Saturday, April 10, 2010

And The Free Critique Winner is . . .

Well, here are the stats and the result of my very first critique giveaway:

Nine people entered for a total of 23 entries.  I used a very high-tech method to select the winner - I cut strips of scratch paper, wrote the entrants' names on them, and placed them in my favorite winner-picking bowl.  I then closed my eyes - you'll have to take my word on that - and picked the winning name. 

And, the winner is . . .   Bernell!!!

Congratulations, Bernell!  Please save your manuscript as a pdf and send it to me at:

Thanks everyone for entering!  I feel bad that I could only choose one winner so I've decided to offer a free critique for each of you.  The only thing is, I may not be able to get to them in a timely manner but I promise I'll get to them before the end of May - and hopefully sooner, depending on how busy things get around here.  So, if you'd like to send a manuscript for critique, save it as a pdf and send it to the email address above.  I'll do the critiques in the order in which they're received.

Thanks again for joining in my first critique giveaway!!