Showing posts with label Susan Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susan Johnson. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2017

18th Century Sampler FINISHED

Another finish!  I'm on  a roll!
Well, on this one I really just quit.  I wasn't enjoying this as much as I though I would and on 18-count it is so big it is very awkward to work on.  No fun at all.  So I put a border around it and called it finished.  I will soon have several pieces in this color and will try to figure out something to do that will include them all - I'm kinda thinking Table Runner?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

18th Century Sampler, Progress #2

Lately I have worked on the 18th Century Sampler a bit. 
Since the last time you saw it I have stitched several borders, the one on the bottom is not quite finished.

I may decide that this is almost done.  I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.  I could add another row of squares.  Or I could just throw a border around it and be done.  That's what I'll probably do.

Then I'll have to decide how to finish it, and should it be horizontal or vertical?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

18th Century Sampler, Progress

This past weekend, I worked on the 18th Century Sampler again.  It's been awhile!
Sorry for the poor quality of the photo!  I just cant seem to get a decent pic of this thing.  It is all aqua and teal on aquamarina canvas.
I did not want to do a row of hemstitching, so instead I created a border using bugle beads.  It turned out pretty good.  
Next was the acorn border.  It was supposed to be done in aqua #3 pearl cotton, but I find that hard to use on 18 and I just didn't want to do so much of it!  So I used Silk & Ivory, in 2 shades.  It came out nice and was easy to stitch, although I wish I'd had a lighter "dark" shade!
There are supposed to be 2 more rows of boxes, 6 boxes to a row.  I have decided that I don't want to do that much more on this piece.  I was in love with it when I started, but now? Not so much!  So I will stitch a couple of borders top & bottom and call it good. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

18th Century Sampler, Progress #3

The last time I worked on this, I completed the row of circular motifs. Many had pulled eyelets, but I didn't pull them very much or very consistently.  I filled in the holes with beads!  Looks much better.  Next up will be a row of cut work, but I will be changing that as I don't want to do cut work.  Stay tuned!

Monday, January 25, 2016

18th Century Sampler, Progress #2

You haven't seen this for quite awhile.  That's because I didn't work on it for quite awhile--the Gardener's Alphabet took over!

This is Susan Johnson's 18th Century Sampler online class.  I have now completed the center row of 5 squares and 4 borders, a narrow one and a wide one on each side of the center squares.  The narrow borders are actually a dark teal Kreinik braid, but as usual the metallic doesn't show up very well. 
I have just begun a row of circular motifs--just 1/4 of the center circle.  Oh, and by the way, the canvas is Aquamarina.  I don't know why it didn't photograph that color!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Very Very Merry

Very Very Merry is a free design from Susan Johnson at sj-designs.  It was intended to be done in beads, but I just did it as a cross stitch on a small piece of perforated paper that I had in stash.  Threads also from stash - floss & Kreinik.
A very quick stitch.
And it's even finished!  This clear acrylic round was supposed to be a luggage tag, but I think it makes a fine ornament!

Friday, September 18, 2015

18th Century Sampler, Progress #1

Here we go, into the sampler unknown!  
I received the instruction book and couldn't wait to get started!  The book is terrific, with great diagrams and photos of everything.  It will be a wonderful resource to have.
I have completed 2 squares in the center section.  The one on the right was supposed to have some pulled work, but I don't like to do pulled work.  So I just stitched the little squares without pulling, and then put a bead in each one.  I like it!
Here's another view of that square.  That detail photo is more accurate for color.  It is aquamarina canvas and DMC 959.

Friday, September 4, 2015

I am doing SJ Design's 18th Century Sampler, an online class.  This is a real departure for me.  I don't do projects like this!  But from the moment I saw it, I was obsessed with it. Go figure!  I finally just decided to do it.

I have completed all the prework I intend to do, which is the middle row of boxes. It is a reach on this large piece, but I manage!  Some are using Congress Cloth but I'm using 18-count, so it's big (21x22 frame!).  Only a few of us are using color I think.  It is all one color, uses 3 sizes of pearl cotton.   Most folks are using white or ecru.  Looking forward to filling in the boxes.