Jo-Ann made "worms"!
Also a rather adorable dog....
...with a very appealing look in his shiny eyes.
Marie came up with a wonderful pink lady bunny, with loooong eyelashes - very glam! She also had a go at the 2-sock dog, like Becky. Hers was quite different, with the big roses splashed over it, googly eyes and sparkly glitter-glue eyebrows. He also had a knotted wool tassel for a tail.
Leah, aged 11, came with her grandma, Chris. They made a couple of lovely sock rabbits. This is Leah's, which she made for a baby family member. She was very careful with her sewing and embroidered the features, so there was nothing dangerous to the baby. Leah also started a sock Monkey. It was about half done by the end of the day.
Sadly, Chris didn't want me to photograph any of her items, because she hadn't finished them yet. She made a baby rabbit too (which still needed its face), and was part-way through a very bright yellow spotted dog.
June made a great striped cat, then a really funky rabbit. Although they were obviously made from the same pair of socks, they look so different. I loved them!
Last, but by no means least... Becky first made this wonderful leopard-cat. I love his felty nose and the pattern of the sock on his tummy.
She gave him embroidered eyes, which are so well camouflaged, but work extremely well.
Becky's next project was a dragon, which she found in one of the books I had brought along for reference and ideas. The one in the book was green... But Becky had 2 pairs of socks, one pink, one black, so she decided to combine them, to make this truly fabulous creature! She split the pink sock for his head, so that she could use the black one as a mouth lining.
She gave him toes on his feet and fingers on his paws. Her plan was to make big teeth from white felt, plus claws for the fingers and toes. I hope she finished it at home - it would have looked amazing!
I think the day was a success. Everyone seemed fairly happy with their sock creatures and all had more than one project to take away with them. They all seemed to think they would have another go at home too. I hope they enjoyed it - I certainly enjoyed seeing the wonderful variety of creatures they came up with!
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Oh, a commenter has reminded me that there are two tutorials here, on my blog, for making your own Sock Creatures! Look here: for a cute little one-sock Bunny Rabbit and here: for instructions to make a traditional Sock Monkey. Have fun!