all images and stories are the property of Catherine Beerda-Basso and are not to be used without given permission...thank you
Showing posts with label Retreat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Retreat. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 November 2014

ReWilding Retreats

Once upon a time, 
there were three very different little girls... 

 who grew up to be three very different women. 

But they have three things in common: 

They're brilliant, 
They're beautiful and 
They worked for me. 

My name is Spirit.

And so it was
Feb. of 2014
these three women would come together
for the first time

bringing in the spring
with sacred circle

It would be months later
when one would get a tapping
a call
to bring the three together

to collaborate and birth
a space where women
would come together
and rebirth them selves.

So after months of planning,
coming together,
and bearing heart and soul to one another
has been brought to full life.

This is an offering of our hearts to yours...

The Bear

The Elk
The Owl

an offering blessed and over seen by Deer

 Our launch retreat will be 
Friday, April 24-2015 to Monday April 27th-2015
to be held at Mt. Hood, Oregon, USA
for more info go here

"A Soul or Spirit Doula is not the Doula of physical babies but of spiritual re-birth, dream seeds, and artistic/heart creations. 
It has been proven that when a birthing mother has another woman in the birthing space with her, it helps to put the woman at ease and bring her into alignment with her power and confidence; 
this enables her to move through the process in a strong way. 
So it is with spiritual rebirths and creative awakenings amongst women. We are of the mind that having a female support group during any great awakening, re-birthing, or creative unfolding, 
is helpful and healing  while igniting the woman's own strength 
enabling her to bring forth the offerings 
and truths of her own heart." 
~ReWilding Retreats

Collaboration is an unfolding and re-birthing
within itself
and as we move closer to our first retreat, of many
we each continue to rebirth into ourselves
as we learn and grow together
different and yet the same
alone and yet together. 
I have been blessed to be
a part of this call.
It was not something I expected
but I have come to know
that it is those things
that we do not expect
that enrich us the most
for we are able to allow
the flow
just that much more
so what It is can be just that
what It is.
We hope for a long
 and fruitful path of offering
for our selves
and those who join us...
Might that be you?
Come by and have a visit

“Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void.” ― Simone Weil

Allow us to hold the void....for you 
Love and Light


Friday, 31 October 2014

Sisters of Light...a cutting of the strings

It was September 2011 when these lovelies came together for retreat
the first time...
and this space was founded
(more about that found here )

Sisters of Light 2014
 After that first coming together we gathered
every two weeks
for two years
forging a bond like none of us had ever experienced before.

But it was not to last.

During our annual retreat last year
there was a shift made
as one sister felt herself pulled in another direction...
in turn
the decision was made to no longer meet as we once had.

we met now and again as individuals
and had brunch as a group
a few times throughout the year...

A month ago
we came together to retreat
once more

I was not prepared for the shift
not prepared for the distance I felt
with some of the sisters.

Looking back I can see it was my own naivety
and my own
"seeing the world through rose coloured glasses".
enjoying the forest

I had expected it would be
as it once was
but instead
things had shifted and changed.

having a little fun

Within those expectations
I had set myself up...

lesson learned.

Just like the seasons change
Just as the earth evolves
Even I ebb and flow with in my life...
even the trees bow in our presence ; ) do sisterhoods 

Nothing remains the same.

This was a challenge for me to face

one I needed to face none the less...

When we ceased to gather last year
we never closed or released 
the contract we had made with one another
and this retreat was to do just that
the time had come.

The contract had been honoured
and it was time for each of us to be released
from its sacred word...
allowing eahc of us
to move deeper into our Light.

 and so it was

 With our contract fulfilled
that which bound us was disolved...

We marked this with a ritual...
each of us cutting a string we had tied together at the beginning of the weekend 

our fearless guides

another powerful moment shared
Sisters of Light

Letting go is not always easy
And for a sensitive heart like mine
it takes me a while to process.
what I know to be true
is that in the letting go
I allow
I allow something else to come
perhaps something that will encourage me
on the road I am on
perhaps something that  assist me
in where it is I am going...
our mystery spirit dog

Whatever comes
I am grateful for what was
What I learned and how I grew with these women
was more than I could have ever imagined on my own
They helped shape and mold me
to who I am at this moment.

We will always be The Sisters of Light
as we have traveled many lives together.
We are now something different
from what we once were in this life.

This is not the end
but a new beginning...

What dear thing to your heart have you had to let go of recently lovely?

Love and Light

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Images of Retreat...

three birds
headed out to Cariboo Country
to grieve
to let go
to rebirth
to listen
to awaken
to laugh
to scream
to cry
to celebrate
to live...
to live fully and bravely
their life

They communed with nature
Bore witness to the animals
Spoke with Spirit
Renewed parts of themselves
they had thought long lost.
And rebirthed faith within themselves

Fullness re-Found

Sound good?
This could be you.

Love and Light