Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Marah MENGUASAI Diri ....!!!

jgn terpedaya ngn tajuk tu.
ak xmrah kat sape2 pon.
ak x geyam kat spe2 pon.
cme nk share ilmu yg xseberapa ngn korg.
cmne nk kontrol marah / baran kite ni bile ia telah menguasai diri

ritu terdengar ade org kata,
kalo ase cm nk marah2,
cube korg bayangkan muke korg mse tgh marah,
mesti muke cam berok kelaparan !!

Kalo korang dh bygkan cm tuh,
gerenti korg x jadi nk marah ---> yeke? ahaha
and pastu korg akan ase cool sket
jd, bile dh cool + xmrh2,
xde la muke korg cm berok kelaparan lg,
muke korg cume cam kawan kpd berok jelah..

eh2, btw, mende ni bknla bermaksod nk sme kan manusia ngn beruk,
tp nk bg kite ase malu bile mrh2 x tentu pasal.
marah2 / baran tu kan perangai yg xbaek.
kan kan?

p/s : kalo ase, xmenjadi tips ni, ko gi la amik wudu' bg hilg mrh2 tu..
kalo x jd gk, mksodnye ko dh biarkan setan kuasai diri kao.
ikotkan sgt hati, binasa. !

nak ke muke cm beruk?
ni la rupenye muke bile kite ngah ngamok2. amacm? nk mrh2 lg ker?hehe

last pix ni, muke mse korg mrh + tgh terjerit2 mse nk mrh org len.
still nk mengamok2 lg ker?
uishhh. jgn la ikotkan hati sgt.
drpd mrh,bek korg senyum + tegor la org yg korg x puas ati tu, cara baik..
betoi x?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Planning for Tomorrow is GOOD???

of course it;s good la der.
tomorrow must be better than today okeh.
that's y we need plan.
(ayamakkk ! mcm cite management lah pulokkk)
anyway, the thing is plan make ur life more fantastic and meaningful.
make you more discipline !
as u need to follow ur schedule that u've made.
kalo x, sia2 la ko merepek lam jadual ko tuh
sia2 la ko amik masa 20 minit nk siapkn schedule ko utk hari esoknye.

What do u understand bout planning?
this is the process of setting ur target for future and finding methods to achieve the target.
short term / long term objective !
cthnye la kan, sok ko kata nk gi bank settle kan payment for bills dlm kol 9pg ko pegi, and target settle lam kol 10pg(mklomla, bank kan ade queue n ko kan kene tgu berejam2..haha)
pastuh, ko try la bgun pagi2, supaya ko achieve target ko tuh..
jgn la kol 12 tgh hri lak ko bru nk bgun..mmg target ko xkan tercapai la smp ko lam kubor nnty..
ha..thats the simple example from me :)

ape lg, jap lg, start la planning + set ur target.
haaa.. lg 1, target tu jgn la smp x relevant.
cth nye, ko kata, esok target nk bli kete ferrari..
sedangkan , lam bank ko,sesen pon tarak..
MMG PASTI ko akn capai target ko..tp lam mimpi jela.. :PP

okeh.. skg ak nk tulis plan ak tok ahad ..27/6/2010
pgi2 kol 8pg kene pg gombak..hantar hantaran kawen jiran ak..
kol 2ptg smpi umah..teros solat zhor + lipat kaen + sapu umh + mop umah..
kol 3ptg, on9..searching facts for debat alam sekitar (next week dh nak training kat kedah)
kol 5ptg, slt asar...
kol 5.30 ptg.. ak nk tgk cite jepun !!!
yeahhh..byk dh ak amik dr external kwn ak (DJAH)...
thnx djah.. i love you forever..since u gave me all the japanese dramas n movies !!!
smp la mgrib..ak solat..
pas mgrib, plan tok isnin lak..
pastuh kol 9mlm, setel kn hal umah..kemas2 sume..
kol 10mlm,start searching for facts again..
smp la ak ase nk tidooo..yeeyyy!!

knp ak x tdo lg skg nie?
sbb pas mgrib td, ak terlelap ats katil ngn telekong siap okeh!
keletihan mak..
sbb mak ke sec.7 td, cri umh sewa utk kazen mak yg bakal blaja di uitm shah alam..
dye xnk dok umh mak bukn pe..sbb x biase ngn jln shah alam lg..
mmg letih..panas wo cuaca skg..
berpeluh2 mak..mcm gadis sport gituww! auuw!

ni la bahan2 yg ko perlu bile nk planning..
haa. kalo korg pakai spec,pakai la..
jgn lurus sgt..
bile ak kata kene ade 3 items ni,korg pon jgn la gigih cri spec utk uat plan..kpd yg xpkai spec.

that's all der..thnks for reading (,")V

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