Showing posts with label Proxie Models. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proxie Models. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another Cityboard Update

Hi, folks. Had a pretty productive day today. Finished another Sarissa Precision building, dressed up the Bank with signs, made some Proxie Models Billboards, and found my Last Night on Earth game with the minis I painted a while back. Even managed to do a couple of jobs around the house for the sweet wife. Also got treated to some nice eye candy from Mother Nature.

 Looking out the window while working on some stuff. Got treated to a few cool critters in a tree in the backyard.

I decided to make one of the SP buildings into a little one story beauty salon. My son Stephen suggested the name.
View from the front with a couple of the Last Night on Earth games minis.
Side view with an LNOE Sheriff and the Victory Force Minis Zombie Dino Mascot.
Rear of the building with a Hasslefree Minis Ken and one of the LNOE zombies.
Other side of the building with a few more LNOE zeds.
Pic above shows the rooftop. I used texture from WorldWorks Games Armory. The mini is the LNOE Nurse.
Interior shot. I used wallpaper made from scrapbook paper and the rug on the floor is from WWG Police Dept. Another LNOE survivor.
Perspective shot through the window with another couple of LNOE minis.
Another view of the side featuring another LNOE survivor. I did a wash on the exterior and used weathering powder on the lower portion of the wall.
Here's the LNOE Lady survivors together. My fav is the Nurse.
Here's the Gents from the LNOE game. I think I like the Sheriff best.
A group shot of the LNOE Zombies. I think I need to hit the LNOE minis with some Dullcote.

Well, that's it for now. Thanks for looking.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Proxie Models Half Timber Houses on their way

Pic above shows the new Proxie Models Timber Frame House, borrowed with permission from the maker's site.
Hi, folks. A while back I suggested to Ken at Proxie Models that he try his hand at making a half-timber house. He's been working hard on it and today he posted on his blog that they are ready and in his store.
I ordered 7 of them. You can get them from here on his store site.

I'm looking forward to getting started on these babies.

Thanks for looking.


Friday, October 14, 2011

15mm Ruined Temple

Hi, everyone. I took some pics of my ruined temple. The lower half is made from 10 pieces of Proxie Models Gothic Buildings, 4 door pieces and 6 wall pieces. The roof and upper half is scratchbuilt from cereal box card, craft sticks, some Decorflex brick wall, and corrugated wood from MicroMark. Based on a piece of vinyl tile.
Pic above is the front view. Double-tailed Comet was printed out from a google search.

Pic below is a side view. Showing the ruined roof. The roof piece is removable. I may make another non-ruined more techy roof to use in Sci-Fi gaming.
 Pic below is more of an aerial view showing a little of the interior and the steeple top with an archer in place. 
 Pic below is an aerial view from the front.
 Well, there it is. I may still add some floors for the different levels. These Proxie Models Gothic Buildings are pretty nice and versatile, and certainly affordable. Thanks for looking.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

15mm Mordheim Ruin Update

Hi, folks. I got the bases of the Proxie Models 15mm Ruins done. I used some thick card for the tiles, cut into irregular squares. I decided to paint most of them in different checkerboard colors. I likes me some colors on my table.  :) Then sanded and flocked.

There you have it. Pretty much done. I may add some vines and signs but they're playable now. Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Painted 15mm Ruins

Hi, folks. I painted and based some of the Proxie Models 15mm ruins. Just drybrushed a variety of colors. These babies drybrush up very well. The detail is deeply incised so it's hard for even someone as hamfisted as me to screw them up. There is a surprising amount of detail on these, especially on the 15mm Corner Ruins and 15mm Ruined Brick Building sets. Not only do they have nice exterior brickwork with detailed window frames, broken brick and bullet holes, they even have nice detail on damaged interior walls. The detail on the Gothic Ruins is pretty much limited to the outside, but it there, just not as pronounced or intricate as is seen on the prior two. Now if Proxie Models would make some Half-timber models, I'd get them in a heartbeat. Anyway, nuff said - pics.

 Pic above shows Gothic building and corner ruin side by side.
 Pic above shows some of the exterior detail (note the window frames and bullet holes) and the interior detail on the piece in the background. Note the damaged interior walls.

 Pic above shows some of the interior detail.

 Pic above shows the Gothic Building with door piece detail.
 Pic above is a side view. This piece was made from door pieces. Each set has 2 door pieces and two wall pieces without doors.

 Back view. The model has a nice integral ledge to support flooring. (Not provided)

I think painting these pieces has really helped bring out the excellent level of detail Ken of Proxie Models brought to these pieces. Thanks for looking.