britain, not least the promoters of racial intolerance. Racist murderers, racist police and racist judges have quietly walked away whilst Peter Schmeichel stands accused in their place, and lan Wright takes on the role of the victim in place of the murdered Stephen Lawrence. Is this what kicking racism out of football means?"
quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010
Mini-entrevista recente a Mao dos Garotos Podres e vídeo antigo.
«Os que moram
Do outro lado do muro
Nunca vão saber
O que se passa no subúrbio
Eles te consideram
Um plebeu repugnante
Eles te chamam
De garoto podre
Garoto podre
Garoto podre
Se está desempregado
Te chamam de vagabundo
Se fizer greve, te chama de subversivo
Te chamam de subversivo
Mas se arrumar emprego
Não lhe dão dignidade
Apesar do sujo macacão
E do rosto suado, e do rosto suado
Garoto podre
Garoto podre
Não há nenhum Deus
Que nos perdoe
Não temos destino
para nós não há futuro, para nós não há futuro
Vivendo acossados
Pelos batalhões
Proletários escravizados
Destinos abordados, destinos abordados»
terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2009
O Manchester United morreu! Viva o Fc United de Manchester! Depois da nova economia política do futebol. Entrevista a Adam Brown.

Como sugestão de leitura interessante aqui fica uma entrevista da autoria de 3 portugueses a Adam Brown, um dos principais dinamizadores do Fc United de Manchester.
Já é relativamente antiga (2006), mas de modo algum datada.
É uma exposição acerca do que motivou o nascimento deste clube e as suas peripécias na implantação, e que nos leva até aos meandros da Alta-Finança no Futebol Moderno, ajudando-nos também a compreender as Ligas inferiores inglesas, onde o clube navega.
O Wimbledon é uma das suas inspirações como clube "renascido" pela base adepta..
«Adam Brown tem 39 anos, é professor no Instituto de Cultura Popular de Manchester (Manchester Metropolitan University) e é especialista no estudo de temas da cultura popular, nomeadamente o fenómeno desportivo. Publicou vários trabalhos sobre futebol e coordenou o livro Fanatics! Power, identity and fandom in football, London: Routledge, 1998. Prepara-se para publicar, com Tim Crabbe e Gavin Mellor, Football and its Communities, London: Routledge. Actualmente, em simultâneo com a sua actividade académica, é um dos principais dinamizadores do FC United de Manchester, clube formado por adeptos do Manchester United depois deste ter passado para as mãos do investidor Malcom Glazzer. O FC United de Manchester foi criado em oposição aos modelos de gestão que vão imperando no contexto do futebol inglês. Apresentando-se como uma alternativa, o clube pretende impor formas democráticas na relação entre o clube, os seus adeptos e associados e a comunidade local (www.fc-utd.co.uk). Na entrevista que se segue, Adam Brown fala-nos sobre as transformações que afectaram o futebol inglês nas últimas décadas, referindo-se em especial ao caso do Manchester United, relatando o processo que esteve na base da criação do FC United de Manchester, descrevendo o seu modelo e apresentando as razões por que considera este projecto um exemplo a seguir no mundo do futebol(...) »
SiGAM O LiNK PARA A ENTREViSTA: http://www.efdeportes.com/efd101/manchest.htm
domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009
Casual Scene entrevista blog LP16.

O madrileno blog Casual Scene entrevista o blog LP16, que poderão ler AQUI:
terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2009
Entrevista: "LP16" responde a perguntas "Blue Brothers"...

O sempre activo blog Blue Brother realizou uma entrevista ao Low Profiler 16 que poderão aceder e ler a partir daqui.
quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009
Al Barry & The Cimarons - Morning Sun
Pure Boss Reggae Str8 Outta Streets!!!!!!!!!!!
Danny Brown Aston Villains - Entrevista do blog "Low Profiler 16"

O livro «ViLLAiNS» relata a vivência de Danny Brown aka Black Danny enquanto frontman da C-CREW, a famosa firma do Aston Villa, já extinta.
É de leitura aconselhada, segundo diversas fontes.
Entretanto Black Danny deu uma pequena entrevista exclusiva ao LP16, para os leitores portugueses.
Espero que a entrevista seja do vosso agrado.
Para mais infos chekem o site http://www.blackdanny.co.uk
1- Qual foi o embrião que deu origem à formação da C-CREW? Eram todos originários dos mesmos subúrbios operários de Birmingham?
A C-CREW era um grupo multi-racial que agrupou jovens de todas as cores, credos e classes, de diferentes áreas de Birmingham, unidos sob uma bandeira.
2-Primeiro a C-CREW, depois ViLLA YOUTH. Quando e Porquê? Consegues definir o início e o fim da tua actividade na firma?
Aston Villa C-CREW era o primeiro grupo/firm multi-racial de Inglaterra. Isto era durante o final dos anos 70, na época 2 Tone e através dos anos 80, quando o hooliganismo estava no seu auge. Nós confrontámo-nos com as mais violentas "mobs" que havia.
O nosso mote era o confronto directo, as "missões" era atacar de rompante e vencê-los por todos os meios necessários.
Fomos em viagens amotinadas pela Europa fora, lutámos em estações de serviço, clubes nocturnos, tivemos acesas lutas com rivais pelas Midlands e não só..
A fasquia tornou-se demasiado alta para me meter em sarilhos nos anos 90, qualquer homem deve saber ver os seus limites.
Com a minha família eu tenho um sério propósito na vida além do futebol, embora uma nova firma tenha pegado no testemunho: a ViLLA YOUTH. Hoje em dia eu penso que à ViLLA YOUTH fazia falta a presença da rapaziada mais velha e não eram bem como a C-CREW, onde tínhamos uma boa "linha da frente". Contudo eles (VY) eram rapazes à altura do desafio.
3- Era uma firma tradicionalmente multi-racial. Tiveram problemas com grupos racistas/fascistas?
O Birmingham City football Club sempre teve um lote de "boneheads" nos seus gangs, e depois de 2 bares em Birmingham serem atacados pelo IRA no início anos 70, a cidade tornou-se um centro de recrutamento para a National front. Todas as vezes que a national Front marchava na nossa cidade a C-CREW confrontava-se com eles.
Eles até tinham um cartão de visita com os dizeres “Nigger Danny wanted Dead or Alive" colado nas ruas de Birmingham.
Podes não acreditar, mas não era problema para mim. Eu adorava a "atenção"..
4- Infelizmente ainda não pude adquirir e ler o teu livro. Podias descrever a tua visita a Portugal, como um "apetiser" para os leitores portugueses?
O livro "Villains é de muito boa leitura e até tem um "capítulo português", o qual conta a aventura do nosso "notório" encontro com o Vitória de Guimarães nos anos 80. Este capítulo leva-nos via Lisboa, Estoril e Porto...
5- Qual era a banda sonora da C-CREW, que tipo de bandas costumavam ouvir?
Ska, Reggae, Bob Marley, The Clash, The Jam, Toots and the Maytals, The Specials, The Beat.
6-Consegues ver algumas repercussões desses tempos no actual movimento de supporters do Aston Villa?
Como o vês actualmente?
A violência no futebol a nível nacional caíu muito desde a introdução do "Football Spectators Act". A violência no futebol hoje não tem nada a ver com os circos dos 70`s e 80´s, imagens de fans a correr pelos campos fora e a armarem o caos nas ruas circundantes era um evento semanal nessa altura.
Algumas coisas que ocorreram seriam hoje classificadas como um verdadeiros Motins. A polícia erradicou quase totalmente esses problemas, forçando os hooligans a terem essas batalhas noutro lado qualquer, longe dos estádios.
Eu nem acredito quão exagerada é retratada a violência no futebol hoje em dia, e os Media só deitam "lenha para a fogueira" misturando alguns incidentes de ordem social com os jogos da bola.
Nunca me hei-de ver livre da minha reputação, mas mesmo assim não fui condenado por nada há mais de 15 anos e será justo dizer que tenho o cadastro limpo...