Showing posts with label christmas gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas gifts. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Already?

This week as really gone by fast! I guess it's because we had Labor Day off from school. Me, Andy, Kelsey and Cade all joined family at Andy's mothers house for Labor Day. It was good to get together, play with the 2 babies and eat;) I took some pictures but Blogger will only let me load 5 pics. We had bad storms from Tropical Storm Lee move in too. Thankfully, we got some needed rain and some cooler temps!! We have been in the 70's all week! So nice!

As you can see from this mess, I am still working hard on my applique. I am to the point were I need to figure out what size that I want this quilt to be. It is alot of work but it would be a shame not to make it bed-sized. Around here, any quilt that isnt on a bed gets folded and put up and nobody really enjoys it.

I have a nice stack of blocks! I still enjoy making these!

Hmmm...when I lay them out, it looks like I have a long way to go before this quilt is bed-sized.

I went to the LQS and bought a set of Hexagon papers. I have never made a hexagon block before. The only hexagon quilt that I know of is the Grandmother's Flower Garden. Now days, you see people just piecing the "hexies" together to make quilts and all sorts of things. I have been thinking about giving embroidered dish-towels for Christmas. I saw the hexagon papers and thought a hexie would be cute on a towel. Plus I could learn a new skill!

My first hexagon!

This is what I am thinking about for the dish-towel. What do you think? Too small?

Tonight, Cade is going to a friends house, so I am making homemade chicken salad for me and Andy. We will have a quiet night in front of the tv...that means he will fall asleep and I will do my applique!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas

We had a very nice, peaceful Christmas! Cade was happy...even though he did not believe in Santa this year:( Andy looks stunned and it is a VERY good thing that he doesnt read my blog! Yikes!

AND...We had a White Christmas in Georgia! We get very little snow here anyway but to get snow on Christmas was just a wonderful gift for everyone! Especially for the cousins up from Florida! These are some pictures taken at my Mother-in-laws house.

The snow was so pretty and really made this Christmas special. I really love these days after Christmas and before school starts back. The hustle and bustle is over and I can really relax and enjoy my family!

I may even get some handwork in! I gave my redwork pillowcases to my Mother-in-law for Christmas. I loved them so much but in the back of my mind while making them I kept thinking about how pretty they would look in her bedroom. I also thought about how giving she is and how much she brags about any of my sewing! SHE is a wonderful seamstress so I feel honored to give her my work! She loved the cases and they looked perfect in her bedroom! I don't miss them...I am so glad that I gave them to her! She went on and on about how pretty they were and then she said " I really appreciate the time that you spent making me a gift" That gave me such a good feeling!

Enjoy your time and stay warm!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

I wanted to show the potholders that I made up for Christmas gifts. I kinda cheated by using some of my string blocks that I made earlier this month. I chose to use a white binding to tie in with the white string down the middle of the blocks.
I would like to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas! I hope you all make wonderful memories and enjoy this special time with family and friends!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Getting Close

We finally met Kelseys "boyfriend" last night. We went to Calloway Gardens Fantasy in Lights.

We had a nice time and Andy behaved! We love going to see the Lights at Calloway. We have been going since Cade was about 2 or 3. We always ride the Jolly Trolly but I must say that there were a few years that we went that I would have liked to have thrown my teens off of it! We were a much better behaved bunch this year. I took pics but they turned out dark and blurry! Which really makes me sad, I wanted ya'll to see how skinny "boyfriend" is!

We are finally out of school! I made cookies today and Kelsey is taking some with her to go meet "boyfriends" family! Wish her luck. I am making some potholders as gifts and wanted to send his mom a set but Kelsey would not let me! She said "No! I dont even know if his Mom cooks!" I told her that even if she's not a cook she could use potholders to take stuff out of the microwave! Sigh! I guess my sister will get 2 sets! I will posts some pics of the finished ones later.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We had a great Christmas! A wonderful time with our family! I did take some pictures but left my camera at my MIL's. Cade has been begging and writing Santa and thinking that he would die if he didnt get this "one special toy". It is "Scorpian" from an old movie "Mortal Combat" He's all into Karate so we found an old copy of the movie and he loved it! Every since then he has asked for the toy from the movie. Of coarse, they dont make the toy anymore but you can find "collectibles" from the movie! I have no idea who would collect these ( the movie really stinks) but I guess if you are into karate it is o.k. Anyway, after pricing these "collectibles" we told Cade that Santa cant make vintage toys. He was pretty bummed out. That is all he wanted for Christmas, well, he wanted a black ski mask too. (we tell ourselves that he is not wierd, just gifted) Andy found a Scorpian thet we could afford and ordered it, then we worried if it would get here in time for Christmas! It did, and we wrapped it and put it under the tree. Cade got up Christmas morning and he looked and looked to see if Santa brought it. Finally, when he opened his presents he was THRILLED!! He even cried! I have pictures that I will have to post later! That was a really nice moment especially since this is probably his last year believing in Santa!

We have been busy around here. We got all the Christmas stuff down and put away on the 27. I miss looking at the tree but it was time! Cade and I both had Doctors appts. and we have had a nephew over. We have enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in!
And now about GOALS, I have been seeing people make goals for 2010. I think that this is a gret idea and I have really been pondering mine! I really want something doable and some goals that will make me feel better. I have a hard time with "balancing" my life. I LOVE to sew but I like a clean house and I really need to work on a more healthy lifestyle. I am overweight and I have very high blood pressure (I had it even when I was thin and a runner) but being over weight is really bad for it! I also enjoy my computer time. and honestly, if I'm in a rush my first thing to give up is my morning Bible time! That makes me very sad to admit that! I'm going to take a few days and think about balance and my goals! Any thoughts? Any of you have any ideas about balance? I dont know if its time managment or if I'm just not clear on what I want my life to be.
I will posts pictures from Christmas soon! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Thanks so much for Cade's congratulations! He was pretty excitied himself. Friday, he got kicked out of music class because he was goofing off and making "the other children laugh, causing a disturbance" (sigh) they are practicing for a Winter Spectacular. He has karate the night they are performing so he isnt going to be there. He knows that he should behave anyway!!

Do you give teacher's gifts? Darlene showed pictures of her teachers gifts and they are SO CUTE!! I am giving gifts to Cade's 2 main teachers and his REACH teacher. I bought these little snowmen ornaments at Target. They came in a box of 6 and I think they are very sweet. I'm going to give 1 to my sister too. I usually give the karate instructors Starbuck cards. I need to come up with a clever way to wrap these ornaments!

Today I am going shopping with my oldest son, Joey. I hope that everyone is having a great day!

p.s.-if you click on the picture, in the top corner you can see a little red felt ornament that my sweet Kelsey made when she was in first grade. Joey had the same first grade teacher and made one too. Cade has one that we made here at home when he was a first grader! They are my favorite ornaments on the tree!!