The following is a true story of what happens to girls that trust Lindee way to much;
My Bro and sis in law (Renee) are in town with there two kids Charly and Piper AKA Logans only cousins for the Holidays. Renees sister (Rochelle) also came up to Utah to spend Christmas with them. When we got to see them on Christmas, Renee and Rochelle said they like my hair and were suprised I did it myself.
Well they asked if I would come down and try it on their hair and I said sure. I was more thinking, "Logan gets to play with his only cousins whom he loves, and we get to have a girls day." What I should have been thinking is,"I have never dyed anyone elses hair but my own and I have no idea what I'm doing."
Here is bro in law Nate with Logans little cousins.
Well the day came and we spent from 11am to 3pm dying hair. Rochelle's turned out very good and we were pleased. I had to leave before Renee washed hers so I only got to see a picture. I could tell there were some orange spots because we were going from dark to light but overall looks ok, we definately have to do a touch up but not to bad for my first time.
After like two hours my back was hurting, I don't know how hair dressers do it all day long, standing in one spot! They are tough. Well we did have fun and Renee was very brave and didn't pee her pants which I'm grateful for. Click Here to see the photos! Here is before shot of beautiful Renee with dark hair and you can hop on over to her page to see Blonde Renee
Welcome to the club of never ending fun and awesomeness.
And being made fun of because you might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.
And dark roots.
I'd like to mention that Renee is also a very talented photographer and is in town (UTAH) until January 6th if anyone would like to use her services:
These are my neices, freaken adorable.
I'm very sorry to my victims and want you to know that my touch up service is much better them my dye service.