This activity/game focuses on synonyms, antonyms, and rhyming words.
•Poster explaining
what synonyms, antonyms, and rhyming words are.
•72 cards with a
“secret word”, synonym, antonym, and rhyming word.
•9 homework/extra
practice pages.
How to play:
Students can be divided into teams or each student can
play for himself/herself. On a board,
make 3 columns with the headings, synonym, antonym, and rhyming word.
The SLP/teacher chooses a card (as seen above) and starts by reading ONLY the antonym. The first team/student to raise their hand, gets a chance to guess the “secret word”. Alternative: Go back and forth between students/teams allowing each a chance to solve a “secret word”. If a team/student is able to guess the “secret word” when given only the antonym, 3 points are earned. When both the antonym and synonym are given, 2 points are earned. When all three clues are given, 1 point is earned. Less clues equals more points!
Use the included homework pages for students to practice the “new” words they have learned!
Hope you all enjoy this activity! I had so much fun creating it! Thanks everyone for the support!!!
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