Showing posts with label Purrfect Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Purrfect Spring. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2015

Purrfect Spring Finished

Purrfect Spring is finished.  The final pieces were the top part of the wall and the window sill.  I'm glad to have this done.  I don't know what I'll do with it, but for now it will just go in the Finished pile.
Now I have 2 months to decide if I want to do the Stitching Games again next year!  I'm leaning towards NOT.  While it is a good way to get something done, I don't really like having to jump around stitching from the clues.  I prefer a more orderly style.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Purrfect Spring, August

August's stitching for Purrfect Spring only took me 2 stitching sessions.  For the Slanted Gobelin window pane dividers.  Used #3 perle cotton.  
I really need a good clue next month to do gray kitty!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Purrfect Spring, July

The Stitcherie challenge for July is finished.  Got a lot done this month as they used a new type of clue, which had an option of being 3 clues!  I took that option and completed the wall beneath the cats and the multicolored cat.  Cat is all Very Velvet and the wall is Sleepy Oblong Cross (I think, something like that) in Rennaisance Designs Plain & Fancy, which is a thread I will NOT use again - it is polyester, but it came with the canvas and there was lots of it.  Lesson learned.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Purrfect Spring, May & June

Purrfect Spring got lots of stitching for May & June.  
For May I stitched all of the sky - acres of basketweave in wool..  
For June I did the flowers & grass outside the window.  The flowers are little French knots in pearl cotton and the grass is my version of a slanted, encroaching gobelin with just 2 strands of floss in 2 colors of green. 
Now I have to hope for clues that I can make work for the window frame, the other 2 cats and the ledge & wall they are sitting on.
What are these cats looking at anyway?!.  If they're anything like my cats, they once saw a bird or squirrel out there and are hopeful forevermore.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Purrfect Spring, April

The clue for the April Stitching Games was 3.  Well, that's easy since the birdhouses have triangles for roofs.  So I stitched the birdhouses.  I will have to white out the part of the string that makes it look like the birdhouses don't know if they are inside or outside!  I think they are outside. 

Now I'm down to larger areas though, so I hope for clues I can work with!  The rest of the year each month will take longer to stitch!