If you heard a scream two blocks away this afternoon, that would be me seeing a snake
while pulling weeds. If you heard a scream 2 MILES away, that would be
me seeing another, bigger snake 5 minutes later. Yup. I think the yard
is going au naturale this summer...
I was merely trying to pull and trim some weeds too close to landscaping borders for the mower to reach. I saw a "gardener" snake and squealed pretty good in surprise. Of course I exclaimed to the man that I saw a
bleeping snake. Hubby asks, "Was it a big one?" I'm thinking, yes, any snake I SEE is too big.
So I switch to a different area of the yard and am thinking about that darn snake when I was surprised beyond breathing to see another, bigger one, which led to another, much bigger scream. Hubby comes out to see after I exclaimed it was another
bleeping snake. We could even see the tongue going in and out of its mouth. In fact I have goose bumps all over again just typing that.
I run into the house to grab my phone because naturally, I need a photo to document my trauma.
You know what's worse than seeing a snake? Not finding it again when you go back! Needless to say, I put Carter on clipping duty and I went into the house.
Thankfully, I had Book Club this evening so I had a valid excuse to stay indoors. Eww. And uff da!
So to put our mind on better things and in hopes I dream about ice cream, not snakes, let me share with you a yummy trifle recipe I concocted today for our treat.
I call this a Thin Mint Fudge Brownie Cheesecake Trifle. The
thin only refers to the
Thin Mint part. It is not to be confused with a diet-friendly Weight Watchers recipe!
Bottom layer is crumbled up brownie. That's topped with Cheesecake-flavored pudding mixed with Cool Whip. I did have green food coloring in the pudding to give it a minty look but that faded away when I folded in the Cool Whip. So if you make this, don't be afraid to go more green knowing it will lighten up. It was not for taste, purely for aesthetics. That layer was topped with crushed Thin Mints (which are available year-round in a generic mint-chocolate cookie wafer sold at Wal-Mart).
Then you just repeat layers and chill and enjoy. Since my sister-in-law gifted me with a gallon pail of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, I added a scoop of that on top of each serving.
Did I mention this is not for the calorie minded? For my own piece of mind I did use fat-free sugar-free pudding and "light" whipped topping. Probably didn't compensate for the brownies, cookies and ice cream, but I can live with myself.
I deserved the treat anyway after my two near-death experiences. Good thing I have a strong ticker.
No need to test it any further!