Showing posts with label Northern Lights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northern Lights. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2024

Another Dinner and a Show?

My sisters Up North were texting photos of the Northern Lights a little bit ago. So I thought I'd better head out to the front deck, point my phone up, and click.

OMG! Spectacular! That is... until I realized I forgot to shut off the porch lights with the those Viking purple bulbs. Whoops. And dang.

It's possible we have a little action going on down here. But it's nothing like we've been treated to before.

Still, it did not ruin our evening. We met up with a dozen cousins, aunts, and an uncle on Jim's mom's side of the family for dinner at PJ's – SentryWorld. Due to some work meetings this week, tonight was the third time this week eating there. So I got the fish fry and it was delish!

So nice catching up with family we just don't get together with unless it's a wedding or a funeral. Sort of like me and my adult cousins. There is one surviving sister of my mother-in-law and she's coming up on 90 years old. That was nice she could be there, too.

Don't wait for a special occasion to see family. Make the occasion – and it will be special!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lucky Are We

Feeling fortunate as we end the week. A full but good Thursday and Friday.

After work, our Marketing Department got to have a little gathering at SentryWorld to celebrate 100% by our team in the recent United Way campaign. It looked like a gorgeous fall day to be out golfing. Unfortunately, the course is closed for the season. And double-unfortunately, I didn't have my clubs in the car anyway.

I was lucky, though, when it came to door prizes. Keeping my winning streak alive and got my name drawn. I picked out a little travel fan since I need "white noise" in order to sleep and I have a big trip coming up.

From there, I headed to Assumption High School for the volleyball "Pink Out" night to raise money for a 9-year-old boy named Braxton. He inspired us all to meet diversity head on and still smile.

Since the Volley for a Cause covered any type of cancer, I put my friend Jeannie's name on one ribbon (Praying for you, girl!!).

And my cousin Jeff's name on another. He just died of cancer and was laid to rest in northern Minnesota today. 

There was a lot of support and a great crowd. And opportunities to "donate" through bake sale purchases and raffle baskets.

Guess who won another basket? Yup, this lucky girl! Another one I can take up to the benefit.

And to cap off our luck, we got to see the glorious Northern Lights again from our front yard. It went from pink and green to definite red and green tones. Guessing it's a sign I should watch some Hallmark Christmas movies this weekend!

Today, I was lucky to have a half day off. Mainly because this tree outside my office window was coming down – not sure why other than it's ugly – and there was going to be a lot of noise.

Here is the tree removal tree-oh figuring out the lift situation.

Good neighbor Mike went up the lift since he is the best chain-sawer. And apparently isn't afraid of heights.

Notice he is safely strapped into the bucket.

Just too high for me!

Jim and other helper would pile up limbs as they fell. They had a good system so that no one got hurt.

I was concerned at this stage though. I came outside and hoped they measured correctly so the final trunk wouldn't fall and hit hubby.


Whew! Lucky! Why would I doubt them?! Thanks for all the help and hard work, guys! Glad I could celebrate with an hour-long deep-tissue massage this afternoon. Hey, it was previously planned before I knew anything about sweating lumberjacks in the front yard.

This eveing, we headed to the Homecoming football game. We lost by a ton to Auburndale. But there was a great halftime show with all the bands and even choir members leading grade school kids in some ribbon dancing to Jimmy Buffet's Cheeseburger in Paradise. Fun.

Hoping our luck continues as we head into Saturday with a cross country meet and, you guessed it, a golf scramble! I'll keep you posted.

Have fun this weekend and appreciate your good fortune!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Happy Last Quarter

As we slide into the fourth quarter of 2024, I found this social media post today both interesting and inspiring. Maybe there was something you wanted to accomplish this year but you didn't get around to it or just weren't motivated to do it.

It's not too late.

There are 84 days left. That's 84 opportunities for you to try something new, change direction with something old, or just be grateful for what you have and where you're at.

84 days can feel like a lifetime – if you're laid up in a hospital somewhere fighting for your life. 84 days is an even shorter time span than my sister Rachel was in the hospital after her serious car accident. I sometimes forget how much she missed in her 91 days of "residency" in the second quarter of 2024.

She was thrilled the other night when I sent a picture of the Northern Lights from our front yard, that she could get outside and also see them from her yard up in Luck. While everyone from here to Texas saw the pretty greens and pinks early this summer, she was still recovering and missed it. I forgot about that.

But God didn't. He definitely was proving there are still things she can see, enjoy, and do in this final quarter of the year.

So take advantage of 84 days of new beginnings, of opportunities to show gratitude and be kind, and create a few more moments that matter. 

I'm on your side!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Lights, Memories, and Bears, Oh My

The past two days felt more like a very long weekend with all the activities going on between here, Up North and back again.

First of all, even though I left by 8:30 a.m. Friday, it was a long haul going up to Grantsburg. For you future travels, it's almost all one lane going north on I-94 from Osseo to Bloomer (via Hwy 53). In the picture above we were pretty much at a standstill the last few miles on I-94 before I could exit onto 53. 

Guess Friday is a travel day even if it's not summer. Of course, those weren't my only delays.

Saw at least 5 deer – hey, they even cross roads in daylight! And, for the first time in my life, a black bear crossed the road in front of me. I was so startled that between slamming on my brakes and trying to grab my phone for a picture, I only caught this...

His quick scamper into the woods. Unreal! I mean most of my siblings who live in the Northwoods have seen a black bear – even Carter did vacationing up there as a child – but not me. Wow.

The only other delay was one of my own choosing – stopping to visit Dad. Unfortunately, the only flowers nearby were dandelions. 

Still, it was nice to visit with him and see my childhood church! 

I also stopped to see Mom at the nursing home before going to her apartment so I could give her her Mother's Day gift and visit a bit one on one. She's been having good days and not-so-good days. But she wants to get better and get her strength back!

The main purpose of my visit was to help go through her apartment with my siblings and decide what we wanted, what others might want, and what we could donate as we clean out her place by the end of the month. Friday afternoon was spent with a handful of my sisters as we cleaned out things and organized them into piles we could all look at today to see what we wanted to keep for ourselves.

Four of us had dinner at T-Dawg's in Grantsburg and Renell, who I was staying with, had some work training. 

I was enjoying the pretty sunset view from her apartment and considered it a good day. 

But it wasn't long after she got home that Jim texted me a picture of the Northern Lights from the Rapids area. My mind has been in so many places this week that I didn't realize this was a big thing that pretty much everyone in the contiguous United States could see.

So we got in the car and headed north of town to Phantom Lake in the Crex Meadows area. And dozens of other cars full of people had the same idea.

It was really strange. To the naked eye, we couldn't really see the colors, just some wisps of "clouds" in the sky. But then when we took pictures with our phones, we could see the brilliant colors everyone else was capturing. Pretty amazing.

And pretty cool seeing them by a lake where we could capture the color reflecting on the water. First time since childhood I've really got to see them. It was awesome!

This morning, the 7 of us (with Rachel there in spirit) were sorting through things at 10 a.m.

I wasn't expecting that Mom had all our baby shoes ready for us to take home. Yes, I guess my tiny shoes are antiques.

And yes, Mom wanted evidence that we were all alive and not fighting each other over anything. We survived it fine and really didn't had any reason for fisticuffs. 

By mid-afternoon, after I had two boxes of stuff "I don't need" but took anyway, I stopped by to see Mom one more time and hit the road.

I took a different route back. But turns out Highway 53 from Spooner to Rice Lake was just one lane so that wasn't a quicker route home. And, if you can believe it, I saw another black bear cross the road in front of me between Neillsville and Pittsville. It was far enough down the road, I didn't have to slam on my brakes but too far for me to get a picture. Just unreal to experience 2 bear crossings in 2 days.

And tonight, I could experience the special lights 2 out of 2 days. At least some of my unexpected surprises were good. And the others, thank goodness, didn't cause any damage to my car! 

Thanks, God, for the beauty and the safety!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Gone in a Flash

A few times in my childhood I was fortunate enough to see the Northern Lights. We lived in the country and could stand in a field and look to the north with an unobstructed view.

Where I live now, I am somewhat out in the country, but have an obstructed view due to the tall trees in most directions – and the ever-present "light pollution" that comes with a subdivision of yard lights.

Tonight, my friend Colleen, just 2 miles away but further "out" said she could see the Northern Lights from her yard. So despite the fact I was wearing jammies/sweats and could be a mistaken for a person of Wal-Mart, I grabbed my camera and drove over there.

Unfortunately, those flashes of colorful lights can be gone in a flash, too. I got there and didn't see them at all. And, well, it was too darn cold to stand outside and wait! We went inside a bit so I could catch up on life at my old job and see her family.

Back outside and there was still no activity so I drove a little further east from her place just in case there was a bigger field. No more lights. But I did catch sight of the moon. It was hanging low and pretty so I pulled over and whipped out the camera for giggles.

This is what happens when you use your car for a tripod. Not too bad. I do have to mess with some settings but again, it was too cold to stand around futzing with it. Another time.

For now I'll keep the camera handy in case those lights flash on again. Hope so.

Did anyone else see them tonight?