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Showing posts with label scrapbooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrapbooking. Show all posts

Saturday, May 01, 2010


I've done my first LO for absolutely ages. Unfortunately, not a paper one though. My mate, Kim sets regular challenges and this time, she wanted lots of white space. Not something I normally do, but something that I do like.

Anyway, I've had this plan for quite a long time now (can't remember where I first got the template) and was going to do it in paper, which I still will at some stage, but for now I've done a digi and actually, that's something I thought I'd never do, lol.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Do you like to plan your Layouts or work on the fly? I've always worked on the fly. The problem I have though is remembering a title. I see a photo, think of the perfect title and then promptly forget it or scribble it down on a bit of paper that gets lost. When I come to scrap the photo...I'm stuck.

So, I thought I'd make myself a planner. I downloaded some very handy pages from ORGANIZED SCRAPBOOKS, resized them to A5 and made myself a book to keep them in.

The papers are from the K & Co's 'Life's Journey' pad. To make the flowers, I stamped with HERO ARTS LARGE FLOWERS 9 times on some of the cover paper. Cut out three different areas, inked with Distress Ink Tea Dye and then curled and layered them up to make 3 flowers. The centre is a dew drop. I made myself a template for the tabbed pages and stamped them randomly with the same stamp, colouring just a few dots on a flower on each page. A couple of pieces of mountboard made my covers.

I'm going to print out little inchie photo's to stick in the swatch boxes and write the title as soon as I think of it. Then, all I have to do is come up with the actual LO design itself. :-) I think this is going to come in very handy.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well, I've got a couple of little projects finally finished, other than cards. I have so many crafting things to do that I'm struggling to remember them all each month. There's CJ's, ATC's, LO's, b/day cards, sketches, challenges etc, etc, so I made myself a little 4 x 4 inch book to write them all down in each month, then I can tick them off when I've done.

The papers are 7Gypsies 'Morroco Journey'. I stamped the 'Ribboned Hat Lady' by Zettiology and then masked her and used Old Paper and Tea Dye distress inks to ink round her. Rubon swirls by Kaiser and letters by K & Co.
The Art phrase on the first page is by Rivercity Rubberworks, the cameo is from the Cameo Set by Lost Coast designs and the tiny corner motif is Basic Grey.
The mountboard I used to make my covers was too thick for my Bind it All, so I used my Beary Patch Punch tool to make the holes and then bound it with the BIA.
So, as long as I remember to actually write in it what I have to do, I shouldn't forget anything or anybody. Here's hoping, lol. :o)

I also completed another page in my Art Journal. The other day, my future son-in-law asked my permission to marry my daughter. How great is that, eh? Tradition and chivalry aren't dead after all. Anyway, I thought I'd do a page to remember it.

I used distress inks for the colour and sequin waste to make the dots. The stamps are Lost Coast designs 'King' and 'Queen'. I coloured the faces and other parts of the images with my Promarkers and then used Diamond Glaze over them. I then cut a bit of a mask of the Queen and masked off the bottom of her and stamped a small portion of 'Pipes Head' by Zettiology too. The title was stamped with a See D's alphabet (Large Swirls) I got in a sale for £1.25. Bargain or what? There's a bit of journalling up the dotty side. To finish, I stuck a charm on, which is actually a connector for jewellery making. I left the loops on as I thought it looked better than one without the loops.
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