Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bench Widow

Well, for those of you who don't know...Ryan got called as 1st counselor in the Bishopric in our newly created Highbury ward. He is excited to serve and looks forward to working with a lot of great people. A week after he received the call he said to me, "Oh, I guess this means you'll be sitting alone on the bench!" HELLO!!!! That is the FIRST thing I thought of! Any of you who sympathize, or want to help, we will be shooting to head out the door for church at 10:40am for our 11am sacrament mtg. (If I tell myself 10:40 then hopefully I will make it there with maybe a minute to spare, pending a blowout or meltdown!) We love the Lord and are happy to serve!!


Freebairn Family said...

I can totally understand; I have mild panic attacks when Steve helps the deacons pass the sacrament! You're so lucky :). Ryan will be great and we're all excited to see the ward come together!

Anonymous said...

Being a high councilman widow, I will be happy to help! Maybe that could be my new calling in the ward--bench widow assistant. Drop some hints to Ryan, will you? :)

Meredith said...

good luck. my husband is the elder's quorum president, but we live in a small ward and he often times has to sit up there when the bishop and one of his counselors are gone. it's NO fun. and 9:00 church doesn't help!

The Wayments said...

wow...congrats...sorry...i don't really know what to say. pretty much, that is my worst nightmare. You'll be fine and do great...just think of the stories you will have to tell!

The Larsons said...

Wow! For both of you. I guess it is nice church isn't earlier, but I definitely would be strategically deciding who to sit by! Good luck to Ryan! Have you got a calling yet? I think you should get to pick your calling when your husband's in the bishopric! :)