Showing posts with label 20 Days of Alessandro holiday celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 20 Days of Alessandro holiday celebration. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 20!!

Happy Christmas to all who celebrate! And today culminates our 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration! I've had so much fun bringing you these sweet little nothings. (Yes, there are times I really hate my job ;p) Today's post features my favorite line from A LITTLE TOO MUCH.

I hope maybe you'll consider reading about my beautifully tormented French-Italian-American ex-almost-priest. His story starts in A LITTLE TOO FAR, in Rome with Lexie. We find out a lot about him through Lexie's eyes. But after he makes his life-altering decision there, the rest of his journey in A LITTLE TOO MUCH nearly proves to be his undoing. He broke my heart in this book. He and Hilary are two of the most complex characters I've ever written. Library Journal says: "Although Hilary is tough on the outside, her honest narration leave her raw and exposed to the reader, which makes her plight all the more substantial."

I love Hilary. I love Alessandro. He's very private and keeps his thoughts and feelings closely guarded, but he's starting to open up. There's more to his story, and I hope to be able to bring it to you from his perspective soon. So...our last taste of my tortured, beautiful man.

Happy holidays to you all! There will be some exciting things happening after the New Year, including a contest for signed books from all the fabulous authors who blurbed A LITTLE TOO HOT (Katy Evans, Jay Crownover, Sophie Jordan) so I'll see you then!


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 19, and it's RAINING men!

It is Christmas Eve, and I am here to shower you with Man Candy gifts! Tomorrow is the end of our 20 Days of Alessandro Holiday Man Candy Celebration, and I have had sooo much fun bringing you so many tasty treats. But's not just Alessandro, but ALL the A LITTLE TOO FAR men. (Yes, I'm showering you with men. As in, it's raining men? Get it? ;p)

Drum roll, please...

It all started with Trent from A LITTLE TOO FAR, Lexie's sensitive musician stepbrother-best-friend who she sort of accidentally has sex with just before leaving for a year abroad in Rome...

...where she meets Alessandro, her tortured French-Italian-American soon-to-be priest.

He has his demons to face down, and he gets his chance in A LITTLE TOO MUCH. But while Lexie's away, getting tight with Alessandro, Trent is also getting cozy...with Lexie's best friend Sam. Some of you love to hate Sam, but I just flat out love her. When things go to hell for her and she lands in a gentleman's club, dancing for a living, she meets Harrison in A LITTLE TOO HOT. Unfortunately for Sam, he's not who he seems to be...and his secret will probably get her killed.

Now get a towel and dry off, because your holiday company will be here soon! But don't forget to check back tomorrow for the LAST serving of Alessandro Man Candy for 2013!

Monday, December 23, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 18

Three days till Christmas, so I have three more sweet bits of Alessandro Man Candy for you. He's still on sale on all major e-tailers for only 1.99, don't forget! So, here is one of your lasts tastes of my beautiful, tormented, French-Italian-America ex-almost-priest.

Don't forget to check back tomorrow, because it's not just my ex-almost-priest. Tomorrow is the HOTTEST Man Candy I've posted...a rundown of ALL my A Little Too Far boys, starting with Trent, and ending with Harrison from A LITTLE TOO HOT, which releases in FOUR SHORT WEEKS! You seriously don't want to miss this! See you tomorrow, and until then, sweet dreams!

Friday, December 20, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 17

Yep, he's back, my beautifully tormented French-Italian-American ex-almost-priest. We're winding down our Man Candy Celebration on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with our last three slices of heaven. And then I think we MUST have a contest for the New Year. I think there MUST be signed books involved. Yes, definitely. *schemes*

But, without further ado, what you all came for. I give you, Alessandro, in the...flesh.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 16

Hope you enjoyed reading the first six chapters of A LITTLE TOO MUCH yesterday! It's still only 1.99 on all major e-tailers, and will stay that way until the New Year. A LITTLE TOO FAR is only 99 cents right now on Amazon, and that could change at any second, as that's Amazon's gift to you. It's your shot at a double dose of Alessandro for under three bucks, so HURRY!

And speaking of my French-Italian-American tormented ex-almost-priest, we've got five more days of his hotness for you, right here on the blog. Here's your daily dose of Alessandro Man Candy.

Come on back tomorrow for more!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 15 (And the first six chapters of A LITTLE TOO MUCH!)

Only a week until Christmas! Have you finished your holiday shopping? I've turned into an internet shopper, for the most part, though if we had an actual book store where I lived, that would probably be my go to stop for holiday shopping. But, if you let your fingers do the walking like me, here's something for you. Right now, A LITTLE TOO MUCH is on special for the holidays at only $1.99! And, it seems Amazon is giving you a gift of their own, because they reduced A LITTLE TOO FAR to just 99 cents! So, now you can get a double dose of my beautiful French-Italian-American tormented ex-almost-priest for under 3 bucks!!!

And, as a special holiday threat, because HarperCollins loves you guys, here is an excerpt of, like, the first six chapters! Seriously! So now you can really taste my Alessandro Man Candy before you buy ;-)

Be back tomorrow with MORE Man Candy!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 14 (and OMG Katy Evans blurbed A LITTLE TOO HOT!)

So, honestly, I have no idea if it mean anything to readers at all when an author gives a book a blurb. But I've got one that's going on the front cover of A LITTLE TOO HOT. Here's what it says:

Every page is deliciously breathtaking, wickedly sexy and sensational. A LITTLE TOO HOT is wonderfully unique and a LOT HOT! I am a HUGE Lisa Desrochers fan.
   — Katy Evans, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of REAL, MINE, and REMY

This makes me ecstatically happy because I love Katy and her Remy to death! As does this:

“Lisa is brilliant at creating sizzling sexual tension and impossible circumstances that make the reader hold their breath all the way to happy ever after. Sam and Harrison are more than A Little Too Hot, they are scorching!"
   — Jay Crownover, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of RULE, JET, and ROME

If you've followed this blog at all, you know what a HUGE fangirl I am of Jay. Rule Archer will forever be my co-favorite book boy. (Along with Adam Wilde from WHERE SHE WENT.) To have these amazing authors say such incredible things about A LITTLE TOO HOT puts a smile on my face that will not be fading anytime soon. But that's not all, because there's also this:

“Lisa Desrochers’ best yet! A LITTLE TOO HOT is hotter than hot with all the emotional punch to back it up!”
   — Sophie Jordan, USA Today bestselling author

Sophie is an awesome person and author, and I loved her FOREPLAY so much, I blurbed it!

So, that all makes today's Alessandro Man Candy just a little bit sweeter! And a BONUS is that A LITTLE TOO MUCH just went on sale for only $1.99!!! That means you can have my beautiful French-Italian-American boy for less that two bucks!

I've so loved putting together all the Holiday Man Candy for you, and there's still more to come. Six more days to be exact! So keep checking back!

Monday, December 16, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 13

I have officially exceeded the song, but I'm far from done. We started at the end of November, and I have more Man Candy treats prepared to see you all the way through Christmas. And after the holidays, there are some totally fun things planned, including giveaways for signed books and other fun stuff!

So, without further ado, I present today's Alessandro Man Candy...

Keep checking back for more!

Friday, December 13, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 12 (I'm running out of song...)

It's the last official day of Christmas, according to the song, but never fear! I'm not going to leave you hanging at drummers drumming! We're going right up until actual Christmas with our Alessandro Man Candy Celebration, so keep checking back!

So, dovetailing off yesterday's post, we have more of my tormented French-Italian-American ex-almost-priest. He's got a lot to atone for, but he's also horribly lost.

Maybe you can help him find his path? He still needs that hug! If you want to give him one, order him in paperback today at Amazon or Barnes&Noble!

See you tomorrow. The best is yet to come! =)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 11 (and no, I'm not showing you anyone' piper)

After the hiatus for Harrison and Sam A LITTLE TOO HOT hotness on day nine, and the Real Life Hot Priests excitement of yesterday, we're finally back into our regularly scheduled broadcast. Semi-naked Alessandro, my holiday gift to you. So, my French-Italian-American ex-almost-priest hottie is definitely tortured. There were several occasions as I was writing him in A LITTLE TOO MUCH that he broke my heart. This is one of them.

Never fear, tomorrow is NOT the last day of our celebration. We're definitely over-shooting the song. So keep checking back for my gift that keeps on giving! And remember that the paperback released this know, in case you want to cuddle with my tortured hottie at night.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 10 (And a hot male virgins you can OWN!)

All the exiting things today! First, I have to show you this! It popped up in my Twitter feed this morning thanks to some of my diligent readers. You want the REAL Alessandro, here he is in Hot Vatican Priest calendar form, just in time for your holiday shopping! Click on the picture to order yours!

Nothing sexier than a hot virgin, right? (Though, if you've read ALTF, you know Alessandro is NOT a virgin, and you know who he lost his V-card to :D)

And if that's not enough, there's also the release of A LITTLE TOO MUCH in paperback! Now you can get your hands on Alessandro in the flesh (or paper, really), you know, in case you want to lay in bed at night with him wrapped around your fingers, or maybe stuff him in your stockings. (because he makes a great stocking stuffer too ;p) You can pick yours up at Barnes & Noble or Amazon. Go ahead, you know you want to!

But, with all this excitement, I didn't forget your daily dose of Alessandro Man Candy. Yesterday we took a one day break from Alessandro to bring you Harrison and Sam hotness from A LITTLE TOO HOT (which I'm now thinking I should have titled A LOT TOO HOT, but I digress). So, today we're back to my beautiful French-Italian-American ex-almost-priest hottie. You ready? I thought so...

So, there you go. Another reason to get the paperback...Alessandro's arms wrapped around you at night. Yeah?

Keep checking back everyday between now and Christmas for MORE hotness! We're only halfway through our Man Candy Celebration!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 9 (but really it's Harrison Man Candy today)

Because today is nine ladies dancing, it seemed appropriate to take a short break from Alessandro to feature Sam from A LITTLE TOO HOT. Because she's a...well...dancing lady. In ALTH, Lexie's best friend, Sam, finds herself in some dire straights when she flunks out of school and her parents decide on the tough love route and throw her out. She needs money fast, and her goofball rocker friend hooks her up with a exotic dancing gig. And because this is a Man Candy Holiday Celebration, I must share her leading man with you. Harrison is beyond hot, and way too tempting for Sam to resist. So, on day 9 of our 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, I give you instead Harrison Man Candy...

and our dancing lady, Sam...

I can't wait for you to meet them in person on January 21st!

Monday, December 9, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 8 (and it's not milking maids)

I can't even tell you how much fun I'm having finding fabulous Alessandros for you to ogle. For a rundown of the last seven, go here. I suppose it depends on the maids-a-milking, but, speaking for myself, I'd definitely rather have this:


There are more Days of Alessandro Man Candy coming your way, and some exciting announcements about A LITTLE TOO HOT too, so keep checking back. I'll have the winners of the GINORMOUS book giveaway posted later this week as well, so if you entered, you'll want to stay tuned!

Friday, December 6, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 7 (six swans a-swimming, and a signed book giveaway)

All I have to say today is, would you rather have swans a-swimming, or this:

I thought so...

And we're down to our last few days to enter for a chance at TONS of signed books.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 6 (six geese a-laying, and a signed book giveaway)

Okay, so five golden rings was tough to beat, but geese a-laying? Not so hard. Though, I think I've done Team Alessandro proud with this one. If you want to see my answer to French hens, turtle doves, and the stinking partridge, all you have to do is click here. But be sure to enter the giveaway for tons of SIGNED BOOKS at the bottom of this post before you click over :D

So, my humble offering for you on Day 6 of our 25 Days on Alessandro hotness...

Yeah... Wipe the drool off your chin before you go out in public. ;p

And the giveaway. Day six, and if you're lucky that's what you'll win: 6 fabulous signed books by the likes of Jennifer L. Armentout, Cora Carmack, Jay Crownover, Katy Evans, and K.A. Tucker. Yup, you heard me right. So go enter!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 5 (and a signed book giveaway)

Five golden rings. That's what I'm up against today, on our fifth day of Alessandro.

That's tough to beat, but I'm feeling it today. I think I've got something better. Here's a little more sophisticated Alessandro, outside the boxing ring, where we've spent the last few days.

Yeah? Better than golden rings?

And make sure to enter the HUGE signed book giveaway, because signed books by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Cora Carmack, Jay Crownover and others are ALWAYS better than golden rings. ;-)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 4 (and a giveaway)

There are only a few more days to enter the HUGE giveaway for signed NA and YA books! (My other gift to you!) Scroll to the bottom of his post to enter!

Now to the gift that keeps on giving. ;p

Keeping with the boxing theme (get it, boxing--like Boxing Day and Christmas? ;p), I have more sweaty, semi-naked Alessandro goodness for you on day four of our 20 days of Alessandro yumminess celebration. I promise you'll like this much better than four calling birds. And if you want to see my answer to three french hens, two turtle doves and a lousy partridge, check out the first three days of Alessandro!

Without further ado...

And the giveaway...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check back tomorrow. Five golden rings are tough to beat, but I think you'll agree that Day 5 Alessandro does it =)

Monday, December 2, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Man Candy Holiday Celebration, Day 3 (more semi-naked Alessandro)

It's the third day of our fabulous 20 Days of Alessandro Celebration, and I thought I'd spare you the three french hens and get right to the good stuff. Dovetailing off yesterday's post (get it, dovetailing...second day of Christmas was two turtle doves ;p) here's more of Alessandro's sweaty hotness.

Should I keep going? You want more?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The 20 Days of Alessandro Holiday Celebration, Day Two: More Man Candy (meaning a semi-naked Alessandro)

I've got 20 days of Christmas, which is much better than twelve, right? And I'm pretty damn sure you're going to like this a whole lot better than turtle doves. For the next eighteen days, I'll serve up my French-Italian-American hottie, Alessandro, for your viewing pleasure. You can find Day One's offering here. Here's your second serving of Alessandro...

Do you want more? I'll keep going, every day between now and Christmas if you want it. Let me know!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

My holiday gift to you: Alessandro

The holidays are in full swing, and, because I love you, I want to give you something special. So, every day between now and Christmas, I'll be serving my beautiful French-Italian-American man up on a silver platter for your enjoyment. Here's today's offering:

Check back every day for a new layer of hotness. And don't forget there are still a few days to enter the HUGE giveaway for signed NA and YA books!
a Rafflecopter giveaway