I write therefore I am! Oh my golly, gosh this weekend I'm going to a Problogger conference. Not only that, but I've booked to have dinner with the Travel Bloggers! To say I'm going to be punching above my weight is an understatement. More about this later in the week, unless I've been knocked out cold, but for now the organisers are running a competition asking: what inspires you to blog? what inspires your blogging? what about your blog inspires you? what is the inspiration behind your blog? So I thought I'd have a go, as it is something which I am often asked. Shortly after the "Wow, I didn't know you did that!" (read 'could do that!') I get a mixed reaction from friends and colleagues about my blogging. There is no doubt there are many in the nonblogging community who just do not get it! They see a solitary life, home alone, just me and my computer typing away. Waiting for some sort of sad validation from a whol
Bangkok Blogger's birds eye view of the world