Showing posts with label OWH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OWH. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2013

Challenge #82 - Any Hero Thank You ...

Happy Monday!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 
"Grandparents Day Challenge" last week.

We had a fantastic turnout with so many amazing submissions showcasing projects for Grandparents! The team and I had an awesome time visiting your blogs to see your creativity in action! Fabulous Job!!!

Before we announce the Winners for Challenge #81, I'd like
to announce that we are re-drawing one of the prizes 
from Challenge #79. Rina M directed us to re-draw her prize. 
Thank you Rina M for your generosity.

The Stamping Chef

The Winner of  3 Digital images of your choice is ... # 25

Congratulations!!!  Samantha :o)

Please send an email to 
with Challenge #79 WINNER in the subject line so that we can get
 your prize information sent to you.
Our NEW Winner's Badge will be emailed to you with the prize information.


A Huge "Big" Thank You to last weeks Sponsor(s)

Bugaboo Stamps

The Winner of 7 Digital images of your choice is ... # 9

Congratulations !! Lucy Patrick 

Yours or Mine Paper Crafts
Yours or Mine Paper Crafts

The Winner of a $10.00 Gift Certificate is ... # 3

Congratulations !! Lindyloo 

Please send an email to 
with Challenge #81 WINNER in the subject line so that we can get
 your prize information sent to you.
Our NEW Winner's Badge will be emailed to you with the prize information.

Our TOP 5 PICKS for this week are ..

#6 Deonna B 

#8 Michelle JM 

#2 Dee's Cards 

#7 Ardilla 

#5 Crafting Vicky 

Please send an email to 
with Challenge #81 TOP 5 in the subject line so that we can send you
our NEW TOP 5 Badge.

A BIG HUGE Thank You to everyone who played along with us last week!
You are ALL Winners in our eyes!!!


Our Fabulous Sponsor for this weeks
 Any Hero Thank You Challenge

Sassy Studio Designs is a fresh new company. We have been designing and selling for 4 years now, and we have been kindly received into the community of digi stampers and crafters. I started designing images shortly after I started stamping, reason being ... I didn't hardly like anything else out there I was a young adult woman at the time I was engaged, had no kids, I wanted fun sexy images that I would enjoy using and my friends and hubby would enjoy receiving. I designed images for 2 other digi stamp companies when my wonderful hubby kept trying to get me to go out on my own. So in June 2009 thanks to the few faithful followers I had, Sassy Studio Designs was born!  It has been a wonderful journey starting my own store. We have just grown so much these past months.I still try to keep Lindsay Dyer: keep with my original philosophy and reason for designing stamps, make them fun and keep them sassy...and yes sometimes even sexy!

This week's PRIZE is ...
Four (4) Sassy Digital Stamps of WINNER's Choice!

Please join us in Welcoming our Guest Designer this week!!


For many years I made cross stitched cards and small projects (one nighters) until late 2007 when I gingerly transferred to card making. It was some time before stamping took hold but once it did WOW there no stopping me, I just love it! I had silently followed the blogs avidly but only plucked up the courage to form my own blog in February 2011! It was so scary hitting ‘publish’for the first time, but now I wonder why I did not do this before. I feel I have come such a long way, am now on two Design Teams, and also am enjoying doing commissions for Papercrafts Essentials magazine, the first of which was Published in February 2013. It is a great hobby, and one that is definitely a pleasure to share. Do feel free to drop by and say hello on

Judy's beautiful card using Carrie Sassy

Please stop by Judy's Blog to see all of her fabulous designs,
and leave her some love!

NOW for some inspiration by our Amazing Designers!

Little Honey Army

Canada Honey

Jessica Rabbit Sassy

Sweet Talk Sassy

Bubble Gum Sassy

Scarecrow Sassy

#1 Mom

Patriotic Pin-Up

Little Honey Army

Tin Sassy

You may be wondering about this weeks Theme
 ... Any Hero Thank You cards ...

There is a wonderful organization here in the USA called Operation Write Home (OWH) that collects and ships hand made cards to our Troops all over the world. This gives the troops a way to stay connected with their families while they are serving our country. Along with those dozens of boxes of hand made cards OWH includes Any Hero Mail. These are Thank You cards with messages of gratitude and encouragement inside. OWH has created.  Guidelines for card makers to adhere to for the Safety of our Troops.  

I am proud to say that one of our Designers has personally shipped over 150 cards to OWH this year, and continues to design cards with our troops in mind. 

For more information about Operation Write Home and their work make sure you click on the links ... OWH, Guidelines, Any Hero Mail, Deadlines for Shipping, and The Mailroom for shipping out your cards. 

We are now offering the WINNER(s) the opportunity to join us 
as a Guest Designer for a future Challenge! Good Luck!!!

To play along with this weeks Challenge PLEASE post a direct LINK to your blog post of the card/project using the INKLINKZ below, and LINK back to our Challenge from your Blog. You can join in as many other challenges as you like along with our challenge. However, you can only enter our challenge a MAXIMUM of three (3) times per Challenge.

Please DO NOT back-link to cards/projects that you have previously posted!

We hope you will join us this week!!!
Crafty Hugs' ... Love to Create Design Team