We had another busy, fun filled week last week - we are having a blast this summer! I really like the 'schedule' I have set this year - it helps us stay motivated, nobody gets bored, and we're making lots of fun memories! I'm glad I'm keeping up with my weekly updates so far (even if this one is a couple days late). July is going to be even busier with birthdays, family reunions, and baptisms, but I hope I can stay caught up! Here we go...
This was supposed to be our craft day, but the girls woke up with Daddy to help him pack his lunch, which is 4:30 in the morning, so they were a little tired and went back to sleep after staying up for a while.
I finally had to wake them up so they could eat lunch so that I could get Kaylee and Brianna in to Adventure Camp - that's when we saw the
SNAKE that I posted about last week - yuck, still can't get over that one!
Later that afternoon as we were getting ready to head into town to pick up the big kids from Adventure Camp, I found Brailee and Trysten entertaining themselves by looking through some of the family scrapbooks - they liked to see themselves when they were smaller and we talked about some of the pictures.
That night we saw another beautiful rainbow - love this shot of it going right over our view of the canyon.
That night the girls wanted to sleep in their blanket fort in the living room again.
Brianna had a lemur circus set up in the fort - here she is putting on a show
What a shot!
This morning we took Trysten into Preschool, packed a lunch and walked to the park from the school, then from there Kaylee and Brianna walked to Adventure Camp. That evening Kaylee had her first Softball game - even Brianna joined in for a bit.
Here is Kaylee as catcher...
...then getting ready to bat...
...and then playing 1st...
Daddy and Trysten enjoying the game - Trysten always has quite the view!
This is our playgroup day - this week we played in the water by the boat dock. The river was running high and flooded the parking lot area around the boat dock which made it perfect water for the kids to play in. We took nets and buckets and the kids had fun catching minnows.
I wish Brailee's eyes were open in this pic - it would be perfect.
Here are some pics from the water camera.
Trysten sat down in the water...
...and it was COLD!
Brailee had fun bossing and pulling Possum around.
We sure had fun down there and we went at just the right time - when we drove by on our way out of town just two days later, the water was down and the parking lot around the boat dock looked completely dry. We sure have some interesting tan lines - mostly just tan lines that make our feet look dirty. Here are my feet thanks to my Keens:
...and then Trysten's feet - thanks to his Crocs ;-)
Brailee got this little sunburn - just where I missed applying her sunscreen - you can see my where my fingers went :-(
That night three tired girls read stories...
...while Trysten played with his cars - he LOVES his cars and I love the sounds he makes while playing with them ;-)
THURSDAYThe sky was beautiful early, early this morning.
This was a busy, busy day running around all day. Brailee and I went into town to each get our hair cut. Then we had to come back into town to drop the girls off at Adventure Camp. A couple hours later I had to go in for an eye appointment to fix a problem, then back in an hour after that to pick up the girls and head to softball - just a busy day with none of our appointments working together and too spread out! I was so busy and gone that day I didn't even get a chance to pack for our weekend trip until the morning we left - I hate doing that but it happens all too often!
FRIDAYWe spent a couple hours packing up in the morning and headedout of town to spend time with David's sister and her family for a very special occasion - her husband was getting baptized! We pulled our camper with us so we'd have a place to stay - we stopped at a small mountain lake to fix lunch - there was still a little snow and it was a little cold outside!
Kaylee can't read in the car because she gets so car sick, so this little bookworm took advantage of the stop to finally stick her nose in her book. We tried some new wrist bands this weekend to help with the carsickness and they seemed to do the job - so much better than drugging her with Dramamine, which always knocks her out for a few hours.
We drove over a beautiful mountain pass.
SATURDAYThis was the day of the baptism - we got pictures of all the 'little' cousins that were there - they are all growing up too fast! This is about half of the grandkids on David's side of the family, minus two of the older ones who were there that day.
Then Trysten got sidetracked by an airplane ;-)
I'm so glad we were able to attend such a special event - I was touched by Mike's testimony.
After the baptism, we headed to the college to hear Mason play in a music festival.
We hung out in the sun on the grass and listened to the music.
This was a cool bridge.
We hung out with the family a little bit before church and then we headed home. The kids had fun playing with their cousins - now that we don't live in the same town as any of them anymore, they love every chance they get to hang out. They played B.C. - the Mormon version of B.S. ;-)
Brailee watched the dogs - with a barrier between her and them of course.
Zoe, the Rottweiler is good around the kids - but Zeus, the German Shepherd has a bad reputation with kids :-(
We had a fun week and weekend - thanks for visiting!