NAMA HERBA: Ulam raja
NAMA SAINTIFIK: Cosmos caudatus kunth
Ditanam sebagai pokok hiasan. Sesuai ditanam di tanah lembap. Tumbuh di ketinggian 2 metre. Daunnya lembut, kecil dan bergerigi. Di bawah daun terdapat bulu-bulu halus, bunga kecil, merah jambu pucat atau putih tumbuh di hujung pokok. Membiak melalui biji benih. Biji benih dari sekuntum bunga boleh tersebar menjadi semaian baru apabila di tiup angin.
Dijadikan ulam. Mencuci darah, menguat tulang. Membantu memberi kesegaran badan dan ketegangan pada kulit serta awet muda. Dapat merencat bacteria dan fungus.
Name of herb: Ulam raja
Scientific name: Cosmos caudatus kunth
Is planted for decorative purposes. Suitable to be planted in wet earth. Grows to a height of 2 metres. Is propagated from seeds.
Can be eaten as ulam (salad). Helps to cleanse the blood and strengthens bones. Eatog ilam raja is said to be able to help one maintain a youthful look. Helps to slow bacterial and fungal growth.
Cosmos caudatus
Thanks for pointing out the error. Since this blog was created to educate my students about the plants in our Herb Garden, the teachers and I work together to come up with the information. We also try to use Bahasa Melayu and English. We would appreciate any help or corrections from visitors to make our blog better and more informational.
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