
Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Award. Show all posts

My Favorite Follower Award

I was thrilled to receive a sweet comment from Cindy 
awarding me the

Cindy is the author of an amazing kindergarten blog called:
Each time I visit her blog, I feel as though I am walking right through her classroom!  I love how she shows her week in pictures!  She shares amazing ideas and materials. If you haven't checked out her blog, I recommend you do so!  
Thank you Cindy!  It is such an honor to receive this from you!

I wanted to take the time to honor two specific authors who continue to make me smile almost every time I post something by leaving sweet, encouraging comments!

Thank you to 
Jennifer at:
Annie at 

All of the comments and feedback you provide are so important and I thank each of you! 
I love checking my comments to find things from a simple "Thank You" to more detailed comments.  They all mean so much.

A Scare and Versatile Blogger

Well this post is long overdue.  I was hoping to complete it last night, but unfortunately my German Shorthaired Pointer started to bloat so I was busy trying to keep her calm and get her to sleep. This came on suddenly (as it usually does, we were just sitting on the couch snuggling after my little one went to bed and she started the symptoms). Although she has undergone surgery and her stomach is tacked, it does not completely eliminate the gases from entering her stomach. It scares me each and every time it happens, but I am happy to say she is doing fine and is snuggling with me again now!
Here is a picture of my Saydie.

Anyhoo the point of this post is I really want to take the time to thank two wonderful authors who honored me with the Versatile Blogger Award!  

Mrs. Durden from
Cara from

Thank you again ladies!  I apologize it took me so long to recognize your kindness!
If you would like to view my answers to the questions and the authors I previously honored with this award, click on the picture of the award itself!

It's Gonna be a Bright, Bright Sunshiny Day!

Over the past few days I have had some amazing authors award me with the sunshine award!  I feel so blessed and thankful to have these ladies who provide fantastic resources, recognize little old me!

Thank you Laura from Kinder Kraziness
& last but not least
Annie from The Moffatt Girls

Here are the rules for this award:
1.  Thank the person(s) who gave this award and if you would like to, write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions below.
3. Pass the award to 10-12 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.

My answers:
-  Favorite color?  Purple
-  Favorite animal?  Turtle
-  Favorite number?  3
-  Favorite drink? Chocolate milk 
-  Facebook or Twitter?  Facebook.  (Twitter confuses me.)
-  Your passion?  My family and loved ones.
-  Giving or getting presents?  I get so excited when giving presents! (Sometimes I get a little too excited and can not stop dropping hints!)
-  Favorite day?  Each and every day!

I follow so many incredible blogs and here are some who bring sunshine into my life when I see their posts:

Katie and Steve-Two Can Do It
Elizabeth-Teacher's Market

(And yes ladies, this is coming right back to you...)

(I am going to go along with Annie in saying that if you are receiving this award from me, please do not feel as if you need to write a post about it.  I know how busy each of your lives are, especially with the holidays upon us!!  Just know that you are amazing and I am thankful for all of you!  Please keep doing what you are doing!)

Honored-I Heart Your Blog

I want to send a big THANK YOU to Jacque from
for awarding me with the
Here are the rules for this award: 
1.  Give the "I heart Your Blog" award to your favorite Top 10 Blogs that have touched your heart and inspired your teaching by listing them on your blog.
2. Contact that person and let them know of their heartfelt award.
3. When you receive the award, copy and paste the graphic onto your blog and give a shout out to the person who nominated you.
4. Spread the LOVE by passing the "I Heart Your Blog" award on your top 10.

The following are my TOP 10, whose buttons I proudly display on my sidebar:

Thank you!

Honored-Versatile Blogger

I want to send a huge THANK YOU to the following authors:

Jody from

Allison from 

Jody from

for awarding me the

I am so honored!  Please be sure to check out their blogs if you haven't already!
After accepting this award, you are requested to do the following:
1. Thank the person(s) who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to 15 other blogs.

Here are 7 things about myself:
1.  I was so nervous to begin my own blog because I didn't think my posts would be useful to anyone, but am happy and thankful I did!  I have met so many wonderful educators from around the world and absolutely love the blogging community!
2.  I love reality t.v.
3.  I think the DVR is one of the best pieces of technology ever invented!  (How else would I get to watch my reality t.v.?)
4.  I absolutely LOVE being a mommy and am amazed by my daughter each and every day!!
5.  I am a homebody and would prefer to be home over any other place in the world!
6.  I am an early bird and usually wake up before my alarm goes off.
7.  I hardly ever go to the movies because I can NEVER stay awake for the duration of one!

Here are the 15 blogs I would like to pass the award along to:

Thank you for all you do!