Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Isaac had his first DRS appt today. Here are his stats.

Head- 48th%
Weight-56th% (He is 7lbs 14oz....still not back to his birth weight of 8lbs 6oz)
Height- 99% (21.5 inches) WHAT?? you must be thinking!! We may have a recessive tall gene burried amoung us shorties somewhere. We'll have to keep watch on this one to see if it continues.

So we have to go in for another weight check on Friday because he is not back to his birth weight. Last Friday he was 7lbs 8oz (Maya paid a visit to the Dr for an ear infection.) so he's doing pretty well since then.

We are all surviving and loving our new little addtion! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sweet baby

Here is some pictures I took a few days ago. Too cute!
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More pictures please....

Elva (Ryan's Aunt) made the booties and a matching hat!

1 week old and loving it!

So thanks Jen for getting after me. She demanded more pictures on the blog. I made it my #1 priority to get done today (It moved my 6 loads of laundry down to #2). So here are some sweet shots of the gang, the babe, and my mom. (Thanks again mom for all the help!)

Would you like some butter with that?

My kids are adapting well to their new baby brother in the house. Things are not perfect around here, but they are trying. Maya and Evan fight like cats and dogs, and Connor is the hardest person to wake up in the morning. This week I have been in charge of getting Connor out the door and to school on my own. We made it on time today, but yesterday we had to flush something out of his eye, so we were a little late. Who cares, right? Soooo......the pictures below are what Maya has decided to do while I am occupied (nursing the babe). I was upstairs in my room and Ryan came home from work and I hear him shout, "What are you doing?!" His tone was one of utter disbelief. I shouted from upstairs, "What's going on down there?" Reply- "Maya is playing in the butter!" I finished feeding Isaac and came downstairs. Ryan had the camera out documenting the experience. We laughed, but I was a little bit mad because I had just bought the outfit she was wearing at Kohl's only about an hour before and now it was covered in butter. Luckily, we have Oxyclean.

Individual servings of butter for your liking.
Don't worry Maya, we love you!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Introducing Baby Isaac

Here is the timeline of the day:
6:00 Amber wakes up
8:00 Ryan rolls out of bed
8:30 - 10:00 Ryan does some yard work while Amber is relaxing waiting for the hospital to call
10:03 Hospital calls and tells Amber to come in
10:40 Arrive at hospital
11:30 IV and petosin administered
12:40 Nurse breaks Amber's water
1:20 Amber gets her epideral (ahhhhh!.....just in the nick of time)
2:10 Baby is coming....
2:27 4 pushes later we have a cute little baby boy!!
Here are the specs: 8 lbs. 6 oz. 21 inches long and as you can see dark hair. I guess in baby speak you would call him tall, dark, and handsome! :)
-This is Ryan writing:
Amber and Isaac Jay are both doing great. So far most opinions are that he looks like a Lowder. Please leave a comment and tell us if you agree or disagree. You can even break down all the features if you like ie. Maya's nose, Connor's mouth, Evan's eyes etc. The gang all came in at around 7:00 and were real excited to meet their new brother. I am so glad that Amber has such great pregnancies and relatively easy deliveries. (I know it is not easy, but I hear stories of much worse and much longer so that is what I mean by "easy.")

I sure love Amber and think she's a great mom. Our four kids are sure lucky to have her!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Girl

So Ryan took the kids to the park today and got some fun shots. Here is one of Maya. She is so sweet and has such a fun personality. I am glad that she is my daughter and that we can enjoy each other through the years. With a house full of boys I am sure glad to have her around.

So a little update. Still no baby, of course. I woke up this morning 2:30am and could not sleep, hence the update on the blog. We are loving the camera and can't wait to get some shots when our sweet baby gets here. I have an elective induction scheduled for Tues, April 14th, so only a few more days. My mom made it here safely and I am sure I will have her busy this next week or so. We sure wish Grandpa could have joined us as well. Anyways, I need to try and get some rest. Happy Easter everyone!
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Arrival

Gotcha!!! So the baby hasn't arrived yet, however, the new digital camera did just in time!! We are all anxiously awaiting for baby Isaac, but I have breathed a sigh of relief that we will now have a camera to document his first moments in this world. Here are a few pics from the trampoline this afternoon. I had a nice day- by the way- one of our favorite neighbor girls came over and watched the kids on her Spring Break and I took a two hour nap. Then her mom brought over dinner. WOW! That was nice. Thanks guys!