Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 2

Sundays are usually busy with chores and homework. I usually lay back much like Saturdays until the afternoon. Today I got out of the bed at around 9, stretched and headed for the vehicle to go to the gym. Wait! Stop the presses! I couldn't find my MP3 player. I had just downloaded new music to work out to yesterday so it couldn't have gone too far. I was determined not to leave without it.

Music helps the time pass by for me so I am focused and on point. it also serves as motivation for me. Alas... I finally located it and off I went. Today I hit the tread for 30 min again just to pace myself. I was sure to use the incline after 15 min. Boy, could I feel it. Afterwards, I used the weights again and did 20 reps on each machine. I found out that my weakest area is my arms, poor things. I didn't even care that folks where gawking while I attempted to lift x amount of pounds. (you didn't think I would give a number did u?) LOL

I am a bit concerned with tomorrow because the busy week starts. I have to find a way to carve out time to focus for at least 30 min to work out. I plan to increase my work out time in the future. For now I am working on getting my body back used to regular physical work outs. Off to fix a bowl of my fav; brown rice, tofu and broccoli.


Titus 2 Thandi said...

Keep going!Sounds good so far.

Anonymous said...

Treadmills look great~ It is a beautiful day in GA, I may walk with my DH today at the track.

Best of luck to you and your goals!

Take Care~

~malaikablu~ said...

Thank you so much ladies! I can use the support and encouragement!

Lipscomb Tree Care Service said...

I love your braid locks. They are beautiful. I wish my hair was a little thicker, but I'm tryin to work what I got! PS Check out my site for some ideas on making money with your lock blog! Pam