Showing posts with label day 50. Show all posts
Showing posts with label day 50. Show all posts


Project 365 days in photography ° Day 50 - Fifteen ~ Projekt 365 dni v fotografijah ° 50. dan - Petnajst

It's the fiftieth day of our project and the word of the day is fifteen. It is also my brother's birthday and I though about looking for a photo of him when he was that age, but then I decided to look for the fifteenth page of the book I read a few days ago. It's my favourite book - Skellig by David Almond and I've read it a couple of times already. But it always gets to me in some way I can't exactly explain. Maybe it's because I read it for the first time when I was a teenager and was just so enchanting to me. Or maybe it just touches some part of me in a certain way. I just love it, though some don't share my opinion and don't find it as fascinating :)