Brace yourselves - the Tories are off the leash
The general election was bloody awful for the Liberal
I know politicos are meant to say things like “I’m glad you
asked me that” and “Let me answer that
question directly” and “I think the real question is…”, but there are times even
a politico has to tell the truth.
For someone like me, who has been a member of the Liberal
Party and then the Liberal Democrats for all his adult life, Thursday night was
And you don’t have to be a paid-up Lib Dem to be sad to see
the careers of good men like Vince Cable, Charles Kennedy and Simon Hughes cut
off at the knees.
If it had been possible to vote for the Coalition to
continue, I suspect the voters would have happily done so. But it wasn’t
possible and the result was a wholesale slaughter of Lib Dem MPs
So where do the Liberal Democrats go from here?
If we have a future then it is as a radical, campaigning
party. The days of being centrist are over for a while.
The good news for us, though not for the country, is that
the Conservative government will no longer be curbed by the Lib Dems. All the
nasty things they wanted to do through the five years of the coalition will now
be brought forward as parliamentary bills.
Within hours of the election plans to examine cutting a
scheme that helps disabled people into work were put forward. Lib Dems exist to
campaign against things like that, as well as for human rights and European
And there will be plenty more nasty measures. For five years
David Cameron had to keep reasonable
Liberal Democrats happy to get things
through parliament.
Now, with his narrow majority, he is dependent on the
fruitcake wing of the Conservative Party. It’s the Bones and Hollobones and
Reeses-Mogg who hold the balance of power. Good luck with that, Dave.
It’s a long, long way back, but there is already a sign of
hope for the Lib Dems. Between the close of polls and Monday evening almost
7000 new members joined them. Some feel sorry for Nick Clegg, some are glad he
has gone, but all believe the party has a future.
And it would be wrong to end without a word about Oadby and
Wigston which, amid all the carnage, stayed firmly Liberal Democrat.
When we crawl out of the bunkers after the nuclear
holocaust, we shall find hyperintelligent ants have taken over the world and
that Oadby and Wigston Lib Dems still running the council.