Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Changing it up!

Lots of changes this week!
Luke graduated from his class at Little Otter Swim School! He could continue, but we decided to move on. He and Logan will be able to live in the water this summer while I do this...!

We also said a bitter-sweet good-bye :-(
The boys agreed that it was time to say bye to their swing set.  They have had it almost four years, and it has been well loved.  But, they have outgrown it and moved on to other things.
Now he wants Dad to build him a ramp.  Do you remember how my prayer for this year was no emergency room visits?  Stay tuned!

In the animal world:
Charlie is getting more and more comfortable! It would appear that she has a weight problem, but remember that the camera always adds weight.

While Charlie is thriving, sadly I must report that Dorthy (formerly known as Goldie) the Goldfish died a couple of weeks ago.  I secretly did the happy dance, but I put on my serious face as we did a toilet-side burial complete with prayer for a safe journey.  Logan was pretty bummed about it while Luke was obsessed with being the one to actually flush it. 
(Dorthy is on the right, Sharky bit the dust over the summer)
The most upsetting part of this experience is that I added a picture of this damn fish to the last batch of return address labels.  Now, I have 100 return labels with a fish that will have to be crossed out.  If you are trying to decide whether or not to obtain a fish for your child because it looks easy, take my word for it.  They are filthy!  The tank, though small, takes a lot of work.  And, I can't even tell you how bad they smell. I would suggest another pet for you, but honestly, they all take a lot of work!

And we can't forget this beauty!  Is it a good omen or bad omen to have some nesting close to your house?

 We are hoping to get a glimpse of some cute owlets at some point!   
Happy February 29th!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So proud!

Look what Logan learned to do at school!
I guess it is a rite of passage for boys to learn how to make armpit farts.  He has learned some other important life skills such as reading and how to add, so I will just have to accept that this comes with the territory. The force is with this one! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine Goodies!

I was so excited that a friend let me know about these this year...

...thanks, Andrew! The boys loved it! 

I also wanted to do something special for the boys' teachers.  I love mini muffins. I found some cute mini muffin liners at Micheal's and made some chocolate chip muffins.  I was able to put six in a standard Mason jar and topped them with tissue paper and ribbon.

And, I made this for Lyndon.

It was Pinterest inspired.  This has our anniversary date, Logan's birthday and Luke's birthday.  I found the black canvas at Michael's and used some cute stencils (also from Michael's) to make the numbers.  It is not as professional looking as the one I saw on Pinterest, but I was happy with the way it turned out! He loved it, or at least he told me he did, so that is all that matters!

And, finally... of my Valentines! 
Sending love to all of my boys!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Class Valentines!!

Here are the boys' Valentines for school!  Luke's was Pinterest inspired.  I thought it was a really cute idea. We still need to add the "to"/"from" tag, but you get the idea.  I just cut out capes from felt I already had, bought some superhero confetti at Party City and secured the lollipops with ribbon.  The original ones I saw on Pinterest had logos available for printing off the computer, but I did not want to use all of my printer ink.  I know the other ones are not really considered their actual logos, but no one will really notice except you "Big Bang" nerds out there.  I will say that I need to brush up on my superheroes.  I could not tell you who the blue-cape guy is.  He just matched, so we went with it!

Logan originally wanted to do Friendship bracelets Valentines we found on Pinterest. I searched for about three hours for some that were already put together, and had no luck. I almost bought a DIY kit, but it was going to be way too complicated for him to pull off in just a few days. So, I found some cute tattoos, and came up with plan B. He is happy with it, so that is all that matters!! I love how the picture looks, but I would have done something different with the heart and tattoos if I could do it again.  I just used my picture program to make it black and white.  Then I used Paint to add the black bottom and the heart.  I thought the tattoos would fit next to the heart, but they turned out to be too big.  We will use that space to label them for friends. 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crocheted Cuties!

I finally finished the goodies for the new baby!  The hat came out way better than I had hoped, and I still need a lot of practice.  But, I am pretty excited that I produced anything at all!
I found a video on You Tube for the hat and booties.  The hat does not look exactly like the one I saw, but I think it is because I used a different type of yarn.  I also added the flowers because I could not resist. I thought the Mary Jane booties were too cute!  My hope is that they fit and that they don't fall apart!  If you are interested in the tutorials, go to You Tube and type in Tracey Alena Handknit.  She does a fabulous job showing you each step!