Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Connecticut. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2009

Imagine them tap dancing. *tippety tippety tippety*

You show people in listings, and I complain. You don't show people in listings, and I complain again. Clearly this listing Liz found is an attempt at compromise, and I'm a jerk for not being satisfied. Pfft! Me.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

No, really, it's lovely.

There are two reasons why I have nothing mean to say about this listing, which was found by Beth (and also by someone who wishes to remain anonymous).

1. I'm afraid they'll send me a mean letter, and
2. I honestly think it's really freaking awesome. Come on! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!!!

Sorry. I might have taken a few too many allergy pills this morning (can you see the lasers shooting out of my eyes, or is that just me?). But really, I do think it's great. I thoroughly approve of people going nuts in their own homes. Good luck to the real estate agent, but dang, if I had a spare seven million bucks (I don't, I checked) and I wanted to live in Connecticut, I'd be moving in tomorrow.

Anyway. Because the people involved have shown themselves to be rather protective of the listing, let's only say nice things in the comments, shall we?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Please remove your boots right... there.

Yeah, okay, it's just a dirty carpet. Whatever. We've seen much, much, worse. But as mars78 pointed out -- it's a freaking SIXTEEN MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE. I can rent a steam cleaner from the grocery store up the street for twenty bucks, and my kids would pay me to let them use it (especially because we don't have any carpets and it would be an extra exciting experience using it on the wood floors).

Is the profit margin really that teeny on real estate that they can't afford the expense? If so, they should consider getting into a more profitable business. Like blogging. That's where the smart money is these days. Uh-huh.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Come on in! The water's lovely!

Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone -- especially househunter Julie, who found this inviting "Swimming Pool/Hot Tub/Sauna"! We'll all be there for your pool party... I've got my onion dip all ready to go.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fine, if you have a helicopter

"What's wrong with this photo?" you ask. "It looks like a perfectly nice house to me." Well, I agree. There's nothing wrong with the photo. I'm cheating. It's just that... well, you see the driveway? I can't help but wonder what it's connected to, as the listing makes one thing very clear: "THERE IS NO LEGAL ACCESS TO THIS PROPERTY IT IS LAND LOCKED."

(via #mefi.)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Do we offend?

Emily & Kitty found this woman who just couldn't get away from us fast enough. Wait! Come back! We're nice... we're just a bunch of snarky people... sigh.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dah dah dah-dah, dah DAH dah daaahhhhh

Awww! Stefany found this happy group. Do they come with the house? No? Oh. Then WHY ARE THEY IN THE LISTING WHY WHY WHY WHY


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Comes with walls. And a floor.

From Jorge:

my fiance and i are looking for apartments, this was her IM to me

[20:20] : mi amor
[20:20] : i gotta think that there is something wrong with some people's minds
[20:20] : look at this
[20:20] :
[20:20] : that picture has no significance whatsoever