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Friday, November 9, 2012

someday i'll be living in a big old city.....

Well.  I made it.

Hurricane Sandy delayed me for a week, but that meant I got to spend some more time with my family and friends.  I also discovered that I REALLY wasn't ready to leave on Monday.

But by Friday I was ready.

Hurricane Sandy made everything a lot more complicated, but I was able to fly into New York and get a shuttle to my apartment.  It took a little longer than it usual, but at least I didn't land to disappointing news like all of the people on my flight who were coming in to run the marathon.  They announced it was cancelled while we were flying.  I felt so bad for them.

Tali and I were supposed to spend a whole week together.  Instead, she weathered a hurricane while I stayed home with babies.  We had one magical night in the city together before she flew home to Cleveland and I tried not to panic. 

I took this picture just after Tali got in a taxi to the airport.  Suddenly I was alone in the city.  I live here now.  It was a weird feeling because I wasn't scared, but it also didn't seem real.  I walked around for a while taking pictures, then went back to my apartment to unpack.

The rest of the week has been pretty busy with job hunting.  It takes like a million years to get anywhere or do anything in this city.  I'm sure I'll get better at it and it'll be easier when all the trains are running (hurricane sandy did a number on the transportation out here), but at this point in time I feel like even the simplest of errand turns in to at least a 2 hour escapade.  

There have been a few times when I've caught myself thinking, "Remember this Lizzie.  This will be a good detail to include when you are old and tell stories about your first weeks living in this city."

For instance.  I was interviewing for a job at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  It is just two days of work, but I thought it would be A - nice to have money, and B - a cool way to spend my first Thanksgiving in the city.  When "telling about myself" during the interview I explained that I was brand new to the city.  As in, three days.  The man interviewing me was very surprised and asked what my plan was.  I told him that I'm just looking for work to do until I find a way in to the theatre scene.  He was like, "but this is only two days."  I know.  That doesn't mean I don't want it.  The next thing I know, Maurice is calling in some other guy to see if he can get me a job in another department because it'll last at least until Christmas.  "Listen.  I'm a father.  If my daughter moved to New York City without a job, I would be like "SOMEBODY HELP MY KID!"

Unfortunately the job through December didn't really pan out, but I will be able to work on the parade, which I think will be a cool experience.  That moment in his office taught me a lesson though.  This city isn't only full of mean crazy stressed out people.  There are also people that want to help out, even when you aren't necessarily asking for it.

I've been fortunate to have many interviews and job connections this week.  So far none of them have much to do with theatre, but I'm still gonna need to get money somehow!  I've spent a good portion of every day calling, emailing, or interviewing for positions.  Last night I put together packets to drop off at theatres.  I can't believe that would work, but people get jobs that way so I've got to at least try.

I live in Inwood, which is at the very top of Manhattan.  Every single store I go into I am greeted in Spanish.  Sometimes I try to play it off like I know Spanish and totally belong here, but they often ask me questions so I just have to respond in English.

I went and saw this show for free.  The Union sent out a message on facebook saying we could go to the matinee for free.  That's what happens when there isn't a large crowd and they have to fill the seats. It hasn't opened yet and I think this was one of the very early previews.  I could definitely see moments when some of the characters were not very comfortable with their lines or some of the actions.  Still, I saw a Broadway play for free sitting on the fourth row.  

The play was about someone trying to get out of the capitalistic society in New York City and back to the comfort and kindness of Ohio.

Are you kidding me?


  1. Awesome story about the guy wanting to get you a job till Christmas. He must have kids. You'll get there, it's only been a week.

  2. You are so brave! I love it! What a crazy/scary/exciting adventure.
