I hope maybe you'll consider reading about my beautifully tormented French-Italian-American ex-almost-priest. His story starts in A LITTLE TOO FAR, in Rome with Lexie. We find out a lot about him through Lexie's eyes. But after he makes his life-altering decision there, the rest of his journey in A LITTLE TOO MUCH nearly proves to be his undoing. He broke my heart in this book. He and Hilary are two of the most complex characters I've ever written. Library Journal says: "Although Hilary is tough on the outside, her honest narration leave her raw and exposed to the reader, which makes her plight all the more substantial."
I love Hilary. I love Alessandro. He's very private and keeps his thoughts and feelings closely guarded, but he's starting to open up. There's more to his story, and I hope to be able to bring it to you from his perspective soon. So...our last taste of my tortured, beautiful man.