Nature Girl asked me last week why I don't sign her up for swaps anymore. I explained that working moms have less time for swaps. Of course since I'm a teacher and have the summer off that doesn't currently seem like a good reason. So we discussed hosting our own swap. We decided to host a panda themed swap. We're already thinking about panda bags/purses, panda softies, panda journals, panda pillows, panda key chains, panda jewelry, etc. The possibilities are endless! As you can see we're excited about this swap, we hope you are too! Here's what we are swapping:
Participants will swap:
- One handcrafted panda themed item.
- Three black and white goodies of your choice. These can be bought or made.
- A card or note to your partner to say hi. Please include your e-mail address so your partner can send you a thank you.
Swap rules:
- This swap is open to people of all ages. If this swap is for a child make sure you state that in your sign-up so the package can be geared to a child.
- You must have a blog or website to participate in the swap.
- Please be prepared to spend or create items that are about a $10 to $15 value. You don't have to spend a lot, just send something that you would be happy to receive.
- All packages must be mailed by August 16th. If you are in the US please use delivery confirmation and send me your tracking number. Please send e-mail to let me know when you mail and when you receive a panda package.
- You must send a thank you note to your partner once you receive your package. It's only polite to say thank you when some creates something special just for you.
- If you sign up you must follow through, so please only sign up if you are able to create and send a package by the deadline(August 16th.) We don't want any sad swappers! :(
Did you sign-up? If so, grab the swap badge from the sidebar and get ready for some black and white panda fun!