Showing posts with label Fathers day 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fathers day 2008. Show all posts

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

My dad and I have always shared a special bond and lets be honest I'm his "Little Princess"! Growing up I loved to do anything my dad liked, just so I could be with him. We shared lots of fun times and after a while I really did enjoy all of these things. . . . BYU football, drawing, trying to fix things in or around the house, fishing at 5am, shooting on Thanksgiving, yard work, even watching Star Trek or M.A.S.H. after the news at night. I always knew that he loved me and that he would do anything for me.
My dad is the kind of guy who would give the shirt of his back to someone he doesn't even know if he thought they might need it. He taught me how to work hard, never give up and follow my dreams. I sure love you Dad, thanks for all the fun times and great memories.

(This is now Dylan) - Em's Dad is a great guy! He has taught her to love some very important things in life, football definately being one of them. Like she said, he's taught her how to work hard and has been so supportive of us both.

I also have a good father-in-law. We share the love for photography and he has taught me some pretty cool things. Thanks for all that you do! Happy Fathers day!

(This is Dylan - again.) My dad and I are alike in many ways. We like many of the same foods, some of the same activities (Wii!!!), and share many opinions. He has been supportive of whatever I've wanted to do in life, even if he didn't agree. He's a really hard worker, he always needs to be doing something - otherwise he'll fall asleep sitting straight up. One thing I remember is that when I was young, he used to love vanilla ice cream with "magic" shell (the chocolate stuff that you put on ice cream and it got hard) and he would sit down to eat it and watch Jay Leno, but invariably he fell asleep - and would always wake up once the ice cream had completely melted. Now when I sit down at night and the same thing happens (which it does - all the time) I know where it's come from. Thanks Dad for all you do for Emily and I. Happy Fathers Day!