We had a great Christmas! A wonderful time with our family! I did take some pictures but left my camera at my MIL's. Cade has been begging and writing Santa and thinking that he would die if he didnt get this "one special toy". It is "Scorpian" from an old movie "Mortal Combat" He's all into Karate so we found an old copy of the movie and he loved it! Every since then he has asked for the toy from the movie. Of coarse, they dont make the toy anymore but you can find "collectibles" from the movie! I have no idea who would collect these ( the movie really stinks) but I guess if you are into karate it is o.k. Anyway, after pricing these "collectibles" we told Cade that Santa cant make vintage toys. He was pretty bummed out. That is all he wanted for Christmas, well, he wanted a black ski mask too. (we tell ourselves that he is not wierd, just gifted) Andy found a Scorpian thet we could afford and ordered it, then we worried if it would get here in time for Christmas! It did, and we wrapped it and put it under the tree. Cade got up Christmas morning and he looked and looked to see if Santa brought it. Finally, when he opened his presents he was THRILLED!! He even cried! I have pictures that I will have to post later! That was a really nice moment especially since this is probably his last year believing in Santa!
We have been busy around here. We got all the Christmas stuff down and put away on the 27. I miss looking at the tree but it was time! Cade and I both had Doctors appts. and we have had a nephew over. We have enjoyed staying up late and sleeping in!
And now about GOALS, I have been seeing people make goals for 2010. I think that this is a gret idea and I have really been pondering mine! I really want something doable and some goals that will make me feel better. I have a hard time with "balancing" my life. I LOVE to sew but I like a clean house and I really need to work on a more healthy lifestyle. I am overweight and I have very high blood pressure (I had it even when I was thin and a runner) but being over weight is really bad for it! I also enjoy my computer time. and honestly, if I'm in a rush my first thing to give up is my morning Bible time! That makes me very sad to admit that! I'm going to take a few days and think about balance and my goals! Any thoughts? Any of you have any ideas about balance? I dont know if its time managment or if I'm just not clear on what I want my life to be.
I will posts pictures from Christmas soon! Thanks for reading!