Showing posts with label Decorating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Decorating. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Our New Website!

I want to say a huge THANK YOU for allowing me to share with you here the last five years! 

I hope you'll join me on our new website at where you’ll find country living inspiration, wide-open spaces, and plenty of room to dream! 

Read about our family's story here or visit the blog for journal-style posts about farmhouse living, decorating ideas, entertaining, gardening, and bits and pieces of family life. Browse our online shop for curated farmhouse wares that we hope will bring more joy and beauty to your home.


Friday, June 21, 2019

Little Farmstead Living {Our New Book!!!}

Affiliate links provided below.

Friends! It is with a full heart of gratefulness (and butterflies!) that I want to share my first ever book with you that is now available for pre-order on Amazon! Here are a few sneak peeks...

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Sundays at Home {Link Party}

Thanks so much for joining us here at Sundays at Home! With the holiday season in full swing, I'm sure you are all busy with decorating, shopping, entertaining and general "merry-making."  We are here each week to inspire you and be inspired BY keep sharing all your wonderful ideas with us! 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Sundays at Home {Link Party}

Welcome to the Thanksgiving weekend edition of Sundays at Home! We hope you've had a spectacular Thanksgiving holiday and maybe even a little fun with Black Friday shopping!

We've been putting finishing touches on our Christmas decor and had so much fun seeing all of the amazing creations and inspiration that you all shared this past week.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Three Christmas Decorating Ideas from a Vintage Market...

It was fun attending a couple of vintage markets last week. Like many of you, I love hunting for special, one-of-a-kind timeworn treasures. I also enjoy seeing how the vendors display their items... from creative backdrops such as garden gates and antique doors to the artistic way they style shelves... There's always so much inspiration!

Here are three Christmas decorating ideas inspired by the vintage market, The Great Junk Hunt...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Five Tips for Styling Shelves...

I still remember one evening as a young teenager when I decided to clean out my closet. I started with great optimism, envisioning a well-organized closet. (Anyone remember Elle's color-coded closet in the movie Legally Blonde? Though I may not have seen that movie yet, you get the idea of my high expectations...) I had enthusiasm and energy, figuring I'd power through it in about an hour.

Well, I became distracted looking at old pictures and yearbooks, and talked myself out of getting rid of clothes and shoes, imagining when and where I might possibly wear them... 

What I remember most about that "quick" closet makeover is sitting on my bedroom floor many hours later at midnight, in tears, and surrounded by piles of stuff (some dusty). I was so frustrated! I didn't yet recognize that my creative bent is stronger than my organizational skills. 

All that to say, I don't profess to be an expert at organizing shelves. But I do enjoy the creative process of styling shelves and have learned a few things over the years that are helpful...

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Sundays at Home {Link Party}

Sundays at Home Link Party

Welcome to the latest - almost Fall edition - of Sundays at Home! Are you dreaming of Fall as much as we are?! We're excited to share some Fall-spiration with you, but before we jump into this week's features here's what your hosts have been up to this week...

Friday, June 22, 2018

Farmhouse Decorating for the 4th of July!

Ah, summer! Those lazy, what-should-we-do-today, sun-drenched days. Time at the lake, get togethers with friends outdoors, picking berries, going to the fair, family vacations... there's just so much to love about summer! 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sundays at Home {Link Party}

Welcome back to Sundays at Home! We're happy you've joined us and look forward to seeing your home and garden, decor, DIY, and crafting ideas!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Sundays at Home {Link Party!}

Sundays at Home Link Party
We're baaack! Welcome to the very first Sundays at Home of 2018! We hope you had a wonderful holiday and were able to spend quality time with your loved ones. As we're all beginning to tuck away the joys and memories of 2017 we are also excitedly looking ahead to 2018. We are thrilled to welcome in the New Year and share lots of inspiration and advice to help you make this your best year yet!

So without further ado, here's what Kristy, Jennifer, Susan, Kelly & I have been up to this week...

Thursday, January 4, 2018

2017 Top Ten Posts...

I want to start by saying thank you for reading our blog, and for the support you've shown us this past year. It really means so much to me! What a blessing to have this community of people who share a love for family, for home, for farmhouse design, and the simple joys of country living. It amazes me that we can be separated by miles (some of us by thousands of miles!) and still stay connected here. Turns out I am grateful for technology! And I am definitely grateful for each of you.

For the past almost four years now, I have blogged on farmhouse decorating, DIY projects, parties and gatherings, bits of our family life, mini farm living, and faith. If there are any topics you'd like to see more (or less) of here on the blog, I would love to hear about that in the comments section below. Thank you in advance for your feedback!

There will be some changes coming soon to the blog that I'm really excited about, and hope you will enjoy. 

Below is a roundup of the top ten posts of 2017, based on views. 
(You can read the whole posts by clicking on the pictures or links.) 

1. Farmhouse Porch Ideas: Thanks to your support and a little love from Country Living, this post came in at number one! Galvanized buckets, including chicken waterers and a mop bucket, were the stars of the show.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Sundays at Home Link Party

Happy fall and welcome to Sundays at Home! There has already been so much beautiful fall decor, recipes and seasonal inspiration shared. We're looking forward to seeing what you've been working on this week. So happy to have you!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Farmhouse Decorating for Early Fall {Wheat and Galvanized Buckets}

We're just four days back into the school routine and I've never been so ready for the weekend. 

Wow. I forgot about just how early the mornings are, how late the evenings are - getting backpacks and lunches prepped, and how many forms (and checks) need signing this time of year! But... all three of our boys have had a good back-to-school week and so I'm feeling grateful. I imagine your week has been full too, and I hope it has been going well. And if you happen to be a teacher, thank you for all you do! :)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Spring At Our Farmhouse (A Roundup!)

Hi Friends! 

I hope you are doing well and enjoying this week before Easter. Our house has been humming with activity (thus a quieter than usual blog). With several school activities, baseball games, and getting ready for Easter, typing at the computer has turned into somewhat of a luxury. (I'm sure you can relate!)

So today I thought I'd recap some of our top spring posts just in case you missed them...

(Aren't the eggs pictured below so calming and lovely? I thought so too. We made them last year, using all natural homemade egg dyes. So imagine my surprise when our boys voted on returning back to the store-bought capsule dyes this year! Apparently they prefer the saturated colors and bold designs the kits offer. So no, we won't be boiling beets and blueberries this year like little mad scientists. After all, this tradition is for the kids. Egg stickers, crayons and all. :)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Sundays at Home #153

Happy April and welcome to Sundays at Home! 

This is the time of year when the garden begins changing daily, and I start stalking my favorite plants on our property - the lilacs, peonies, and hydrangeas. Though still far from having blooms, they have come "back to life" this week and developed little leaves. 

Observing and celebrating the changing of seasons is one of the simple pleasures in life that I have come to enjoy. It points me to me to the wonders of our Creator, His mercies that are new every morning, and the hope that each new season brings.

I'm so happy you've joined us today!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Sundays at Home #152

It's hard to believe this is already the last weekend in March! 

Has the spring cleaning bug hit you yet? I went through a downstairs storage closet, pitching and donating, and it felt so good to lighten up! (That was until I looked around and saw how much the rest of the house got "undone" while I was tackling the closet! ;) 

I'm sticking with the mantra "little by little...

Anyway, so glad you are here!

Sundays at Home Link Party

Here's what we have been up to this week...

Sundays at Home link party
Easy DIY Easter Egg Crafts that are budget friendly from Celebrating Everyday Life blog


Now let's check out this week's features...

Sundays at Home link party

A brilliant repurpose from Maria at Pastels & Macarons
 A stool seat turned lazy susan!

DIY lazy susan

Angie of Knick of Time treats us like special guests in her 
beautiful spring guest room. So lovely!

Spring guest bedroom

We love these chocolate alternative Easter eggs 
from Lydi at Lydi Out Loud!

Bath bomb easter eggs

Congratulations to our featured bloggers!
We will be sharing your beautiful work on our Sundays at Home Pinterest board & on our FB pages and Instagram accounts throughout the week. 
Follow our board & pages to see.
So nice if you would follow us on Instagram
Ready to show us what you have been up to? Well, then ~ Link up!!
A link back is to one of our blogs is appreciated.
Link up your own work, no ads, or giveaways.
Linking gives us permission to share a credited photo on our social media accounts.
Have fun & share!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Five (Easy!) Farmhouse-Style Spring Decorating Ideas

Here at our farmhouse, spring decor primarily consists of three things... 
Eggs, nests, and flowers or flowering branches.

Adding these simple touches couldn't be easier! 

Here are five ideas to get you started... 
(Some affiliate links are provided for your convenience.)

1. Stack vintage books beneath a nest with eggs for a spring farmhouse vignette.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Sundays At Home #151

Welcome to Sundays at Home friends! 

I shared this image of our entryway on Instagram the other day, showing off the flowering branches. Someone commented on how serene the space looked. So now I have a confession. In this very same space the other morning, we had a chicken trotting around as I tried to get our three sons out the door for school. A chicken. In our house. Boys lauging-yelling and scrambling for shoes. And me. Racing down those stairs, "Get it out before it..." :) So serene, right?

We try to put our best foot forward. And that's what this party is about... inspiration! But should you ever be tempted to feel inadequate as you look through the posts of beautiful ideas that people link up here, remember there are "behind the scenes" images we often don't see. And sometimes they involve a chicken in the house and a frazzled mom. 

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sundays at Home #150

Welcome to Sundays at Home where inspiration, like this amazing china cabinet makeover, 
is never in short supply! Hats off to Mary at Orphans with Makeup for this creative masterpiece. 

And I'm sorry for staring. It's just so gorgeous...

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Sundays at Home #146

Are you looking for fresh ways to decorate or update your home, add some flavor with new recipes, and share ideas for creative living with like-minded friends?

You've come to the right place!

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