Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fancy Dance As Daddy Calls It...

Madi had her 6th recital this summer. It was a little touch and go with the injured foot for awhile. The night before rehearsal, she still couldn't put pressure on her left foot. Of course, this is the foot that her turns are all on. The night of rehearsal, I assured her it was okay if she didn't dance that night - that her foot needed to heal and she should be okay before the actual recital. I no more than got inside from the car and she was practicing and very proudly stating that she could do it. She was determined to dance that night. So with a bandaged foot, off we went. This determined girl danced so great!
The next week at recital she did even more amazing. She was by far the youngest girl in the class dancing with some girls almost twice her age and she was awesome! I am so proud of how hard she works to make sure she is doing things how she is supposed to. Already looking forward to next year.
 Before Dress Rehearsal
 With Blythe who has watched Madi for years and now gets to dance herself.
 With Raegan and Maddie
With the Rose Boys and Drew... Yes courtesy of Katie... all I see now is the crazy makeup! :)

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