Looking out the window while working on some stuff. Got treated to a few cool critters in a tree in the backyard.
I decided to make one of the SP buildings into a little one story beauty salon. My son Stephen suggested the name.
View from the front with a couple of the Last Night on Earth games minis.
Side view with an LNOE Sheriff and the Victory Force Minis Zombie Dino Mascot.
Rear of the building with a Hasslefree Minis Ken and one of the LNOE zombies.
Other side of the building with a few more LNOE zeds.
Pic above shows the rooftop. I used texture from WorldWorks Games Armory. The mini is the LNOE Nurse.
Interior shot. I used wallpaper made from scrapbook paper and the rug on the floor is from WWG Police Dept. Another LNOE survivor.
Perspective shot through the window with another couple of LNOE minis.
Another view of the side featuring another LNOE survivor. I did a wash on the exterior and used weathering powder on the lower portion of the wall.
Here's the LNOE Lady survivors together. My fav is the Nurse.
Here's the Gents from the LNOE game. I think I like the Sheriff best.
A group shot of the LNOE Zombies. I think I need to hit the LNOE minis with some Dullcote.
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for looking.