Don't you ever just need a little inspiration? You know when you look around you and see the piles of things (read..Crap) that you accumulate and hoard and keep F-O-R-E-V-E-R. You dont know what to do with this stuff and the house is all messy because you are out all day at work and the kids have homework but all they want to to is play and your daughter is bugging you about getting ready for a party in five hours time and you really should make some time to just play with your kids but you have a list as long as a roll of andrex of things to do.... sigh.... Sometimes you just need a little inspiration........
I used to be one of those Mummys who did stuff with the kids, all that crafting stuff and cooking and baking and we had trips out and all sorts of stuff. Now by the end of the week I am exhausted and want to sleep until Monday when I go back to work but then I am annoyed that I wasted the weekend... Ok so tell me what kinds of things you do to keep your children entertained, what do they enjoy and what kind of stuff do you do for family time.. Any ideas greatly appreciated..
Okay rant over with..LOL..
We did enjoy the half term although not all of the activities planned were done but we had fun all the same. I have some lovely pictures on my daughters camera but cant find the cable that connects her camera to the computer so they will have to wait. Anyway here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Lovely walks along the beaches near our home, It is so nice to be able to hop into the car and drive down to the beach. I could walk but I am far too lazy for that.. ha ha ha This is not the closest beach to us but only a short drive away..
Rock pooling on the beach, sadly they were all empty as word had got out that we were going and all of the little creatures made sure they could either hide in the depths of where I was unwilling to put my hands ( well you never know what might run out from under the seaweed )or swim back out to sea.. I am sure I could hear them laughing. Next time we will get them..
Little purses made for little girlies to take to sleepovers. Lovely sleepovers at Grandma's house with lots of sewing, quilting and hiding the remote control from Grandad and forcing him to watch Sponge Bob... ha ha ha....
Those little purses are so cute!!
Love Melanie xx
Hullo :o)
Those purses are so sweet x Regards your rant lol,I am not sure how old your smalls are?but how about really explaining them to them there x,y,z that need doing so if they can take care of one of them each,thats going to free up mama so in say 2 hours rather than 4 she will be able to sit & do some stuff with them which is much more fun for everyone :o)
The key here is to not wince...too...much..when they do things a bit,well not how you would do them? just let it be,I am forever inspired by the amish people how they from a very young age get their smalls working alongside them,sharing the load. I saw a programme a while back & the mama said sure at first its bedlam :oO with stuff everytwhere & stuff spilt etc but slowly surely they get to doing things how you do them,it just takes time & for someone like me it takes patience to let them be,to let them get on with it.
What else might help is if someone else can take them out for an afternoon & let you have a right old cook up in the kitchen,make up & freeze a few dinners & that will free up a bit more time.
Theres still the same amount of hours in the day when our lives change we just need to find a new rhythmn to fit it thats all
GTM x x x
I think most of us find it hard to get the balance right - I know I definitely do! My problem is that as well as not giving the children enough time and attention, I also don't give the housework enough either! Poor, poor housework!!!!! ;o)
Lucy x
Hi Sarah, It's an old old problem this issue of balance in our lives isnt it. I find that if I make a plan with E to go out later on a sunday for a planned bike ride or walk the dog then she's more likely to let me have a few peaceful hours earlier to do the things I need/want to do. It actually doesn't have to be a whole afternoon that we're out for but just some time doing something together even if I hadn't really felt like it initially can end up being such fun and quite invigorating. Baking for example. Often I need a cake for lunch box anyway so may as well do it together. Making simple things out of felt is one of E's favs just now and it's so relaxing to do a bit of handsewing. Sometimes she just likes me to be in the garden with her while she bounces or makes jumps for the dog! As I say to my dh, time for other stuff when she's left home!! Oh yes, and getting her to do some chores certainly takes a bit of the pressure off. Good luck. Bx
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