Showing posts with label little red fox yarns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label little red fox yarns. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Slouchy Beret Hat - FREE PATTERN!

I have a tried and true favourite pattern for a beret style hat with a lovely flower motif (pattern and hat I made) but for gifting I wanted a more simple, snuggly pattern. I couldn't find a single one that I just loved, so I made my own, and after 2 failures I finally got what I wanted!
This hat pattern can be made to look slouchier by adding in extra rounds in rounds 11 to 16. 

If you notice any mistakes in the pattern please contact me at
This pattern is free for you to make items for yourself, friends and the general population. If you make these to sell I simply ask that you refer people back to my site. Also please take a picture and post it on my facebook page

Edit: I made a second hat and now this pattern has an alternate 'ending' depending on whether you want a loose band or tight band around the head

-Approx 150 metres of DK weight yarn (I used a Cleckheaton merino yarn)
-5mm and 7mm crochet hook (Please note, if you are a loose crocheter, use a 6mm hook instead of 7mm for the majority of the hat)
-Tapestry needle
-Stitch marker

This is crocheted in a continuous spiral so I highly advise using a stitch marker!
Slip stitch on to 7mm (or 6mm) hook and ch 2
Round 1: 10 HDC’s in 2nd ch from hook (10)
Round 2: HDC into first to join, HDC into same st, 2 HDC in each st around (20)
Round 3: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next* repeat around (30)
Round 4: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next 2 st* repeat around (40)
Round 5: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next 3 st* repeat around (50)
Round 6: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next 4 st* repeat around (60)
Round 7: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next 5 st* repeat around (70)
Round 8: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next 6 st* repeat around (80)
Round 9: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next 7 st* repeat around (90)
Round 10: *2 HDC in next st, HDC in next 8 st* repeat around (100)
Rounds 11-16: HDC in each st (100) –Add more rows here to make hat slouchier-
Round 17: *HDC2tog first 2 st, HDC in next 8 st* repeat around (90)
For a tight hat continue with this:
Round 18: *HDC2tog first 2 st, HDC in next 7 st* repeat around (80)
Rounds 19-22: Sc in each st using a 5mm hook (80) Bind off and sew in loose ends.
For a loose hat continue with this from round 17:
Round 18 - 24: Sc in each st (90)
Round 25: *Sc2tog, then sc in 11 st* repeat 6 times then sc in last 12 st (84)
Round 26: Sc in all st (84) Bind off and sew in loose ends.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lucy's Owl - Free Pattern in English and Slovak

Just before my elder sister's birthday she moved out of home, and so as a present she wanted a crocheted animal to have in her new room. I didn't really like many of the owl patterns available and I wanted it to look unique so I made my own.

This owl is incredibly cuddly and because of its cylindrical shape it can stand up on its own easily.

If you notice any mistakes in the pattern please contact me at

This pattern is free for you to make items for yourself, friends and the general population. If you make these to sell I simply ask that you refer people back to my site. 

3 colours of DK or worsted weight yarn (works best with a light shade, a dark shade and a bright shade)
4mm crochet hook      
2x Buttons approximately 20mm in diameter   
Tapestry needle  
Toy stuffing      
Magic Ring, Chain 2 
Round 1: 10 Dc in ring, ch 2 (10)
Round 2: 2 Dc in each st , join, attach second colour and ch 2 (20)   
Round 3:  2 Dc in first st, then 1 dc in next 2 st, repeat around. Bind off with enough yarn to sew on  
Row 1: Chain 5 and turn work (5)       
Row 2: Sc into each st and turn work (5)   
Row 3: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next st, sc2tog next 2 st and turn work (3)  
Row 4: Sc in each st and turn work (3)       
Row 5: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next st and turn work (2)  
Row 6: Sc2tog and bind off with enough yarn to sew on
Row 1: Ch 17 (last two ch act as edge)
Row 2: Dc into third st from hook, and each onwards then ch 2 and turn (15)        
Row 3: Dc into next st, and each onwards then ch 2 and turn (15)     Row 4: Dc2tog next two st, dc in next 11 st, dc2tog last two st, ch 2 and turn (13)  
Row 5: Dc2tog first two st, then dc into next st into next 9 st, dc2tog last two st then ch 2 and turn (11)          
Row 6: Dc in first st, dc2tog next two st, dc in next st, repeat from 4 times, ch 2 and turn (7)
Row 7: Dc in each st then bind off with enough yarn to sew on.
Magic Ring, Chain 2 
Round 1: 9 Hdc in magic ring, join to first hdc (not the ch2), ch 2 (9) 
Round 2: 2 Hdc in each around, join to first hdc, ch 2 (18) 
Round 3: 2 Hdc in first st, hdc in next, repeat around, join, ch 2 (27)
Round 4: 2 Hdc in first st, hdc in next 2, repeat around, join, ch 2 (36)         
Round 5: 2 Hdc in first st, hdc in next 3, repeat around, join, ch 2 (45)         
Round 6: 2 Hdc in first st, hdc In next 4, repeat around, join, ch 2 (54)         
Round 7: 2 Hdc in first st, hdc in next 5, repeat around, join, ch 2 (63)         
Round 8: 2 Hdc in first st, hdc in next 8, repeat around, join, ch 2 (70)         
Round 9 ‐ 18: Hdc In each st, join, ch 2.     
Round 19: Sl st in second colour, sc in each st, join, ch1   
Rounds 20 - 22: Sc in each st
Round 23: Sl st in third colour, sc in each st, only through back loops        
Rounds 24 - 26: Sc in each st.
Round 27: Sl st in second colour sc in each st through both loops   
Rounds 28 - 30: Sc in each st through both loops      
Rounds 31- 34: Sl st in third colour, sc in each st, only through back loops
Round 35: Sl st in second colour, sc in each st through both loops  
Rounds 36 - 38: Sc in each st.    
Round 39: Sl st in first colour, ch 2 and hdc in each stitch, join, ch 2 (70)    
Round 40: hdc2tog in first two st, hdc in next 8, repeat around, join, ch 2 (63)
Round 41: hdc2tog in first two st, hdc in next 5, repeat around, join, ch 2 (54)        Round 40: hdc2tog in first two st, hdc in next 4, repeat around, join, ch 2 (45)       
See assembly details here
Round 42: Hdc2tog in first two st, hdc in next 3 st, repeat around, join, ch 2 (36)  
Round 43: Hdc2tog in first two st, hdc in next 2, repeat around, join, ch 2 (27)       
Round 44: Hdc2tog in first two st, hdc in next, repeat around, join, ch 2 (18) Stuff any extra stuffing in here to make sure it is plump.    
Round 45: Hdc2tog in each around, join to first hdc, ch 2 (9)      
Round 46: Hdc2tog in each around, join to first hdc, then sl st into 3 st from hook and pull tightly to close the hole          
Assembly details
1. Sew eye patches onto body and align bottom with round 17. Leave a gap between for the beak.      
2. Attach buttons to centre of eyes   
3. Attach beak, align top edge with round 15.   
4. Attach only the top edge of the wings to round 18. Leave the rest free to move.
5. Stuff with stuffing after everything is attached.     

Please enjoy this pattern! 

Slovak translation was completed by Andrea Laca of

3 farby DK alebo worsted priadze (najlepšie vyzerá, keď sa skombinuje bledá, tmavá a jasná farba)
4 mm háčik
2 gombíky o priemere cca 20 mm
PE rúno alebo iná výplň
N - nahodiť
PO - pevné očko
RO - retiazkové očko
KS - krátky stĺpik
DS - dlhý stĺpik
KS2sp - zháčkovať dva krátke stĺpiky spolu
PDS - polovičný stĺpik
DS2sp - zháčkovať dva dlhé stĺpiky spolu
Magický kruh, N2
1. 10 DS do kruhu, N2 (10)
2. 2DS do každého očka z predošlého riadka, spojiť kruh, napojiť druhú farbu a N2 (20)
3. 2 DS do prvého očka, po 1DS do nasledujúcich 2 očiek, opakujte v celom kruhu. Odstrihnite priadzu a nechajte si dostatočne dlhý kus na neskoršie prišitie očí

1. N5 a otočte prácu (5)
2. KS do každého očka a otočiť prácu (5)
3. KS2sp, KS, KS2sp a otočte prácu (3)
4. KS do každého očka a otočte prácu (3)
5. KS3sp, KS a otočte prácu (2)
6. KS2sp a odstrihnite priadzu, pričom si nechajte dlhý kus priadze na neskoršie našitie zobáka k telu 

1. N17 (posledné 2 RO tvoria okraj)
2. DS do tretieho očka a do každého ďalšieho očka, potom N2 a otočte prácu (15)
3. DS do každého očka, N2 a otočte prácu (15)
4. DS2sp, DS do nasledujúcich 11 očiek, DS2sp, N2 a otočte prácu (13)
5. DS2sp, DS do nasledujúcich 9 očiek, DS2sp, N2 a otočte prácu (11)
6. DS, DS2sp, DS - opakujte 4x, N2 a otočte prácu (7)
7. DS, odstrihnite priadzu, pričom si nechajte dlhý kus priadze na neskoršie našitie zobáka k telu 
Magický kruh, N2
1. 9PDS do magického kruhu, spojte kruh do prvého PDS (nie do N2), N2 (9)
2. 2PDS do každého očka, spojiť kruh do prvého PDS, N2 (18)
3. 2PDS, PDS - opakujte v celom kruhu, spojiť, N2 (27)
4. 2PDS, PDS do nasledujúcich 2 očiek - opakujte v celom kruhu, spojiť, N2 (36)
5. 2PDS, PDS do nasledujúcich 3 očiek - opakujte v celom kruhu, spojiť, N2 (45)
6. 2PDS, PDS do nasledujúcich 4 očiek - opakujte v celom kruhu, spojiť, N2 (54)
7. 2PDS, PDS do nasledujúcich 5 očiek - opakujte v celom kruhu, spojiť, N2 (63)
8. 2PDS, PDS do nasledujúcich 8 očiek - opakujte v celom kruhu, spojiť, N2 (70)     
9. - 18. - PDS do každého očka, spojiť, N2  
19. PO v ďalšej farbe, KS do každého očka, spojiť, N1
20. - 22. KS do každého očka
23. PO v tretej farbe, KS do každého očka, háčkujte touto farbou iba do zadnej časti očiek
24. - 26. KS do každého očka
27. PO v druhej farbe a KS do každého očka pod obe časti očka
28. KS do každého očka
29. - 32. PO treťou farbou, KS do každého očka a iba pod zadnú časť očiek
33. PO druhou farbou, KS do každého očka pod obe časti očka
34. - 36. KS do každého očka
37. PO prvou farbou, N2 a PDS do každého očka, spojiť, N2 (70)
38. PDS2sp, PDS do nasledujúcich 8 očiek, spojiť, N2 (63)
39. PDS2sp, PDS do nasledujúcich 5 očiek, spojiť, N2 (54)
40. PDS2sp, PDS do nasledujúcich 4 očiek, spojiť, N2 (45)
pozrite si teraz časť Ako spojiť všetko dokopy
41. PDS2sp, PDS do nasledujúcich 3 očiek, spojiť, N2 (36)
42. PDS2sp, PDS do nasledujúcich 2 očiek, spojiť, N2 (27)
43. PDS2sp, PDS do nasledujúciho očka, spojiť, N2 (18) vypchajte sovičku a uistite sa, že je v nej dostatok výplne.
44. PDS2sp v celom kruhu, spojiť, N2 (9)    
45. PDS2sp v celom kruhu, spojiť s prvým PDS, potom PO do 3 očka od háčika a pevne stiahnuť dieru.
Ako spojiť všetko dokopy 
1. Prišite oči na telo, pričom ich spodná časť by mala byť približne na riadok č. 17. Nechajte medzi očami priestor pre zobáčik.
2. Prišite do stredu očí gombíky.
3. Prišite zobáčik, jeho vrchná časť by mala byť približne na riadku č. 15.
4. Prišite vrchnú časť krídel približne na riadok č. 18. Zvyšnú časť krídel neprišívajte, aby mohli lietať.
5. Vyplňte sovičku PE rúnom alebo inou výplňou.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Zarafa the Giraffe - Free Pattern!

Well here it is, my first free pattern!
This giraffe has been made for a customer and so while I made it I wrote down exactly what I did. Hopefully there aren't any/many mistakes in here. If you do find any please contact me at

This pattern is free for you to make items for yourself, friends and the general population. If you make these to sell I simply ask that you refer people back to my site. 

3.5mm crochet hook
Yellow (approx. 200m) and brown (approx. 150m) yarn 8 ply (I used Panda ‘Cotton Blend’) Using an acrylic or wool yarn may make the giraffe a little larger.
2x12mm safety eyes
Yarn needle

Work through back loops only
Yellow yarn
Round 1: Ch 2 then sc 6 into the second ch from hook (6)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (12)
Round 3: 2 sc in first st, sc in next, repeat around (18)
Round 4: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 2 st, repeat around (24)
Round 5: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 3 st, repeat around (30)
Rounds 6-8: Sc in each st (30)
Round 9: Sc2tog in first st, sc in next 3 st, repeat around (24)
Round 10: Sc2tog in first st, sc in next 2 st, repeat around (28) Bind off with a long tail.

Ears (make 2)
Work through back loops only
Yellow yarn
Round 1: Ch 2 then sc 6 into the second ch from hook (6)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (12)
Round 3: Sc in each st (12)
Round 4: St2tog around (6)
Round 5: Sc in each st (6) Bind off with long tail

Horns (make 2)
Work through back loops only
Brown yarn
Round 1: Ch 2 then sc 6 into the second ch from hook (6)
Rounds 2-5: Sc in each st (6) Bind off with long tail

Upper Legs (make 2)
Work through back loops only
Round 1: Ch 2 then sc 6 into the second ch from hook using the brown yarn (6)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (12)
Round 3: 2 sc in first st, sc in next, repeat around (18)
Round 4: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 2 st, repeat around (24)
Rounds 5-6: Sc in each st (24)
Round 7: Sl st in yellow yarn then sc in each st (24)
Rounds 8-12 : Sc in each st (24)
Round 13: Sc2tog in first st, sc in next 10 st, repeat once (22)
Round 14: Sc in each st (22)
Round 15: Sc2tog in first st, sc in next 9 st, repeat once (20)
Round 16: Sc in each st (20)
Round 17: Sc2tog in first st, sc in next 8 st, repeat once (18)
Round 18: Sc in each st (18)
Round 19: Sc2tog in first st, sc in next 7 st, repeat once (16)
Rounds 20-21: Sc in each st (16)
Round 22: Sc2tog in first st, sc in next 6 st, repeat once (14)
Rounds 23-24: Sc in each st (14)

Lower Legs (make 2)
Work through back loops only
Round 1: Ch 2 then sc 6 into the second ch from hook using the brown yarn (6)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (12)
Round 3: 2 sc in first st, sc in next, repeat around (18)
Round 4: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 2 st, repeat around (24)
Round 5: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 3 st, repeat around (30)
Round 6: Sc in each st (30)
Round 7: Sl st in yellow yarn then sc in each st (30)
Rounds 8-9: Sc in each st (30)
Round 10: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 3, repeat around (24)
Round 11: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 2, repeat around (18)
Round 12: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 1, repeat around (12) Bind off with a long tail

Work through back loops only
Round 1: Ch 2 then sc 6 into the second ch from hook using the yellow yarn (6)
Round 2: 2 sc in each st (12)
Round 3: 2 sc in first st, sc in next, repeat around (18)
Round 4: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 2 st, repeat around (24)
Round 5: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 3 st, repeat around (30)
Round 6: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 4 st, repeat around (36)
Round 7: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 5 st, repeat around (42)
Round 8: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 6 st, repeat around (48)
Rounds 9-15: Sc in each st (48)
Round 16: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 6 st, repeat around (42)
Round 17: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 5 st, repeat around (36)
Round 18: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 4 st, repeat around (30)
Round 19: Sc in each st (30)
Round 20: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 3 st, repeat around (24)
Attach nose, ears, safety eyes and horns here. See attachment details
Round 21: Sc in each st (24)
Round 22: Sc2tog in first two st, sc in next 2 st, repeat around (18)
Rounds 23-29: Sc in each st (18)
Round 30: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 8 st, repeat (20)
Round 31: Sc in each st (20)
Round 32: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 9 st, repeat (22)
Round 33: Sc in each st (22)
Round 34: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 10 st, repeat (24)
Round 35: Sc in each st (24)
Round 36: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 7 st, repeat around (27)
Round 37: Sc in each st (27)
Round 38: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 8 st, repeat around (30)
Round 39: Sc in each st (30)
Round 40: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 4 st, repeat around (36)
Round 41: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 5 st, repeat around (42)
Round 42: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 6 st, repeat around (48)
Round 43: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 7 st, repeat around (54)
Round 44: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 8 st, repeat around (60)
Round 45: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 29 st, repeat (62)
Round 46: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 30 st, repeat (64)
Round 47: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 31 st, repeat (66)
Round 48: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 32 st, repeat (68)
Round 49: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 33 st, repeat (70)
Round 50: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 34 st, repeat (72)
Rounds 51-60: Sc in each st (72)
Round 61: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 10 st, repeat around (66)
Round 62: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 9 st, repeat around (60)
Round 63: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 8 st, repeat around (54)
Round 64: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 7 st, repeat around (48)
Round 65: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 6 st, repeat around (42)
Attach upper legs, lower legs, felt shapes and stuff the neck and upper body. See attachment details
Round 66: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 5 st, repeat around (36)
Round 67: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 4 st, repeat around (30)
Round 68: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 3 st, repeat around (24)
Round 69: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 2 st, repeat around (18)
Round 70: Sc2tog in first 2 st, sc in next 1 st, repeat around (12)
Round 71: Sc2tog in first 2 st, repeat around (6)
Round 72: Sc in first and fourth st, pull tightly to close off gap, bind off then push excess yarn through to body with crochet hook.
Finished! =)

*** If you can, add weighted beads (preferably tied up in old pantyhose) to the bottom of the giraffe in between rounds 65 and 66. This will make him more balanced.

Attachment details:
Sew on horns using tail to the 4th round of the head on opposite sides.
Sew directly below the horns
Sew to round 12 of the head
Push through space between rounds 10 and 11 and attach safety backing
Upper legs
Partially stuff the legs so that they have shape but aren’t perfectly round. Sew to round 40 on either side of body.
Felt squares
Cut squares and other shapes out of a brown felt that is a similar colour to your brown yarn, approximately 1-2cm2. Sew onto back leaving gaps between them using a yellow embroidery thread.
Lower legs
Stuff fully and attach upper edge to round 57 of the body.