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Showing posts with label kashrut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kashrut. Show all posts
Dec 15, 2024
Agudah Convention 2024: Rabbi Sholem Fishbane & Rabbi Duvid Babad- Heimishe Kashrus vs. National Kashrus: What’s the Difference? (video)
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Nov 6, 2024
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Nov 23, 2023
dairy donuts
The Eida Hachareidis has put out an announcement about dairy donuts for Chnukah in light of the fact that nowadays there is a proliferation of dairy sufganiyot, relative to what used to be mostly pareve sufganiyot.
According to the announcement, dairy sufganiyot must be marked with a clear and obvious symbol, sticking a small blue flag in the donut with the word "chalavi", dairy, on the flag. Looks almost zionistic to me, but blue is the color commonly used for marking dairy.
They warn the public to look out for the markers so as not to stumble in confusing dairy and pareve sufganiyot. They dont even mention the option of meaty sufganiyot!
I would note that this seemingly only applies to places under the Eida hechsher, so if you go to Roladin or Kadosh or one of the many other places that will be selling fancy sufganiyot, you probably wont see these flags.
And I would even guess tahat Eida hechsher places will also not put a little flag in every dairy sufganiya. It seems similar to the law about marking the price on every product in the store - there is no shortage of stores that just dont bother. They will probably mostly make do with just a sign of some sort.
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Jul 25, 2023
Kashrus Symposium | Harav Chaim Tzvi Senter & Harav Yissachar Dov Krakowski (video)
To note: the audience at this symposium is to a yeshivish crowd (good to be aware of the context and know who they are speaking to so you understand what they say)...
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May 7, 2023
kosher electricity
People are making a bid deal about this new arrangement to have the electric company supply "kosher electricity" to Haredi areas for Shabbos and holidays. People are complaining that it will cost the public more, we are supporting another of their stupidities, they just take take take, etc.
While personally I think it is not necessary, I do not see any big deal in this. People pay for the electricity. The people using the "kosher electricity" , necessary or not, will be paying for it in their electric bill. I wont be paying for anyone else's electricity, no matter where they get it from. It is even a good thing, with so many communities generating their own electricity illegally using generators and hooking up apartments and synagogues in dangerous ways that are not according to any standards, supplying it properly from the electric company will put an end to that, maybe. I am sure someone out there will still say it isnt kosher enough and will still operate a pirate generator, but most of those who want it will hook up to the official system. So this will minimize the danger to the public.
That being said, I wonder how many hechshers this electricity will have to have. Will it be Rabbanut, and if it is will the Haredim rely on it? Will it be Eida? will it be two or three hechshers certifying the electricity as kosher? Will there be a choice of regular and glatt electricity?
And I dont understand why this has to be passed as a law? Can't the electric company just decide to supply kosher electricity to those who want it without passing laws for it?
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Feb 12, 2023
Headlines Podcast: 2/11/23 – Shiur 407 – Kashrus in home establishments | How do you now if you’re really eating Kosher? (audio)
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Jan 18, 2023
Interesting Psak: Cultured Meat
Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Lau has been investigating the manufacture and processing of cultured "meats" and has now issued an official psak about its halachic status.
Rav Lau has paskened that cultured meat is pareve but. "Pareve but" meaning, it is pareve, but....
Stressing that this only applies to the type of cultured meat he investigated and others that use other methods might be different, Rabbi Lau paskened this type of cultured meat is pareve, with some conditions and qualifications largely about the maris ayin aspect of it:
1. as long as there is supervision that the cells were taken from the embryo and all other parts and ingredients used in the process are supervised, this will be kosher and pareve
2. if it will be marketed as meat or as a meaty product, and if it is made to look like meat and taste and smell like meat, there would be room to be strict and consider it kosher but not pareve as far as eating/cooking it with milk
3. it should not be advertised alongside dairy products as doing so might cause people to be lax about milk and meat.
source: INN
bon apetit
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Dec 11, 2022
Headlines Podcast: 12/10/22 – Shiur 398 – Seudas Shabbos – Eating out by others who have different Kashrus standards than you | Kiruv – Who should you and who shouldn’t you invite to your home (audio)
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Oct 11, 2022
Headlines Podcast: 10/8/22 – Shiur 390 –The Kashrus scandal in the (non) Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan Revisited | The court’s decision regarding YU | Transgender in Halacha (audio)
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Sep 28, 2022
Headlines Podcast: 9/24/22 – Shiur 389 – The Kashrus scandal in the Chinese Restaurant | The New York State Board of Regents vote regarding Yeshivos (audio)
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Aug 10, 2022
Yair Cherki and Mtana Kahane on the Kashrut Reforms, and a discussion with Rav Samet and Mr Filber (video)
super interesting if you want to hear more about the kashrut reform, right "from the horse's mouth"
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Matan Kahane,
Jul 25, 2022
Shemitta Kashrut Alert in UK
All kashrut alerts are serious, and nothing I am going to say should detract from the kashrut alert itself..
I admit, my initial thought when I first saw this alert was that this sounds like a BDS announcement. Anyone else other than a kashrut organization saying this would see a Jewish campaign worldwide against BDS and against the antisemites behind it. Maybe it just needs to be worded slightly differently, I dont know. To my ears it just sounds too similar to other announcements we have seen that are anti-Israel.
Regardless of that, when they say the potatoes are, and grapefruit will be, shemitta produce, I dont know if they mean hetter mechira produce or if they mean actual shemitta produce grown and sold in violation of the laws. Heed the alert but maybe if you get more information and rely on hetter mechira, this possibly would not require a full boycott. I am trying to find out, but for now I do not know.
I asked KLBD for clarification on the shemitta issue. The following is their response:
I asked KLBD for clarification on the shemitta issue. The following is their response:
The heter
mechira is designed to assist farmers and residents of the Land of
Israel through an extremely difficult time, whereas for those living
outside of Israel there is far less need to rely
on this halachic loophole, which has been strongly challenged in the
halachic literature. Thus, the traditional practice of the London Beth
Din, the main European Batei Din and the American kashrut authorities is
NOT to rely on the heter mechira.
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Jun 21, 2022
who can claim kashrut?
Haredim10 has an interesting story that raises a common debate in kashrut today.
Rav Yitzchak Levy, the Chief Rabbi of Nesher and member of the Chief Rabbinate Rabbinic Council, recently hosted a catered event. Mazel tov, whatever the event was celebrating.
The issue raised is that the caterer hired for the event bears no kashrut certification. The situation is exacerbated a bit by the fact that Rabbi Levy was one of the main opponents fighting the recent kashrut reforms proposed by Matan Kahane - Rabbi Levy believed and fought that the Rabbanut should retain all the power and control in kashrut.
And then Rabbi Levy himself goes and hires a caterer that claims to be kosher but does not have kashrut certification.
it at least looks weird, if not bad.
When asked, the caterer responded that he hires a local avreich to supervise the kashrut but he has no formal certification. Let's not forget, Rav Levy fought bitterly against the kashrut reforms that would have made what Rav Levy did for his personal event perfectly ok. Rav Levy's main opposition is that without the Rabbanut, the law will not obligate any private rabbi to express his decision that food being supervised is problematic or not kosher, and only with the Rabbanut system can the rabbis retain the power to declare something not kosher.
Rav Levy himself responded to questions saying this was a private event, a family dinner, a family event, even though there were other people invited, and and family dinners do not need supervision. Rav Levy mentioned that he just had another similar event on Shabbos and made a similar catered meal.
So according to Rabbi Levy, personal events, like wedding meals, bar mitzvahs and the like, do not need official kashrut supervision. So what does need kashrut supervision? Obviously restaurants do, but no event halls? Is every private affair a personal matter, a family dinner, no matter how many non-family members are invited so they do not need supervision? I agree that a family dinner, cooked by me or my wife, with guests, family members or other, and that dinner will not need supervision. If I invite you to dinner, or you invite me to dinner, neither of us need to hire a mashgiach. But when you hire a caterer and are not doing the cooking yourselves, does the caterer not need supervision?
Halachically, the entire kashrut requirements are based on trust. There is no real halachic need for kashrut organizations. They became a thing when restaurants and caterers basically became a common thing, so we started eating in places where we did not know the proprietor and could not just trust him - so the kashrut agencies became a thing and in place of trusting the owner, who we often do not know, we trust the reputable kashrut agency supervising. Technically Rav Levy did nothing wrong - he trusts the caterer either because he knows the fellow and trusts him or because a private mashgiach was hired. But wouldn't it behoove Rabbi Levy to adhere to the rules he pushes on society where caterers are required to get [at least] Rabbanut hechshers to be considered kosher?
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Jun 8, 2022
Osem Ketchup giving up mehadrin hechsher
who knew that ketchup would be the big victim of the Russia Ukraine War and of Shmitta?
According to Israel Hayom, Osem produces it ketchup from tomato concentrate mostly produced int he Ukraine. With the war ongoing, Ukraine has been unable to supply the product, making it difficult for Osem to produce their ketchup.
The alternative they found was to produce the tomato concentrate here in Israel. They then discovered that this might be ok for the general market as they can use tomatoes and tomato concentrates from hetter mechira produce, but the Haredi market would ot accept that at all.
According to the report, Osem has enough stock left to last a couple of months but new production is all going to be using hetter mechira produce for the foreseeable future and their ketchup will not bear a mehadrin kashrut certification. They are looking for alternatives.
So pay attention to the ketchup you buy, if that matters to you. Make sure it has a hechsher you rely on.
I am not sure why Israel and Ukraine are the only two choices. If they could buy from the Ukraine, there must be somewhere else they can buy from now to avoid the hetter mechira issue.
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heter mechira,
May 30, 2022
PSA: Bet Shemesh kashrut alerts
The Rabbanut of Bet Shemesh issued a kashrut alert regarding several local restaurants stating that the hechsher has been removed.
No reason was given for the Rabbanut of Bet Shemesh removing the hechsher form these restaurants, but reasons are rarely given tot he public.
The affected restaurants and stores are:
Halo Teiman in Neimi Mall
Dagei Bet Shemesh
Pizza Meshulashim in Shaarei Ha'Ir Mall
Pizza Meshulashim in RBS on Kishon St
and without the rabanut hechsher it is likely they wont have the mehadrin hechshers either (as it is illegal, besides for whatever problems might have been discovered, and the mehadrin hechshers usually adhere to this law of requiring a base hechsher of the Rabbanut)
and without the rabanut hechsher it is likely they wont have the mehadrin hechshers either (as it is illegal, besides for whatever problems might have been discovered, and the mehadrin hechshers usually adhere to this law of requiring a base hechsher of the Rabbanut)
I dont know what happened, and my assumption is that it will be resolved quickly, but be aware of the situation and if you go to any of these (or other) places check the hechsher to see what is current, if that is important to you.
Meshulashim announced on its FB page the following:
All branches of Meshulashim have the hechsher of Rav Landau of Bnei Braq with a permanent mashgiach from the time it opens until closes. That is unconnected to the kashrut of the local council who request large sums of money that is not justified in exchange for their kashrut.
It is a shame that the religious council are "warning" the public without also saying the reason for removing the kashrut - which is only a demand for money that it does not deserve.
UPDATE 02/06/2022 - Meshulashim and Rabbanut Bet Shemesh have to an agreement on the dispute and the Rabbanut has re-issued its kashrut certification for both branches of meshulashim.
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bet shemesh,
May 25, 2022
the kosher cheeseburger that was not kosher
According to JPost, someone has filed a class action suit against Burger King in Israel for serving him a non kosher sandwich.
That sounds funny and weird, but in Israel the Burger King chain of fast food restaurants has some branches that are kosher. The kosher branches also serve cheeseburgers using vegan cheese and kosher bacon, aka facon, made from turkey. This fellow went into what he thought was a kosher branch of the chain based on the sign in front of the shop broadcasting to the public that it is kosher.
This fellow enjoyed his cheeseburger, thinking it was kosher and was so impressed with the quality of the vegan cheese commenting to a server on the way out that it tasted just like the real thing. The server responded that it tasted like the real thing because it is the real thing. The branch is not actually kosher and that was a real cheeseburger made from real meat and real cheese.
It turns out this branch had once been kosher and had the word "kosher" on their sign, but then changed to being a not-kosher branch and just never bothered to change the sign. The fellow eating there clearly did not look for the kashrut certificate but figured the sign saying kosher was enough, not "enough" as in certification but he figured if it says kosher and he knew it as kosher from the past, he surely didnt think twice about it and just assumed it is still kosher.
I am not coming here to say they should have removed the word from the sign so he is right for suing them. Nor am I coming her to say it is his own fault for not checking so he should not be suing. I am sure they were not trying to be deceptive with the sign, but they should have removed it when they decided to go not kosher. He wasnt looking for an excuse when he ate in a restaurant without checking for a kashrut certificate, nor was he trying to set them up for a suit, but he should have checked - one should always check as things often change in the restaurant industry, though to be fair many of us most of the time do not check if we are already familiar with a place - we simply assume nothing has changed.
This was an easily preventable unpleasant incident in which both sides are probably equally at fault.
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May 2, 2022
Mistakes happen, even to the Eida Hachareidis
Sometimes I hear people say they will not eat this or that hechsher and they will point to a mistake that had been made as the reason, saying that it shows they are unreliable. I always respond that mistakes happen with all the hechshers, and just because a mistake happened is not a reason to avoid any specific hechsher, but perhaps if there are many mistakes in one hechsher, or their response to the mistake and what they do to fix the fault is inadequate, that would be a reason, but the fact that a mistake happened isnt a good reason on its own.
The food production industry is in a flux right now. The Strauss recalls due to salmonella have led to further recalls by other companies for a variety of reasons.
A product with the kashrut certification of the Eida Hachareidis and labeled as pareve has been discovered to actually contain minor amounts of dairy substances.
This is not just an allergen warning that some people worry about and does not actually affect the halachic status of the food item. This is the opposite of that. They found actual dairy in the product, and there was not even an allergen warning about minute traces, let alone significant amounts. I heard the amounts discovered are still not enough to affect the pareve status of the food, but people with allergies to dairy/lactose should be careful.
Mistakes happen. Hopefully nobody allergic was adversely affected by this mistake, but mistakes happen, even to the "best" of hechshers.
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Apr 28, 2022
shmitta compliant marijuana
As far as I know, marijuana, as a natural plant, does not actually need kashrut certification. Some might say it does, as plants are genetically modified, additives might be included in the final product, whatever. The policy of the OU, Orthodox Union, in the USA, as far as I know, is to not certify marijuana as kosher, even medical marijuana, because of the halachic opinion of Rav Moshe Feinstein prohibiting its use.
There might be issues, such as infestation, or in Israel issues like truma and maaser... The shmitta year upon us has brought a new one not considered in most years - supervision on marijuana from the aspect of shmitta. Marijuana grown in Israel during the shmitta year could be a problem of having kedusha, or possibly being completely prohibited if one considers it in the category of sefichin. Other issues might be using hetter mechira for marijuana, or importing from other countries or using what is called yevul nochri - non-Jewish grown marijuana, and one might want supervision for any of those issues.
A company in Israel that produces/grows medical marijuana announced that their product has kashrut supervision from Rav Yosef Efrati ensuring that they are shmitta compliant. The company report believes this certification will spur an increase of sales in the religious and Haredi markets.
This is seemingly the first time a marijuana company in Israel has received kashrut certification.
source: Hamechadesh
we are living in interesting times..
I dont know how they grow the marijuana while being shmitta compliant. Maybe in hothouses, hydroponics, and the like.
I also wonder if marijuana gown [improperly] during shmitta would have the status of sefichin and be prohibited or if it would need to be treated with kedusha, special care for shmitta produce. And, if one had marijuana with kedusha status, could one just bake it into edibles for consumption or could one also smoke it - ie would burning it be considered its normal use and ok or would it be considered destroying shmitta produce which is not allowed? So many questions!
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Apr 19, 2022
Honey in The Land of Milk and Honey
God gave the Jews the Land of Milk and Honey. But with Jews so commonly being lactose intolerant, one wonders how appropriate of a selection that was...
According to JPost, the Health Ministry put out a warning for lactose intolerant people to be careful around some Yad Mordechai produced honey as traces of a milk protein was discovered in one of the honey sources. It seems the residue likely came from the bees as some of these proteins might have been in or near their feed.
I read elsewhere that the honey is still considered pareve, but dont take my word for it and check yourself if relevant...
This is taking the milk and honey thing pretty literally...
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sewer hashgacha
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