Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Girl

So Ryan took the kids to the park today and got some fun shots. Here is one of Maya. She is so sweet and has such a fun personality. I am glad that she is my daughter and that we can enjoy each other through the years. With a house full of boys I am sure glad to have her around.

So a little update. Still no baby, of course. I woke up this morning 2:30am and could not sleep, hence the update on the blog. We are loving the camera and can't wait to get some shots when our sweet baby gets here. I have an elective induction scheduled for Tues, April 14th, so only a few more days. My mom made it here safely and I am sure I will have her busy this next week or so. We sure wish Grandpa could have joined us as well. Anyways, I need to try and get some rest. Happy Easter everyone!
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dcscrivy said...

Very cute pic of Maya, what a sweetie she is, Addy had a lot of fun playing with her. I am glad that you can see the end in sight!!! So fun to have your mom come!

Chris said...

Hope everything goes well on Tuesday. I love the picture of Maya, and the new photo on the top of your blog too! I'm sure your kids will love having Grandma there, and so will you!

Gatten Gang said...

Hope all goes well with delivery. Our thought and pryers are with you . You have a beautiful little family Amber. J

The Larsons said...

She is a doll! You are SO blessed to have a little girl. :)

So, today is the day! Hope everything went well. Post a little update ASAP. Can't wait to see pictures of your little guy!